In comparative literature, Dante’s Divine Comedy and Sanayee’s Seir al-Ebad el al-Ma’ad are models for a spiritual journey to the innermost layers of the self and the worlds after death. Philosophical and religious knowledge, imagination, mystic revelation, existing reality and what ensues from it are all so interrelated in these two works that the reader cannot wisely judge whether the authors are aware or awake, conscious or subconscious, …. Dante was not the first person to speak of a journey into the world of spirits; he was undoubtedly influenced by his predecessors. He had also been externally influenced by factors like social injustice and political fluctuations and internally influenced by factors, such as imagination, revelation, dreams, spiritual and psychological deficiencies.Although Dante had been inspired by many works, why are Divine Comedy and Seir al-Ebad el al-Ma’ad more similar than others? The present article analyzes Divine Comedy as a work that mixes reality and imagination and by comparing it with similar books, it tries to focus on internal factors conducive to its creation.