In finance field, two ways are the most important to analysis, fundamental and technical analysis. Different experience showed that, using one of them, independently, cannot bring in return more than they are used together. So, it seems are needed more researches in this section of finance field. In technical analysis by using information such as prices and traded volume, indicators are calculated and base on roles that introduce with them, decision are made. It probably the normal roles of indicators are not profitable more than before and are not able to bring extreme return to investors that use them. In stock market without enough efficiency, using technical analysis caused returns more than using fundamental analysis, independently. In this paper will tested to optimize indicators’ normal roles and is tried to produce efficient tools to bring return more. So that are used 50 companies that are much traded in years between 21 of march 2008 to 20 of march 2012 and optimizing are done first by using trying all of area and in second step by using enetic algorithm and finally compare to result from normal roles of indicators and buy and hold.