Nowadays, loans have a critical role in the banking industry, so that much of the assets of a bank is composed of paid loans to the individuals and companies and thus increasing the number of loan requests from individuals and companies and its related risks, it is necessary to provide a method to manage loans. Banks are facing different risk including market risk, liquidity risk, credit risk and commercial risk among which credit risk is more important. Therefore, the risk is inherent component of banking activities, and due to limited financial resources and available banking financial resources, evaluation of customers' reimbursement ability before granting loan is one of the important challenges facing the country's banking system. One way of planning and measuring credit risks and therefore proper risk management is the use of credit scoring models. The model formulates characteristics and performance of the previous loans based on quantitative and qualitative factors so that can forecast the future performance of loans with similar situations. In this study, credit assessment of individual borrowers of the banking system has been done through credit scoring model. Qualitative and quantitative characteristics of customers such as age, sex, marital status, education, occupation, amount of loan, collateral and etc were considered as the independent variables. In this study, the relationship between the results of the model with actual customer credit status has been evaluated. According to the results of the research, no relationship and impact has been seen between age and education on credit status and were excluded from the model. Other variables had significant relationships with customers credit status. The results showed that the Logit prediction model has good predictability power.