Location awareness is an important capability for a series of enhanced wireless businesses. sensor networks are dense wireless networks of small low cost sensors, which collect and disseminate environmental data, for monitoring, military application and so on. Localization is an unconstrained optimization problem. position estimation is based on various, distance / path measures, which include anchor and non-anchor nodes. Anchor positions, have been predetermined to help us localize other nodes. This study proposes using a combination of fuzzy techniques, and advanced APS method, to estimate unknown nodes. In a network with twenty hundred nodes of which twenty percent operates as anchors. These nodes localize the other one hundred and sixties. It is necessary to select the best four anchors for localizing. We suppose that the anchors neighbor to unknown nodes are the best. It is time consuming to find the distance of unknown anchors in such a widespread network. Using the fuzzy logic, putting the limitation of distance, and selecting the nearest anchor to the unknown node, the nearest four anchoress can be selected. In this case the rate of localization error will be decreased due to selecting neighbor anchors. Therefore, we can localize nodes by using ad-hoc positioning system.Fuzzy rules help us to estimate position in less than 2.4 seconds with mean normal positioning deviation of z=0.4597.