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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources


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According to expire Programmed resources and strategic needs of national and state energy for the next decade, the purpose of this paper performance evaluation technology is energy. Accordingly, this paper weight and value relative to the priority energy technologies in the national energy efficiency program has been And hybrid model AHP/DEA models, one of multiple criteria decisions and coverage of data analysis and analytic hierarchy process has been formed, is used. Review according to the desired data obtained in 1389 are done. Results indicate that having a proper scientific procedures to measure the relative effectiveness and priority of energy efficiency technologies as decision makers who determine policy and energy policy and national decision-making on energy could be the country's long-term plans be used. And deficiencies in the various sectors on the energy sector employing technologies in order to achieve these goals can be resolved.

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Housing price has an important role in decision making of both government and householders. In particular, housing price in Iran in recent decaates has an amazing growth, however in recent years, this bubble, burst but its feed back bit the other components of economic systems. When Housing price bubbles explode, may cause inappropriate decisions and policies. In this study we use the vector auto regression models to see about response of return to impulse of housing price bubble and olso the response of inflation to this, considering that seasonal data are more stable than other data we exploited the seasonal data in 1371-1387 range. Summing up all our finding it was concluded that the impulse of bubble has an inevitable effect on return and inflation that in first period is more visible and then continue in slow slope over the times and never come back to the mod hade befor this.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Classical inventory models are not able to encode precision and certainty of classical mathematical logic. Actually, a realistic situation is no longer realistic when the imprecise and uncertain information are neglected for the sake of mathematical model building. In this paper we developed inventory control model (r,Q) in multi-items environment with two objectives as minimizing costs (holding & shortage) and risk level under constraints including available budgetary, the least service level, storage spaces & allowable quantities of shortage. Demand distribution functions are assumed to be exponential and extra demands are supposed as lost sales. At first we develop crisp model then fuzzy stochastic model with fuzzy budgetary, allowable quantities of shortage and shortage spaces (i. e. stochastic with normal distribution function) parameter. All of fuzzy numbers are triangular type. In methodology of solution we change model to a crisp multi-objective by using difuzzification of fuzzy constraints and fuzzy chance-constrained programming methods, and then solve it by fuzzy logic method. Finally an illustrated example is taken and solved using LINGO package.

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In the two last decades in many countries, microfinance is introduced as an appropriate way to fight back the poverty of the villager and some countries have achieved remarkable hits at this issue. This achievement was so great so that the World Bank named 2005 as the year of “micro-credits” and encouraged the developing countries to make use of this method. At first, on this dissertation, we are going to survey the international literature of microfinance totally, and review successful practices in some countries where are prosperous and pioneer in micro-financial realm; we will introduce Grameen bank in Bangladesh (as one of the most successful micro-financial in the world) and explore its structure, function and achievement. Then we will explore the micro-financial projects in our country; we have chosen the examples which are more similar to the international patterns and making use of Benchmarking, compare them against the Grameen bank. The extraction of the similarities and diversities between the projects which have done in Iran and the Grameen bank, is the most important achievement of this chapter. At the end, the index that have been achieved in the previous chapter, categorized into two micro- and macro- level and prioritized by some expert of the microfinance and rural development by survey of experts. Considering the prioritized index which have made by the experts, the main point of this research is to propose a native pattern for microfinance in Iran and in two macro- and micro- sphere (top-down process and Bottom-up process respectively).

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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To develop and survive in the modern competitive environment, all governmental/non-governmental organizations do need effective system of performance assessment enabling them to measure the efficiency and effectiveness of their organizational programs and processes, and resources. Efficient organizations do not suffice to gathering and analyzing data, but rather, they try to make use of data for achieving to their intended missions and strategies. In other words, instead of resorting to performance assessment, they involve themselves in performance management. According to what was said, Zanjan province tax affairs Office, as one of the most impartment administrative divisions of in Zanjan Tax affairs(INZTA),is required to change itself with other divisions of INZTA and to change itself in accordance with the stakeholders expectations thorough administrating pre-determined strategies and assessing its overall performance. This research explains applying Balanced scorecard for functional evaluation in Zanjan province tax administration. After gathering indicators a mount with mentioned methods, it is indicated that Zanjan Tax administration has not developed balanced while major efficiency of current strategies is through increasing tax income.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Considering the growth of using information and communication technology (ICT) form the beginningof 1390s, it is still possible to see its opposite effects. One of the ambiguous point in the effect of using information and communication technology is on employment. From the theoretical and empivical point of view, applying information and communication technology (fawa) through productive and pricess innovation at the level of industrial fivms has different effects on employment, while its kind of effect depends on the structure and the size of the firms and also the extent and type of its usage. Therefore, in this study using statiscal information from diffevent insustrival firms at their level for 1385-1386 period and also the model of pane Data, the effect of ICT Indices on employment has been examined in Zanjan and Hamedan provinces. The results show a difference in the effect of Indices whose usage gas led to a change in the pricess, so that its application in running the financial affairs and using fawa (ICT) for doing customer services and product has had a negative effect on the demand of labor in Hamedan province and a positive one in Zanjan province. Regarding other Indices, a positive effecton the demand of labor has been obsetved in both provinces.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Managers’s success in achieving its goals as one of the key and first discussions and, it has been raised between the management of science and scientists. Today, one of the key comparative advantage in organizations in competitive and uncertain operating environment of their management. Considering that the current world economy large car behind each eye an administrator eats no doubt apply effective and efficient management of guarantee success in reaching your goals and strategies are the biggest obstacle in the way of success, our doubts It has started work. the main role of management in effectiveness and performance of the organization, especially Department of Edcation isnot hidden from anyone. success of Department of Education depends on using capable, desire and expert administrators. Basic subject of this article is about A Survey on the Relationship between the Personal Features of Successful schools Administrators and Their Performance In the Abhar Department of Education about “Dose the personal characteristics of Successful schools Administrators effect their performance? “Heuristic and inferential statististical methods is used for data analysis. According to the result it has been found that some of Personal characteristics of successful schools administrators affect their performance to linear form such as Creativity and the other to Non linear form such as Intelligence and talent and…. So selection of administrators which have these characters is effective in their performance and lead to the improvement of efficiency.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Stock Return and the factors that affect on it are the discussable subjects in financial research. Institutional Investors as a group of investors, who access to huge financial resources, have an important role in economic and capital market development. On this basis, study about institutional investor's role in stock returns is considered necessary. This paper tended to find evidence in respect of relationship between institutional investors and stock return.. This study is descriptive-correlation based on cross sectional data. 110 firms listed on Tehran stock exchange have selected as samples in 2009. To examine this relationship, multivariable linear regression model was applied. The findings show that there is a significant relationship between institutional investors ownership and stock returns and the presence of institutional investors in firm increases the monitoring on managers' performance and this result in reduction of information asymmetry problems. Ultimately these findings are useful for capital market policy makers to arrange rules in order to institutional investors' establishment and their strengthening in financial environment, and also investors could apply these results to assess risk in their portfolios.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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This study is going to assess the key success factors of a university from the perspectives of its students with Kano satisfaction model. According to the model of Kano’s, quality elements should be classified into three classes depending on their ability to create customer satisfaction or cause dissatisfaction: elements of expected quality, attractive quality, and one-dimensional quality. In this study, the factors have been gathered according to the students’ point of view in the first stage and then the questionnaire has been provided according to the Kano model. logistics customer service elements could be classified analogously with Kano's model to identify the most important customer service elements, and to effectively distinguish the differences between customer groups. Differences between traditional approaches and Kano's classification are discussed. According to the result of 400 questionnaires, the factors like group technical expert and submitting non-functional material by teachers have had the most effects on un-satisfaction. ariables like transportation service, scientific association, psychological advices and library have had most positive impacts on satisfaction. At the same time, 400 questionnaire have been distributed in another university like Islamic Azad University, Shahr-e-Ghods branch and the results of the two questionnaires compared with each other. Then the quality coefficient of the services of Islamic Azad University, Shahr-e-Ghods branch was calculated equal to 10.42. it was +42 in the best manner and -42 in the worst manner.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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