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Aim and Background: Fear of negative emotions plays an important role in maladaptive adjustment. When such emotions are experienced, individuals may be involved in emotional avoidance. Accordingly, the present study was conducted to investigate the role of mind wandering and mental time travel in predicting of fear of happiness. Methods and Materials: The research method was descriptive from type of correlation. The statistical population of this study was all students of Islamic Azad University of Birjand in the academic year of 2017-2018. The number of sample members in this study was considered to be 500. A cluster sampling method was used to select the sample. Data gathering was conduct using Fear of Happiness Scale (FSH), Mind Wandering Questionnaire (MWQ) and Mental Time Travel Scale (MTTS). Analyzing the data was carrying out by multiple regression. Findings: Findings showed that there is a positive and significant correlation between mind wandering and fear of happiness. Also, there is a negative and significant relationship between mental time travel (past and future) with fear of happiness. In addition, it was found that the fear of happiness were predicted through mind wandering, mental time travel in the past, and mental time travel in the future. The three models all account for over 19% of the variance fear of happiness (R Square= 0. 19). Conclusions: The findings of the present study showed the roles of mind wandering and mental time travel in predicting of fear of happiness. Therefore, considering the role of these predictive variables by experts, therapists and planners seem to be necessary when working with students, and particularly in counseling and therapeutic centers.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Aim and Background: Although the relationship between history of childhood trauma and symptoms of borderline personality is widely studied, there has been little attention to lifetime traumas and investigate the role of cognitive emotion regulation strategies and spiritual coping as mediators of this relationship. Therefore, the aim of this study was to investigate the mediating role of cognitive emotion regulation strategies and spiritual coping in the relationship between the history of trauma and symptoms of borderline personality. Methods and Materials: In a descriptive-correlational study, 200 female-headed households of Neyshabur city were selected by available sampling method. The participants completed Borderline Traits Scale (BTS), Cognitive Emotion Regulation Questionnaire (CERQ), Trauma History Questionnaire (THQ) and Spiritual Coping Questionnaire (SCQ). Data were analyzed by LISREL and SPSS software, using Pearson correlation and structural equation modeling. Findings: The results of this study showed that proposed model about mediating role of cognitive emotion regulation strategies and spiritual coping in the relationship between the history of trauma and symptoms of borderline personality has an acceptable fit with the data. In addition, maladaptive cognitive emotion regulation strategies and negative spiritual coping mediated the relationship between history of trauma and symptoms of borderline personality. Conclusions: The results of present study emphasize the importance of maladaptive cognitive emotion regulation strategies and negative spiritual coping in developing the symptoms of borderline personality after the trauma.

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Aim and Background: It is essential to development an accurate scale for the evaluation of emotion regulation strategies that not only integrates different important strategies into a unified multidimensional questionnaire but also complements the existing measures. The aim of this research was the evaluation of Psychometric properties Heidelberg form for emotion regulation strategies. Methods and Materials: The design of this study was testing and correlation. Statistical population of this research was all students in University of Birjand in the first year of undergraduate of 2017-2018 academic years. 301 students were selected by cluster sampling method among them. Data were collected by using Heidelberg form for Emotion Regulation Strategies (HFERST) and Cognitive Emotion Regulation Questionnaire (CERQ). To determine the Inner consistency of HFERST, Cronbach's alpha and Split-halves coefficient and to determine its validity, Content validity, EFA, CFA and Convergent validity were used. Findings: The results of exploratory factor analysis showed that the scale had a good six-factor structure that explained 55. 53% of the variance. Confirmatory factor analysis confirmed this structure. The internal consistency of sub-scales was obtained with the Cronbach's alpha in the desired range. The results of Convergent validity indicated that there was a positive and significant correlation between HFERST dimensions including reappraisal, acceptance and experience suppression with Positive refocusing, positive reappraisal and acceptance of CERQ. Conclusions: The results of statistical analysis showed that the Persian version of Heidelberg Form for Emotion Regulation Strategies has acceptable psychometric properties and can be used as a reliable tool in the Iranian population.

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Aim and Background: The suicide phenomenon is a social abnormality that is common in Iran and specifically among students. This phenomenon has multiple dimensions that occur as a result of psychological, social, economic and cultural factors. Efficient use of student potential and efforts to maintain the dynamics of the academic environment requires the attention to the students’ problems and investigate their tensions. Therefore, the aim of this study was to investigate the prevalence of suicide ideation among students of Zanjan University of Medical Sciences. Methods and Materials: This study was a descriptive cross-sectional study. The study sample of 400 students of Zanjan University of Medical Sciences were selected through available sampling method. Data were collected by using Beck Suicidal Thoughts Assessment (BSSI). Data were analyzed by descriptive and inferential statistical tests. Findings: The results showed that the prevalence of high-risk suicidal thoughts in Zanjan University of Medical Sciences students was 6%. The prevalence of suicidal thoughts in men (10. 2%) was significantly higher than in women (3. 6%) (p=. 002). The prevalence of suicidal thoughts in non-dormitory students (19%) was significantly higher than dormitory students (4. 9%) (p=. 017). No significant difference was found between the prevalence of suicidal ideation based on educational levels (p=. 566). Conclusions: This study showed that suicidal ideation among students was a significant outbreak. Considering that suicidal ideation can be the basis for suicide attempts, mental health services and regular screening can be effective in preventing this problem among students.

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Aim and Background: Systematic Motivational Counseling (SMC) and Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT), with emphasis on motivational structure modification, and the acceptance of life’ s problems, can improve conflict resolution styles of incompatible marital women. The purpose of this study was to compare the effectiveness of SMC and ACT on conflict resolution styles of incompatible marital women. Methods and Materials: The method of this study was semi-experimental method with pre-test and post-test design and three-month follow-up. The statistical population of the study consisted of all incompatible women who referred to counseling centers in Arak city in 2018. Therefore, 36 participants were selected and randomly assigned to two test groups and one control. Data were collected in the pre-test, post-test and follow-up stages with Rahim Organizational Conflict Inventory-II (ROCI-II). The experimental group members participated separately in 10 SMC sessions and 12 ACT sessions after running the pre-test. For data analysis, analysis of variance with repeated measures test were used. Findings: The results indicated that the effect of SMC and ACT on conflict resolution styles was significant and stable (p<0. 05). Furthermore, there was significant difference between the effectiveness of SMC and ACT on avoidance and compromise styles (p<0. 05). Conclusions: SMC and ACT interventions can be effective in improving the conflict resolution styles of incompatible marital women.

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Aim and Background: Many women begin their marital life with high intimate relationships, but with time, these intimate relationships are becoming less and more difficult, and it is just when then couple burnout has begun. The purpose of this study was to comparison of the effectiveness of mindfulness education and Emotional Focused Therapy (EFT) on couple intimacy, commitment and happiness women with couple burnout. Methods and Materials: The semi-experimental study was performed as pretest-posttest with a control group. The population included all women with couple burnout who was referred to the charity of association Baghiyato Allah Al-Azam Khomeini City in 2018. From this population 36 people were selected by available sampling method and were randomly assigned to three group mindfulness (12 person), EFT (12 person) and control (12 person). Both experimental groups received eight 90 minute training sessions. The study instrument was Couple Intimacy Questionnaire (CIQ), Couple Commitment Questionnaire (CCQ), Marital Happiness Scale (MHS) and Couple Burnout Measure (CBM). Data was analyzed by SPSS software using Multivariate Covariance Analysis (MANCOVA) and One way Covariance Analysis (ANCOVA). Findings: The finding showed that a significant difference between the experimental and control groups in intimacy (p=. 001, F=37. 94), commitment (p=. 001, F=30. 77) and couple happiness (p=. 001, F=58. 29) in the post-test phase. Also there was no significant difference between the effectiveness of mindfulness and EFT on intimacy, commitment and intimacy happiness (p>. 05). Conclusions: According to the finding of research it can be concluded that the mindfulness and EFT can increase the level of intimacy, commitment and couple happiness. Therefore, it is recommended that counselors and therapists use these two approaches as an effective treatment for enhancing intimacy, commitment and couple happiness.

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Aim and Background: Vaginal delivery is one of the most stressful experiences of a mother's life. Therefore, a significant number of pregnant mothers select cesarean delivery as a method of termination of pregnancy to get rid of these conditions. Since one of the important factors in choosing cesarean in pregnant women is fear of labor pain. The aim of this study was to evaluate the effectiveness of reducing the fear of labor pain in the way of the reality therapy on the choice of vaginal delivery in pregnant women. Methods and Materials: The research method was semi-experimental with pre-test, post-test design, with control group. The statistical sample of study included 39 pregnant women with gestational age ≥ 4 weeks in Nowshahr city, in Iran. These women had chosen cesarean section method for the termination of pregnancy and were visited for Midwifery Care in the Urban and Rural Health Centers from December of 2017 to March 2018. The sample was selected targeted non-random method and randomly divided into two experimental (20) and control groups (19). The reality therapy was performed in 8 sessions of 90 minute, twice a week for the experimental group. The. Childbirth Attitudes Questionnaire (CAQ) was used for data collection. The data was analyzed using Analysis of covariance (ANCOVA). Findings: After the intervention, the fear of labor pain in the experimental group was significantly different from that of the control group (p<. 05). The scores of fear of labor pain in women who decided to undergo vaginal delivery after the reality therapy showed no significant difference with those who continued to perform cesarean section delivery for termination of pregnancy. Conclusions: The result showed that reality therapy can be used to reduce the fear of childbirth.

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Aim and Background: Physical well-being is one of the main criteria of quality of life, and emotions is one of the important factors in physical well-being. Therefore, the purpose of this study was to investigate the relationship between achievement emotions and students' physical well-being, and to identify the communication processes between these two variables. Methods and Materials: This research was a descriptive-correlational study. The statistical population of this study was all students in the high school of Tehran city, in Iran. The sample size (n= 1146) was determined using the formula of Tabakhnic and Fidell and the participants were selected by random cluster sampling method. Questionnaires of Achievement Emotions (AEQ), physical well-being, self-evaluation and bodily sensation were used to collect data. Data were analyzed by using descriptive statistics (mean, standard deviation, skewness and kurtosis) and inferential statistics (Pearson correlation and structural equation method) in SPSS and LISREL software. Findings: The hypothetical model of academic engagement provided a good fit to the research population (χ 2/df=2. 78, RMSEA=. 073). The path of achievement emotions and physical well-being was positive and significant. The effect of self-evaluation on physical well-being and the effect of bodily sensations on physical well-being were significant. Moreover, positive self-evaluation and bodily sensations have a mediator role in the relationship between achievement emotions and physical well-being. Conclusions: Achievement emotions play a fundamental role in determining the students' physical well-being. Cognitive (positive self-assessment) and emotional paths (physical feelings) support this relationship. Recognizing and paying attention to these variables is a key factor in student's physical well-being.

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Aim and Background: The expansion of internet and creation of social networks in its context, has caused a lot of interactions among people. Relationship with different sex is one of the phenomenon which is very common through cyberspace so that today these relationships has also been extended to adolescence. The purpose of this study was to study the pathology of relationship with different sex in virtual social networks to get a deeper understanding of it in adolescents. Methods and Materials: The research method was qualitative and descriptive phenomenology. Semi-structured interviews and Colaizzi method were used to collection and analyzing data. The sample consisted of 11 students aged 14-16 years old in one of the high schools of Tehran 18th district which were selected through purposeful sampling. Findings: Interviews analysis led to the identification of 3 main themes contains, experience with different sex, sexual corruption and traumatic consequences and 11 categories contains, motivations for communication, relationship modeling with different sex, variety of relationships, competition for takeover, strengthening relationship, sexual communication, promoting sexual corruption, sexual harm, social harm, and personal injury and 73 initial concepts. Conclusions: The results showed virtual social networks facilitates and strengthen the communication with different sexes and provides the context for their real-world communication and its harmful consequences.

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Aim and Background: Marital relationship is one of the most important areas of life of individuals whose various factors play a role in it. The purpose of this study was to investigate the effectiveness of couple counseling on marital conflicts and marital intimacy couples with different personality traits referred to counseling centers in Yazd. Methods and Materials: This is a quasi-experimental design with pretest-posttest design with control group. In order to conduct research, all couples with different personality traits referring to counseling centers in Yazd were randomly selected into experimental and control groups. The experimental group was subjected to twin counseling based on solving the problem of personality differences for 12 sessions. Two pre-test and post-test questionnaires were used for Marital Conflicts Questionnaire (MCQ) and Marital Intimacy Questionnaire (MIC). Data were analyzed using analysis of covariance and using SPSS software. Findings: The results showed that marital counseling was effective on marital intimacy and conflicts on subjects. Conclusions: In order to reduce marital conflicts and increase marital intimacy in couples with different personality traits can use counseling based on solving the problem of personality differences and suggest it to marriage counselors and professionals.

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Aim and Background: The aim of this study was constructing and validating the scale of expressive and instrumental behaviors of couple's relationship. Methods and Materials: The population includes all married people in telegram's groups, population of Tehran citizens and sports spaces in Sa'adat Abad district of Tehran. The entering criteria is three-month-married couples who can read and write. Sampling was based on Convenience sampling method. Findings: Based on the results of performing factor analysis with Varimax rotation and factor load of at least 0. 3 in five stages, finally, twenty-two items remained in five factors. The first five-item-factor entitled self-expressive and self-instrumental behaviors (α =0. 818), the second five-item-factor is expressive behaviors related to relationship (α =0. 824), the third five-item-factor called expressive and instrumental behaviors related to spouse (α =0. 715), the fourth three-item-factor entitled instrumental behaviors related to relationship (α =0. 827), and the fifth four-item-factor called expressive and instrumental behaviors related to environment (α =0. 756). The total Cronbach's alpha coefficient is 0. 861. Conclusions: According to Epstein-Baucom theory, the expressive and instrumental behaviors are in four realms-self-centered, relationship, spouse, environment-and eight factors in total. But in interviewing the four couples, it was revealed that people were not completely able to differentiate between expressive and instrumental behaviors. In the exploratory factor analysis, it was also concluded that except in the realm of the relationship, the expressive and instrumental behaviors were not separated in other three realms.

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Aim and Background: The attendances a child with intellectual disabilities in each family impress their structure and mental health, particularly mothers. Thus, the aim of this study was to compare the effect of chronic sorrow and feelings of entrapment in mothers that have children with intellectual disabilities and without, in Kashan 2017-2018. Methods and Materials: This study was a causal-comparative study, and its statistical population include all mothers of disabled and non-disabled children, in exceptional and normal schools in Kashan. The sample consist 66 mothers (31 mothers of children with intellectual disabilities and 35 mothers of non-disabled children), which were selected mothers of children with intellectual disability, by available sampling method and mothers of non-disabled children by multistage random sampling. To measure information, were used Kendall's Chronic Sorrow Instrument (KCSI) and entrapment questionnaire. The method of analysis was descriptive statistics (mean and standard deviation) and inferential statistics (multivariate analysis of variance). Findings: The results showed the significance difference between the feeling of chronic sorrow and feelings of entrapment in mothers of children with intellectual disabilities and without, in Kashan (p=. 0001) and mothers of children with intellectual disabilities have chronicle chronic sorrow and feelings of entrapment more. Conclusions: Regarding the negative effects of two chronic sorrow and feelings of entrapment in mental health, it is necessary to provide psychological services to mothers of mentally disabled children.

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Aim and Background: Reducing sex hormones in men with various physical and psychological problems, including depression, decreased physical activity, impairment in memory, and executive functions. The purpose of this study was to compare mental health between andropause and normal men in order to identify the psychological aspects of andropause. Methods and Materials: The present study was a causal-comparative study and 150 men were selected as the research sample from the male employees of Tehran Medical University who aged 45-65 years. After filling Androgen Deficiency of Aging Men (ADAM) questionnaire and General Health Questionnaire (GHQ), participants divided into two groups; normal and andropause clinical diagnosis. Who received androgen-deficiency syndrome by the questionnaire referred to the lab in order to biochemical diagnosis of andropause. Findings: There were significant differences between this three groups in terms of physical symptoms, social function, anxiety and depression, and those who received a laboratory diagnosis of andropause reported more depression and anxiety. Conclusions: According to the result, who received andropause laboratory diagnosis had severe depression and anxiety that indicates the necessity of using psychotherapy along with hormonal and other therapies for andropause.

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Aim and Background: Psychiatric disorders are gaining top rank in the burden of disease. Undoubtedly, knowing their prevalence in children and adolescents can help prevent and control these problems and save money. Therefore, the purpose of this study was to investigate the prevalence of psychiatric disorders in children and adolescents in Isfahan. Methods and Materials: According to the nature of the research, the research method is a fundamental type that was performed on 1010 children and adolescents in Isfahan province in 2017 that were randomly selected using multistage cluster sampling. Clinical psychologists are trained to conduct research refer to the selected children's homes and using the Persian version of the semi-structured diagnostic interview for Mental Disorders and Schizophrenia for children and adolescents, Current Detection and Lifespan (K-SADS-PL). In addition, demographic data (gender, age, education, parental education, and economic status) were also collected. After collecting the data, the data were analyzed by SPSS software using frequency indices and frequency. Findings: According to the findings, the prevalence of psychiatric disorders in children and adolescents in Isfahan province is 14. 8% and the prevalence of these disorders in boys is higher than in girls. Also, according to the results, the prevalence of these disorders in the age range of 10-14 years was more than other ages. Psychiatric disorders in children and adolescents in the city were more than children and adolescents in the village. Conclusions: According to the results, the prevalence of psychiatric disorders in Isfahan province is in the middle range compared to other studies carried out in other researches carried out inside and outside the country. However, the need for mental health policies in childhood and adolescence is suggested to reduce the burden of damage in the future and provide solutions to the problem.

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Aim and Background: Disturbance of marital relationship is one of the most common stressors in recent decade which has a significant negative impact on the satisfaction of couples and their children. The purpose of this study was to compare the effectiveness of Emotional-Focused Couple Therapy (EFCT) and Narrative Couple Therapy (NCT) on marital conflicts. Methods and Materials: This study was a clinical trial. The sample consisted of 45 maladaptive couples who referred to counseling centers in Isfahan. Participants were randomly assigned to three groups of 15, namely the EFCT, NCT and control groups. Participants were assessed using the Marital Conflict Questionnaire (MCQ) in pretest and posttest. Data were analyzed by multivariate analysis of covariance. Findings: Both the NCT and EFCT approaches at posttest significantly improved marital conflict compared to the control group at all levels of marital conflict. Conclusions: In general, the highest reduction of marital conflicts was observed in the EFCT, NCT and control groups, respectively. In fact, EFCT may be more effective in reducing marital conflict than NCT.

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