Background: One of the most important health indicators for the health planning within a society is the rates and causes of mortality within that society. The aim of the present study was to investigate the causes and the 5-year trend of mortality (from 2007 to 2011) in Ilam Province, Iran.Methods: This descriptive, analytical, and cross-sectional study was conducted on the documented mortality data of Ilam Province divided by urban and rural areas from 2007 to 2011. Data were collected using a researcher-made questionnaire from the statistics units of the provincial health center (death registration system) and the provincial Civil Registration Organization.Findings: The mortality rate in urban and rural areas of Ilam Province was, respectively, 3.3 and 5.2 per 1000 persons in 2007 and about 4.6 and 3.6 per 1000 persons in 2011 years. During these years, the mortality rate increased from 3.1 to 3.6 among women and from 4.8 to 4.9 among men. The highest number of deaths in urban and rural areas was observed in the age group of 70 years and older. In addition, cardiovascular disease was the most prevalent cause of death.Conclusion: The results of this study showed that in urban and rural areas, respectively, 43.9% and 36% deaths in 2007, and 52.9% and 39.1% of death in 2011 were caused by cardiovascular diseases. During the study period, the trend of mortality due to cardiovascular diseases, cancers, accidents, suicide, aging, and other cases, respectively, increased, decreased, fluctuating but overall decreased, somewhat decreased, decreased, and were almost constant. Given that the incidence of these diseases is largely dependent on lifestyle, it seems that strategies to improve lifestyles through education and laws and regulations on risk factors such as smoking, lack of exercise, diet, stress, and etcetera provide the basis for reducing these diseases.