The benefit conflicts between stockholders and management is one of the arguments that has attracted the attention of researchers in recent decades. Based on the review of the related literature on Corporate Governance structure or the type of ownership can posed as an approach solving the problem. So this study investigates the effects of ownership type on operating performance of the listed companies in Tehran Stock Exchange. The statistical sample includes 68 companies over a period of five years (1383-1387). The statistical approach was a one-way and a two-way ANOVA. The findings show that ownership type has a significant effect on the ROA, EPS, EVA and P/E of the companies. The results of Toki test show that regarding EPS it can not be said which group of different type of ownership has the least or the most effect on this factor, but regarding ROA and EVA it should be said that this is the managerial ownership which has the most effect on this factors. Furthermore, the institutional ownership has the most effect on P/E factor. But not on the criteria of ROE, ROI, RI, REVA, MVA, and Q of the companies from the statistical points of view. Also, in the study of the simultaneous effects of the type of industry and ownership on operating performance of companies, operating performance based on accounting approach is not effected by the industry factor whereas operating performance based on the three different approaches of financial, value added and integrative is affected by the industry factor.