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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources


زبان پژوهی

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Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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زبان پژوهی

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TAKI GITI | Ghaedi Fatemeh

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Advertising is a kind of discourse in which advertisers try to persuade the addressees by discourse strategies. This article studies the discourse strategies in advertisements of Persian Magazines and Newspapers based on Woods’ s views. These strategies are related to 1: sound patterns, which are employing particular plays on sounds such as repetition, rhythm, rhyme and symbolic sound, 2: word choice which is linguistic application of words such as oxymoron words, hyperbole, mentioning the ingredient of the product, and using adjectives like the adjective ‘ new’ , 3: sentence structure such as using superlative adjective, imperative form, three-part lists, using words without grammar, comparative adjective or adverb, and rhetorical question, 4: manipulating meaning such as personalization, presupposition, and personification. These patterns are studied in Persian newspapers and magazines to see which strategies are used and what is the frequency of each one. For this purpose, advertisements of the magazines “ Mofaghiyat, KHanevadeh, KHanevadeyesabz, and Ruzhayezendegi” , and the newspapers JameJam, Hamshahri, Keihan and Ettelaat (10 issues of each one) in 1389 and 1390 were randomly selected and analyzed by descriptive-analytic method. The findings show that some mentioned strategies are not used in Iranian written advertisements, for e. g., personification is not used. Also the frequency of applying different discourse strategies in advertisements is not equal; personalization and superlative adjective equally have the highest frequency, rhythm has the lowest frequency, and the rest have different frequencies between these two ends.

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This article deals with the representation of time conceptualization in Persian. Discourse Representation Theory and Default Semantics are semantic theories which have recently accounted for discourse representation. In this article, the capability of these frameworks in representing time conceptualization of Persian is explored. Due to the fact that time conceptualization in Persian is heavily based on pragmatic inferences, it seems that DRT theory which relies on formal factors of utterance to represent time are not an adequate framework to do this job. While, default semantics in which different sources of information including pragmatic inference are to be considered in merger representation, is proved to be an appropriate framework to represent time conceptualization in Persian.

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A piece of writing can be called a “ text” when it has the cohesion elements. Halliday & Hassan (1976: 4) believe that cohesion is a central element of producing an effective text which interrelates different parts of a text and cohesive devices affects the text comprehension process by the audience. This research is designed to study the cohesion markers in stories and poems of Roshde Noamuz monthly children magazine. The data is gathered randomly from the corpus of five stories and the equal number of poems published in Roshde Noamuz during 2011-2012 academic year. The findings of this research illustrate that while the studied poems observe cohesive markers discernibly, the number of these cohesive elements was meaningfully less than those of the stories. The findings can be useful for both “ Roshd” magazine and other children and young adults’ authors.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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To have a better understanding of Jihad lecture in Nahj-Al – Balagheh, this study has investigated it from a linguistic point of view based on the interpersonal metafuction of Halliday’ s Systemic Functional Grammar. All 100 clauses of the mentioned lecture have been first analyzed so that the mood structure was known from the residue. According to the specific definition of subject in this theory, the study showed that the validity of most of clauses in this lecture refer to the lecturer – Imam Ali. In some cases “ Allah” is the subject and in some others the addressed society – The people of Koofa – carry the responsibility of the validity of messages in clauses by being taken as the subject. The study of the finite’ s corresponding concepts (tense, polarity and modality) showed that there are both differences and similarities between English and Arabic with this respect. In this Arabic lecture, mood elements like æ n(ان), ğ æ d(قد), læ (ل) or combinations of these, are used to indicate certainty. Most clauses have a positive polarity but the mood element indicating the negative polarity as la(لا), læ m(لم), læ mma(لما) and ma(ما), were used in 13 cases. The investigating of modality as the central concept of mood structure showed a kind of certainty in the messages of this lecture transferred from a knowledgeable source-Imam Ali-, to an unknowledgeable addressee – the people of kofa-, by giving information through statements in which the speaker carries the commitment of the messages’ validity. Some other structures of modality like question, command and offer were also seen in this text. There were also some specific structures to show exclamation, warning, praying and damning, which played an important role in the meaning of the clause. Two possible evaluation types were also clear in some parts of this lecture, for example going to Jihad as been significantly good versus leaving it as being really bad.

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The exploration of the representation of the hidden curriculum in English language teaching (ELT) commercial coursebooks continues to be revealing for a better understanding of the ELT industry and its aims. To explore this issue, in the present case study, firstly, the content of two sets of ELT coursebooks taught in Dezful ten years following the Imposed War (1990-2000), i. e. Headway and New Headway series were analyzed inductively. Next, emerging categories from these series were compared and contrasted with their representation in the context of Dezful extracted from the interviews with Dezful EFL institute managers, teachers, and learners in the same era. The findings show that not only the representation of the emerged categories in Headway and New Headway series were in parallel with their authors and their dependent institutions' ethnocentrism and values, but also, at the same time, they were in disagreement with Dezful language learners as a group of Iranian language learners. In the long run, this issue can lead to the settlement and hegemony of the modality, polarity and time of the clause, was found in this text. Though the polarity was positive in most of the clauses, in thirteen cases, mood elements like / lɅ /, / lǣ m/, / mɅ / and / lǣ mmɅ /, have brought a negative polarity to the clause. Studying Modality as the principal aspect of Mood Structure, indicated that the message is mostly transferred from a knowledgeable source – Imam Ali-, to his addressee with certainty and the information is given through statements in which the speaker carries the responsibility of the message. Some cases of other mood structure as interrogation and command could be seen in this sermon. Some clauses received the specific mood of exclamation, warning, praying and damning, which played an important role in showing the meaning of the related clauses. The two possible kinds of appraisal were also clear in this text. For example, the totally positive appraisal for Jihad and the completely negative one for leaving Jihad, in the beginning section of this sermon.

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The Null Subject Parameter (NSP) can be defined based on ‘ Subject Requirement Constraint’ of Perlmutter (1971) (Jaeggli & Safir 1989). According to this parameter, Null Subject Languages may have phonologically null subjects in tensed sentences whereas non-Null Subject Languages require phonologically realized subjects. Then all languages of the world can be divided to two subgroups: pro-drop or null subject languages and non-null subject languages. However in this article we want to show in spite of some similarities, the null subject languages have different properties and they are divided to four subgroups: consistent, expletive, discourse and partial null subject languages. This article deals with common properties of each subgroup and investigates justifying each of them based on null subject parameters of Rizzi (1982). It also studies the behavior of Persian and tries to find the status of Persian in such classification. This issue is critical especially when linguists want to investigate a syntactic phenomenon in Persian and try to achieve a generalization in this area.

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In this paper sluicing will be examined in Persian Language. This study introduces two sub-types of clausal ellipsis in this language named sluicing ( with antecedent) and sprouting ( without antecedent). Regarding the different types, their reaction will be evaluated to the clausal ellipsis. In this paper the Persian evidence confirms that the most popular approach called Deletion analysis is not able to answer the grammatical diversity in this language. Thus on the basis of another approach named Re-Use analysis in Chung's et al framework (2011), sprouting is examined. The hypothesis is the variety of Persian sentences can not be responded by depending upon a bare syntactic approach named deletion approach. Besides syntactic considerations, pragmatic ones should be mentioned in this language such as argument structure, voice, case system, discourse markers and lexical selection.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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