The aim of this study is to investigate the effective factors on the reduction of financial corruption in public organizations (Institutions of research in tehran).The main research question is focused on whether cultural, economical, political, administrational-structural factors and manager behavior have an effect on financial corruption.Regarding the purpose, this is an applied research and it aims to develop applying knowledge in the field of organizational studies. Regarding the method, it is descriptive-surveying. Keeping in mind the types of research institutes under investigation (including 20 foundations, research centers, organizations and institutions) the statistical population has been formed of the people familiar with bureaucracy, including managers, professors and faculty members and professionals associated with the administrative, cultural, economic and political affairs.Simple random sampling method was used for sampling and the estimated sample size was 317 people.In order to investigate effective factors on the reduction of financial corruption in research institutes, questionnaire was used and questions were formulated with five-point likert scaling. For analyzing The result, several statistical tests, including the Kolmogorov-Smirnov test, one sample T test, binomial test, and the Friedman test were used and the Research findings indicate the factors have effects on the reduction of financial corruption in research institutes, but with different degrees.