The properties which were related to Christian Logos in Christian theology are very similar to Mohammadan Reality's properties in Islamic Sufism. The Logos or Christian Reality (as I say), is the term by which Christian theology designates the Word of God, or Second Person of the Trinity. The Gospel of John identifies the Logos, through which all things are made, as divine (theos), and further identifies Jesus as the incarnation of the Logos. The Christian Reality's properties in Christian theology are such: Logos or the Word, God or Second Person of the Trinity, creative of World and all thing in it, an uncreated, immaterial, eternal, everlasting being, cosmic designer, king of cosmos, divine self-revelation. Similarly Mohammadan Reality in Islamic Sufism has most of these properties other than Mohammadan Reality is a created being and The Christ Reality is an uncreated being. Mohammadan Reality is the primary creation of unique God, creative of World and all of the things in it, an immaterial, eternal, everlasting being, cosmic designer, king of cosmos, divine self-revelation, God's Supreme Name, locus of manifestation of the Names and Attributes of Allah.