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In traditional medicine kombucha was used for many disease treatments, including wound healing.Because of high abilities of kombucha in curing, antibiotic, detoxification and skin luminosity it was supposed to determine the effect on injured skin in vitro condition. In present research, the hairless skins of adult mouse were incubated with grid technique in DMEM culture. Five test group of injured skin sample with scalpel included control (healthy skin), sham (cultured with DMEM) and experimental 1, 2 & 3 (which received 25%, 50%, 70% kombucha respectively). The histological studied techniques were applied on them. Result of this research showed that the accelerating of wound race gathering, increasing of hypoderm thickness in 70% dosage and decrease of epidermis & dermis thickness to sham group was meaningful. Significant decrease in whole skin in 25%, 50% dosage but in 70% dosage it was seen in the same level to sham group. Also increase in hair follicle diameter in 70% to sham group was meaningful. Result of this research indicates that kombucha extract has wound gathering effects dose dependently.

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Developmental stages of ovule and pollen grains inTanacetum parthenium were studied in this research. The flowers and buds, in different developmental stages, were removed, fixed in FAA70, stored in 70% ethanol, embedded in paraffin and sectioned at 7-10*m with a microtome. Staining was carried out with PAS and contrasted with Hematoxylin. Results indicated that anthers are tetrasporangiate and anther tapetum is of the secretory type. Pollen tetrads are tetrahedral and tetragonal. Pollen grains are 2-celled with three colpes and needles on the surface, when shed. Ovule is anatropous, unitegmic and tenuinucellate. Endothelium is uniseriate. Endothelium layer is composed of monolayer cells. Embryo sac development is of the monosporic andPolygonum type. The shape of megaspore tetrads is both tetrahedral and tetragonal form. Functional megaspore is the micropyle one.Embryo sac is very small in the beginning of development, so that the nuclei are arranged as linear, but its size is increased in the late of development. Antipodal cells increase up to 6-8 and their nuclei become polyploidy. Results of this research showed the presence of secratorty channel in the ovary wall. Many-celled tricomes were seemed on the outer surface of ovary.

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Lagerstroemia indicabelonging to Lythraceae is endemic of tropical and subtropical regions. This species has been adapted to temperate regions and is planted in most parks and landscapes. In this study, flower anatomy especially the structure of reproductive organs was surveyed. Floral buds in different developmental stages were collected, fixed, sectioned and studied. Hypantium is perigynous, perianth hexamerous and located on the rim of hypantium, sepals leathery and glabrous, petals pink or purple, crinkled. Stamens dimorphic, 6 outer ones with thick filaments and reddish large anthers, 29-30 inner stamens in clusters with thin filaments and yellowish small anthers. Ovary is perigynous with long style and capitate stigma. Epidermal cells both anthers are elongated in upper and lower surfaces since the early stages of anther development. In contrast, the other wall layers are not discernible from together at first. Then, transition layer disappears during development early. Tapetal layer becomes binucleate, stainable and enlargement and finally during pollen maturity is degenerated. This layer is secretory. Endothecial layer forms local wood ornamental on all anther surfaces except in stomium.Pollen development showed that in immature anthers, sporogenous tissue comprises four stainable masses formed from attached polyhedral cells. With special callosic wall formation, meiosis occurs and produces immature pollen grains that differentiate to mature pollen during pollen development.Ovary is 5 merous and 5 loculed with axial placentation and style is hollow. There are some anatropous ovules in each locule. Ovules are crassinucelate and unitegmental. Fruit is dry, indurate capsules, surrounded at base by persistent floral tube, loculicidally dehiscent, 5 valved. Seeds are numerous and winged. It is notable that septa are imcomplete at the apex of ovary (fruit) or vestigial and reduced to thin threads.

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xperimental embryologists examin development and growth mechanisms by using various thchniques. In this research, we have exmined the Histological study of development and differenation ability of Blastema tissue and separated mass of cells from the tissue after plantation in rabbit’s injured muscle. According to these point, following questions arise: 1. Do the transferred and implanted cells of Blastema tissue in the same rabbit’s injured muscle gradually decrease or degenerate, or pass the differentiation and development stages like the pinna? 2. How much does the muscular tissue’s matrix affect the differentiation of Blastema tissue’s cells? To reply the above question in which the New Zealand white male sex rabbit have user, some circle-shape holes were made in pinna by specific forceps and after a determinate time, Blastem is made which is separated from the pinna, and thentransfer and implant it to the plantation place. Finally, after the required time, it was attempted to sampling and preparing it for Histological study of the plantation place. In statistical analysis, it is used one-way anova and Duncan in order to examine the mean of microscopic chans of parameters of regenerative and inflammatory phases and to be significant or not to be were determined. In qualitative estimate, also, it is determined that if the plantation time be longer, chonfrogensis process gets more invigorated. In a research Brittberg showed that the chondrosytes deriven from Autologus Chondrocyte Implantation (ACI) have good clinical results in restoration of cartilage.Immunohistochemistry showed that ACI replacement in vitro causes the dedifferentetion of Fibroblastic cells and creating chodrosyte cells. Monocytes leave the blood flow when necessary and change into Macrophaages that some of them attach to each other and make Giant Cell which is a unique mass of cytoplasmic containing some Nucleus.

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Radiation causes serious damages in spinal cord and few agents are used for protection. In this study, Considered neuro-radioprotective effect of melatonin on the cervical spinal cord.32 male adult. Wistar albino rats weighing 200-250 g were used. They were divided into four groups of 6 animals consisted of control, melatonin (30 mg/kg per day), radiation (single Gamma dose of l0 Gy) and the group that received radiation plus melatonin. After 72 hours, all rats were sacrificed fbr histopathological and analysis of malondialdehyde, glutathione and protein biochemicals.Malondialdehyde and protein levels u'ere decreased after melatonin treatment while glutathione level, was Increased (p<0.005). Overall histopathological changes were markedly decreased after rnelatonin treatment in comparison to radiation group (p<0.05). ln conclusion melatonin may be useful in preventing the spinal cord against radiation toxicity due to its Potential of free oxygen radical scavenging.

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Talal fish Rastrelliger Kanagurta is one of the world’s valuable bony fishes. Thus far, no histochemical study has been reported on the developmental cycle of its reproductive organs. Due to the importance of the reproductive characteristics in growth and proliferation of aquatic organisms, this project was designed in order to analyze histochemically the reproductive organs of the female fishes. The project started in May 2008 for a period of one year, by randomly collecting 50 fishes from the Persian gulf and Oman sea coasts before being shipped to the city of Mashhad in an standard condition. Ovaries were removed from the female fishes and subjected to histological and histochemical analyses using Hematoxilin-Eosin and Alcian blue pH 2.5 dyes in combination. During all stages of oogenesis and ovarian development, the Alcian blue intensity was weak in the oocytes, potentially indicating lower levels of carboxylated carbohydrates. However, in the previtellogenic phase, moderate levels of the dye in the nucleus is probably an indication of nuclear hyperactivity in both synthesizing mRNA and producing more vitelin.

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The Asteraceae family is the largest plant family. Achillea plant has medical usage and grows in different regions of the country. This research is done in order to acquire information pertaining to structural and soluble proteins of pollen grains. In this experimental study Achillea plant flowers and pollen grains were collected around Isfahan and samples were studied using common methods of cellhistology and application of light and electronic microscope. Pollen extracts were prepared by incubating pollen grains in phosphate buffered saline, PH:7.4 and electrophoresis of proteins was done on 12% SDS-polyacrylamid gel.Image showed, the tapetum layer is in opening secretory tapetum and then plasmodial tapetum. Mature pollen grains were observed spherical, tricolporate and echinate and immature pollen grains were observed ellipse and not evolution xine. In SDS-PAGE profiles were observed significantly changes in mature pollens in proportional to immature pollens. This research shows changes of immature pollens ellipse morphology to spherical form in mature pollens, partial increasing in accumulation and height of exine surface echins, changes in quality and quantity of soluble proteins in immature and mature pollen grains.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Lens is the most important component of the visual system in the regulation of insert light to retina.Induced Defect by morphine in development of lens result in dysfunction of visual system. In the present study, changes induced by morphine in lens area in the eyes of embryos whom their mothers received oral morphine during pregnancy period were studied.Female Wistar rats (250-300 g) were mated with male rats and pregnancy was determined by sperm observation in vaginal smear. This day was considered as embryonic day zero (E0). The females then were divided randomly into the experimental and the control group. The control group received tap water where as the experimental group received morphine (0.05 mg/ml) in their water. On the E13 blood samples were collected from the retro-orbital sinus of all animals for plasma corticosterone detection. On the E17, the animals were killed by chloroform over dose and their embryos were taken out surgically. The embryos were fixed in formalin 10% for 30 days. At this time, the embryos’ head were removed for tissue processing, cutting and Hematoxylin- Eosin (H&E) staining. The samples were evaluated using light microscope and MOTIC soft ware.Our data indicated that plasma corticosterone level was dramatically increased and the lens area was thinner in the experimental group. Although the proliferation of lens cells increased in the experiment group but that lens had delay in removing the proliferated and elongation cells with abnormal density in the lateral part of the lens in compare with control group.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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