Praising God is mentioned in various Suras and Verses of the Koran including Saff:1, Noor:41, Jom'ah:1, Taghabon:1, and so on, and interpreters, too, have mentioned the praising of wise living beings and animals and nonliving beings in two ways, that is, quotation and intermediary. Mystics such as Mohammad Qazali, Sanayee, Attar, Abolghasem Ghosheeri, Ibn Arabi, Sheik Mahmood Shabestari, and others, have explained praising the Almighty via referring to the Koranic verses and Hadiths and narrations, and Rumi too has expressed his mystic beliefs through the various forms of allusions and borrowings, and narratives, in terms of praising livings and universe involving the earth, heaven, wind, stone, stars, mountains, birds, and angels. The current paper has illustrated the views of interpreters and mystics as an introduction to express the idea of praising inanimate and vegetables in Rumi's Masnavi Ma'navi (Spiritual Couplets) entitled Zekr-e-Khamoosh (Non-living Invocation) plus explaining Rumi's mystic beliefs via documented evidences.