Muslim commentators on the basis of commitment to the appearances of various verses and hadith or conservative approach in interpreting the Word of God, in the mystical interpretation and gloss of verses, adopted a different stance. Manuscript, austerity and similarities, in some verses of the Quran represent the suitable role of gloss in comprehend Inward verses. Among the interpretations of Quranic mystical interpretations centered, is gloss. This paper refers to the lexical meaning Transformation on gloss, the gloss of the concept in his Kashf al-Asrar Meybodi, Ibn Arabi’s Tafsire-Quran karimlkarim, and among these, because they disagreed with the gloss of the Quran full of idealism and takes the following gloss. Two commentators have offered their interpretations of the gloss, it is similar, although the gloss of Ibn Arabic Audacity seen, the gloss of the opinion that religion is Meybodi Ashari (Ahle Hadith), and there is no need to mention Arabic in the impetuosity of his much younger than his other works, especially Fosus Al Hekam. Mfsrnsbt opposed to the gloss of both revelations about the human intellect is the origin of which is described gloss. Thus, both philosophical and interpretive speakers opposed it as the true interpretation of their gloss and the gloss of the mystical Sufis are considered. Such a definition can be interpreted from two different interpretation of it is defined today. The modern definition of interpretation is rich in both glosses.