Identity involves a series of features that identify a person, a thing, or inner feeling. Human force of each society plays a determining role in the destiny of that country. Since Iran is a country of young, considering Iranian national identity is essential. Fundamental elements consisting Iranian national identity include geography, history, and culture. Iranian youth during different periods have proved that their territorial integrity is of great importance for them, so this aspect of Iranian national identity among Iranian youth is dynamic, highlightened and active. In order to be aware of their national identity, Iranian youth should know about the previous history to be sure why events happened, not feeling confused about them. Therefore, being informed of the past history of country enables youth to recognize their national identity as an Iranian. National Identity is in close relationship with culture, civilization, religion, politics and language and whatever in society which is capable of being emerged grown out of culture. We have some sort of mental and spiritual bond and historical manifestations have made us an Iranian soul. In brief, the constructive elements of national identity are endless. National soul is an awake conscience of a nation that guides his general move in a history.Considering the fact that the high percentage of Iranian are youth, the following approaches are essential to internalize Iranian national identity in youth: Giving useful and sufficient information to them, participation of youth in various political' social, economic, cultural, religious areas, freedom of speech and thought, invoking research activities in youth to discover their hidden identity, national identity and Iranian national identity.