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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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    7 (پی در پی 84)
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Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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    7 (پی در پی 84)
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    7 (پی در پی 84)
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    7 (84)
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Background & Aims: The primary nursing care method is associated with care continuity, better training discharge, and more nurses and patients satisfaction. The aim of this study was to determine the effect of primary nursing care method on patients' and nurses self-care knowledge, and patients’ satisfaction level of care in open heart surgery.Materials & Methods: This clinical trial conducted on 108 patients and besides them, 25 nurses took part in intervention and control groups in ICU of open heart surgery ward affiliated to Ayatollah Rouhani (Babol University of Medical Sciences) in 2015. The data were gathered using nurses and patients satisfaction and self-care awareness questionnaires. The data analyzed by chi-square, Paired- T-test, Mann-Whitney U and independent T tests.Results: The mean and standard deviation of patient and nurses satisfaction in the intervention and control groups were 21.38±3.43, 29.55±5.33 with P=0.001 and 28.72±5.42, 34.24±4.75 (P=0.003) respectively. The mean and standard deviation of patients’ self-care awareness in intervention and control groups were 43.14±5.79, 50.74±7.6 (P>0.001) respectively. There was a significant relationship between primary nursing care group and control group after the intervention.Conclusion: The primary nursing method may increase patient self-care knowledge, and patients’ and nurses satisfaction level of care.

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    7 (84)
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Background & Aims: Cancer carries a lot of complications in disease and treatment stages. The most important side effect of cancer is disrupting of spiritual wellbeing. It seems that the development of solutions based on spirituality and spiritual counseling can be especially effective factors in aforementioned Components. The main aim of this study is to survey the effect of spiritual counseling on spiritual well-being in patients with cancer who undergoing chemotherapy in Omid researchtreatment hospital in Urmia.Materials & Methods: In this clinical study, 60 patients with cancer who hospitalized in Omid researchtreatment hospital randomly were selected and divided equally into intervention and control groups as well. The intervention group received 8 approved spiritual counseling sessions, based on standard training plan, and the control group received routine hospital care. Data collection instrument used in this study was the Pallutzian and Ellison Spiritual Well-Being questionnaire and the obtained data were analyzed with descriptive and inferential statistical analysis.Results: The mean and standard deviation scores of spiritual well-being of patients, before and after the intervention were respectively 73.6±67.54 and 19.6±83.85. The mean and standard deviation scores in control group, before and after treatment, were respectively 74 76.5±33.54 and 98.5±80.54 as well.Fractional comparisons with independent t-test in two groups showed a significant difference in scores between the two groups (P<0.001). There was no significant difference between pre-test scores in groups (P>0.05). Furthermore, in comparing the mean scores with paired t-test score, no significant difference was observed before and after the intervention (P<0.001). There was no significant difference in scores, before and after the intervention, in control group as well (P>0.05).Conclusion: Implementing the spiritual counseling plays an important role in the spiritual well-being of patients with cancer. This significant factor highlights the importance of the spiritual and running consultation plan in public centers where cancer patients are hospitalized.

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View 1219

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    7 (84)
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Background & Aims: Patients' dissatisfaction and disregarding their opinions can affect their recoveryand desired medical outcomes. The Health System Evolution Program (HSEP), in eight steps, is goingto respond the requests from government to vulnerable stratums which are based on steps including: declaration of the basics, measures and health perspectives, analyzing the vital procedures (social, economic, technological, political, and environmental) and their threats, and diagnosing existingadvantages and disadvantages. In order to evaluate the rate of in-patient satisfaction during HSEPdeployment in affiliated hospitals of UMSU, this study has been done in three steps: lowering the costrates, promoting the quality of medical and nursing services, and improving the quality of hosting.Materials & Methods: The current study is a descriptive-cross sectional targeting assessment in-patientsatisfaction during HSEP deployment in affiliated hospitals of UMSU. The numbers of samples were 414 patients which were discharged from hospital 48 hours ago by doctors' order. They were randomlyselected and were included in study, according to entrance criteria as well as hospitalization ration ofhospitals. Their satisfaction was evaluated by a standard questionnaire with 57 questions and five-partLikert spectrum. Data were analyzed by SPSS 16 through descriptive and analytic tests. The p-valueless than 0.5 were considered as significant amount.Results: Satisfaction level of hospitalized patients was: medical services (83.6%), nursing services (85.7%), and hosting services (51.2%). One-way variance analysis showed that the satisfaction levelsof patients in Imam, Motahari, Taleqani and Seyyedoshohada Hospitals about medical services were notsignificantly different (P=0.957). Meanwhile the rate satisfaction about nursing services wassignificantly different among four above mentioned hospitals (P=0.003). A statistically significantdifference of satisfaction level was observed in hosting services among the understudied hospitals (P=0.033). The average satisfaction level about hosting services was lower in Motahari hospitalcompared to Imam and Seyyedoshohada ones; but no significant difference was observed betweenMotahari and Taleqani hospitals (P=0.024, P=0.008).Conclusion: Despite fundamental evolution in medical services delivered to in-patients and increasingpersonnel income, providing facilities and instruments in state hospitals, there are some affectivedeficiencies in different working areas. It is necessary to increase the interaction between medical orservice personnel and patients through implementing educational and explanatory programs. In hostingarea regarding the dissatisfaction of patients, more efforts and management planning are necessary toenhance physical status quality and create facilities for patients and their companions.

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  • Issue: 

    7 (84)
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Background & Aims: Drug use is one of the international community problems that leads to lose of huge national assets, and is one of the most important factors disturbing security and discipline in the society. Injection is one of the most harmful ways of drug use. About 200 million drug addicts and 11-21 million common people have had drug injection worldwide in 2008. Abuse drug Injection is one of the main reasons of transmitting of infectious diseases such as: AIDS and hepatitis through high-risk behavior. The aim of this study is to evaluate the effect of health education and promotion, and interactive behavior on changing risky behaviors among drug injecting users.Materials & Methods: This quasi-experimental study was carried out to evaluate the effect of education and health promotion intervention on 75 drug injecting users who were selected by convenience sampling in the addiction reduction center of Urmia in 2007-2008. In this study, a self constructed questionnaire was used that contained questions about healthy and risky behaviors. In addition to health education for 4-2 week sessions throughout the year, a healthy package containing syringes, condoms, sterile water and alcohol pad, and a range of amenities such as nutrition, hygiene and bathing accessories, offering free medical care, free psychological counseling, and free social work were also given to abusers. Before and after intervention, data were analyzed by SPSS18 software and statistical tests such as frequency, percentage, mean and standard deviation and paired t-test were also analyzed.Results: The findings showed that the effects of education and health promotion were significant on changing the risky behaviors among drug injecting users. The average scores of before and after intervention had statistically significant difference (P<.0001). The different behaviors among drug injecting users were measured before and after intervention. The total score of all of the behaviors of addicts before and after the intervention were significantly different. In other words, injection treatment factors (P<.0001), sexual behavior (P<.0001), the misbehavior of infecting others (P<.0001) change the ways of injecting as oppose to other methods of use, as one of the main objectives of the study (P<.0001), smoking reduction rate (P<.05), the use of harm reduction health package (P<.0001), attend in health centers to get the basic health care services if needed (P<.0001), and the family relationships (P<.0001) differed significantly in comparisons to before and after the intervention.Conclusion: It seems that teaching healthy behaviors besides providing the suitable environment, and injection facilities can be an effective factor in changing the injecting method in comparison to the other methods, and reducing the risky behaviors and infectious diseases transmitted through injection as well.

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  • Volume: 

  • Issue: 

    7 (84)
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Background & Aims: Clinical education is an important part of medical education.Students during their study are usually facing with a lot of tension. The purpose of this study was to determine the stressors in clinical education on midwifery students of Tehran Medical Science Branch, Islamic Azad University.Materials & Methods: In this cross-sectional analytic descriptive study, 253 midwifery students who were at their 5 to 8 semester studies and who have passed at least one clinical course of labor and delivery, were selected in 2015. The questionnaire consisted of two parts, demographic profile and 48 questions related to stressors in six domains. The stressors were evaluated based on the Likert scale. To analyze the data, descriptive statistics, mean and standard deviation, and statistical tests of independent t- test and one way ANOVA, were applied.Results: Comparing the average rate of stresses in 6 areas, we found that the most frequent stressors can be classified as: Inter personal communications 14, educational planning 21, educational environment 11, clinical practice 29, unpleasant feelings 32, and humiliating experiences 19. Maximum stressors were in unpleasant an emotion, which is the highest stress factor, fear of transmission of infectious diseases was included at this factor. Comparing tensions between the 5th and 8th semester students showed that the tension level in the 5th semester students was more than the 8th p<0.001, and the tension in married students was less than single students p<0.036.Conclusion: To reduce stress, we should eliminate the stressful environmental factors by holding workshops and training committee for the students of midwifery.

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View 851

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  • Issue: 

    7 (84)
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Background & Aims: The previous researches have shown that alexithymia and interpersonal problemsare related to marital satisfaction, and when marital dissatisfaction is in response to alexithymia andinterpersonal problems, it is more likely to affect a marital status. The purpose of this study was todetermine the relationships among alexithymia and interpersonal problems with marital satisfaction inmarried female nurses of the public hospitals in Kerman City.Materials & Methods: In this descriptive-correlation study, the study sample consisted of 234 marriedfemale nurses who were selected through multi-stage random sampling, and responded to theAlexithymia Scale (TAS-20), the Interpersonal Problems (IIP), and the ENRICH Couple scale (ECS).The analysis of the data was performed by using SPSS software, version 22, and using descriptivestatistics and enter regression analysis.Results: Results showed that there was a significant negative correlation among Alexithymia, andinterpersonal problems with marital satisfaction. Also, enter regression analysis indicated thatalexithymia and interpersonal problems significantly predicted 24% of the variance of maritalsatisfaction (p<0.001).Conclusion: The results suggest the importance of alexithymia and interpersonal problems in predictingthe marital satisfaction.

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  • Volume: 

  • Issue: 

    7 (84)
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Background & Aims: Pregnancy and childbirth are important periods of women's life that causehormonal and physical changes, and these changes could have significant effects on sexual function. The aim of this study was to assess the effectiveness of PLISSIT-based counseling model On SexualFunction of women during first six month after childbirth.Material & Methods: This was a randomized controlled clinical trial study. Ninety lactating womenduring their first six month after delivery, and having at least one sexual problem were included in thestudy. The samples were selected and randomized into two groups; intervention group (consultationbased on PLISSIT model) and control group (routine sexual consultation). Demographic and obstetricinformation and FSFI (Female Sexual Function Index) questionnaires were used to collect the data. Thedata were collected from participants at two different times: before consultation and 4 weeks afterconsultation.Results: Mean scores of sexual function were 19.35 before consultation and 27.90 after consultation inexperimental group. In the control group, mean score of sexual function were 20.55 before consultationand 22.41 after consultation. These differences were statistically significant (P<0.001 and P=0.002).Four weeks after consultation, there was significant difference in mean score of sexual function betweencontrol and experimental groups (P<0.001).Conclusion: Based on the result of this study, sexual problems in lactating women decreased by usingthe PLISSIT model. Using the PLISSIT model is recommended in health care settings.

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    7 (84)
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Background & Aims: pre-operative anxiety is one of the prominent psychological problems amongpeople who are going to have open-heart surgeries. If it is not controlled properly, this problem cancause negative effects on the operation results and the physical status of the patients. Various trainingtools and methodologies have been proposed till now, but there is no single agreement among researchesabout the best one. The present research wants to determine the effect of educational videos on preoperation anxiety among patients undergoing open-heart surgery without pump.Materials & Method: This study was single bind and random clinical trial which conducted by theparticipation of 60 patient’s candidate for open-heart surgery in the cardiovascular ward of Imam RezaHospital of Mashhad in 2015. The patients were divided into control and intervention groups randomlyand assigned to two groups of 30.15-minute of educational movie in 2 sessions was shown forpatients in the intervention group, but pamphlets and face to face education was applied to those in thecontrol group one day prior to the operation. The anxiety levels in both groups were measured beforeand after the intervention using Spiel Berger state-trait anxiety inventory. SPSS version 11.5, independent t tests, Mann-Whitney test, paired t test, Wilcoxon test, chi-square test and exact chi-squaretest were used to analyze the data.Results: the average age of the patients was 56.8±4.5 years and the highest school degeree among 53.3% of them was elementary school. In pre-intervention phase, no statistically significant differencewas observed between the average score of the concealed and obvious anxiety in both control andintervention group members (p>0.05). After the invention, the average obvious anxiety score of thosepatients in the control group (27.7±4.2) was significantly less than what was observed in the controlgroup (33.0±5.3) (p<0.001). After the intervention, the average concealed stress score of those in theintervention group (29.3±4.1) was significantly lower than the control group (32.2±5.0) (p=0.025).Conclusion: As a result, the educational movie was more effective than pamphlets and face to facetraining in reducing the pre-operation anxiety of the patients. Therefore, it is recommended that theeducational movies were used based on factors such as: the educational status of the patient, theconditions, and the equipments of the ward.

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    7 (84)
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Background & Aims: Amount of Cesareans (CS) operation has increased recently among the pregnantwomen. Due to some reasons such as: after-operation-complications, long convalescence, the high costof CS operation and easy-acceptance by most of the people, and etc, the natural delivery isrecommended. Regarding the above mentioned reasons, it seems that improvement of pregnant women' sattitude and medical staff is an efficient factor in choosing the suitable way of delivery.Material & Methods: For this purpose 80 women participated in the study and assigned to two groupsof 40 in control and experimental group. Data gathered by a questionnaire. The reliability of thisquestionnaire was verified by experts and its validity was confirmed by Cronbakh Alpha (0.7). Theresearch methodology was semi experimental, and data collected by using questionnaire before and after delivery training courses, and SPSS 21 was used for analyzing the gathered data.Test of c2 and onesample T test were conducted after confirming validity and reliability.Results: Regarding the (2-5) table, we conclude that among the attendance of prenatal education classes 8 people (20%) had CS and 32 (80%) chose natural delivery (ND). Comparing none-attendant mothers, 25 people (62.5%) chose CS and 15 people (37.5%) chose ND. Table (2-5) and c2 test showsignificance level (p=0.00) and below 0.05. Therefore, there is a relationship between attending to the classes and choosing ND way.Conclusion: This research shows that education and attending in Prenatal Education Classes (classes ofpreparation for delivery) have significant effects on choosing of suitable delivery way among pregnantwomen.

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