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مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources


مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources


Information Journal Paper


The Hidden Imposed War: This Time the Invasion of Dezful by Alien Words




 The exploration of the representation of the hidden curriculum in English language teaching (ELT) commercial coursebooks continues to be revealing for a better understanding of the ELT industry and its aims. To explore this issue, in the present case study, firstly, the content of two sets of ELT coursebooks taught in Dezful ten years following the Imposed War (1990-2000), i. e. Headway and New Headway series were analyzed inductively. Next, emerging categories from these series were compared and contrasted with their representation in the context of Dezful extracted from the interviews with Dezful EFL institute managers, teachers, and learners in the same era. The findings show that not only the representation of the emerged categories in Headway and New Headway series were in parallel with their authors and their dependent institutions' ethnocentrism and values, but also, at the same time, they were in disagreement with Dezful language learners as a group of Iranian language learners. In the long run, this issue can lead to the settlement and hegemony of the Modality, Polarity and time of the clause, was found in this text. Though the Polarity was positive in most of the clauses, in thirteen cases, mood elements like / lɅ /, / lǣ m/, / mɅ / and / lǣ mmɅ /, have brought a negative Polarity to the clause. Studying Modality as the principal aspect of Mood Structure, indicated that the message is mostly transferred from a knowledgeable source – Imam Ali-, to his addressee with certainty and the information is given through statements in which the speaker carries the responsibility of the message. Some cases of other Mood Structure as interrogation and command could be seen in this sermon. Some clauses received the specific mood of exclamation, warning, praying and damning, which played an important role in showing the meaning of the related clauses. The two possible kinds of appraisal were also clear in this text. For example, the totally positive appraisal for Jihad and the completely negative one for leaving Jihad, in the beginning section of this sermon.


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    APA: Copy

    Ghahremani Ghajar, Suesan, & Poursaduqi, Sareh. (2017). The Hidden Imposed War: This Time the Invasion of Dezful by Alien Words. JOURNAL OF ZABANPAZHUHI, 8(21 ), 115-131. SID. https://sid.ir/paper/187887/en

    Vancouver: Copy

    Ghahremani Ghajar Suesan, Poursaduqi Sareh. The Hidden Imposed War: This Time the Invasion of Dezful by Alien Words. JOURNAL OF ZABANPAZHUHI[Internet]. 2017;8(21 ):115-131. Available from: https://sid.ir/paper/187887/en

    IEEE: Copy

    Suesan Ghahremani Ghajar, and Sareh Poursaduqi, “The Hidden Imposed War: This Time the Invasion of Dezful by Alien Words,” JOURNAL OF ZABANPAZHUHI, vol. 8, no. 21 , pp. 115–131, 2017, [Online]. Available: https://sid.ir/paper/187887/en

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