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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
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Aim and Background: Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is one of the problems that afflict a large number of students and may lead to various educational, social, and behavioral impairments. The purpose of this study was to compare the effectiveness of neurofeedback, Ritalin and their combination in academic achievement and symptoms of ADHD children in Mashhad. Methods and Materials: This study was a quasi-experimental study with pre-test, post-test and follow-up designs. The statistical population of this study was all patients with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder in Mashhad in 2016 who referred to psychological and counseling services in Mashhad. Forty-five individuals were selected through convenience sampling and were divided into three groups: combination neurofeedback treatment with Ritalin (15 patients), neurofeedback treatment (15 patients) and Ritalin treatment (15 patients). All three groups were assessed in the pre-test phase by Conners test (parent form) and academic record. Next, the first group received neurofeedback treatment with Ritalin for fifteen weeks. The second group received neurofeedback for forty-five 45-minute therapeutic sessions and the third group was treated with Ritalin alone for fifteen weeks. Data were analyzed using covariance analysis by SPSS-20 software. Findings: The results of the analysis of covariance showed that the combined neurofeedback treatment with Ritalin is more effective than either of these alone. The effectiveness of neurofeedback alone was more than that of Ritalin alone and its stability was also significant (p <0. 05). Conclusions: Neurofeedback combined treatment with Ritalin can be more effective in improving behavioral and educational problems in children with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder than any of the other methods independently.

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Aim and Background: Substance abuse disorder or addiction is complex behavioral problems arising from many interacting factors, including social, cultural, environmental, psychological and biological. This research aimed to study the effect of Imago relationship therapy for couples on marital stability in veteran couples. Methods and Materials: This was a quasi-experimental research with pretest, posttest, and follow up, as well as the control group. The study population consisted of all the veteran couples living in Shiraz City, Iran. The sample included 20 couples that were randomly divided into two groups of control and experimental. In the experimental group, 10 therapy sessions were conducted with an average of 90-minute. The participants answered to Marital Instability Index Scale (Edards, 1980) in three stages: pre-test, post-test and follow-up. Data were analyzed using repeated measures ANOVA. Findings: Imago relationship therapy improved marital stability in the post-test and the effects have been significant and the effect on follow-up stage also remains(p<. 001). Also the results showed in both post-test and follow-up in the test group mean scores marital stability men of lower than women that showed imago relationship therapy significantly on improved marital stability men than women after post-test and follow-up test has been effective (p<. 001). Conclusions: Imago relationship therapy due to understand process unconscious and combination of insight and practice, it can increase marital intimacy.

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Aim and Background: The first years of marriage are the most enjoyable and, at the same time, the most difficult and most risky periods of Common life of couples. Therefore, the current research was done with the aim of examining the effectiveness of Group training based on choice theory on marital adjustment and sexual satisfaction of couples. Methods and Materials: This research is a semi-experimental with pretest-posttest design and control group. The statistical population of the research includes all couples in first year of their common life who suffered from marital problems and sexual dissatisfaction and in 2016 they went to the Basirat Clinic of counseling and assisting in Isfahan. From this population, 20 couples (20 women and 20 men) were selected by voluntary sampling method and after matching were randomly assigned to experimental (20 people) and control (20 people) groups. The subjects of experimental group received eight sessions of training based on the theory of choice, however, the control group did not receive any training. The questionnaires of Spanier's marital adjustment (1976) and Larsson's sexual satisfaction (1998) were distributed before and after educational interventions as pretest and posttest on all subjects. The findings of the research were analyzed with Multivariate Analysis of Covariance and SPSS-18 software. Findings: The findings indicated that there is a significant difference between the mean of posttest scores of the marital adjustment (F=12. 32, p<0. 01) and sexual satisfaction (F=8. 66, p<0. 01) for experiment and control groups after adjusting the covariate effect of the pretest. However, there was no significant difference between the mean scores of marital adjustment and sexual satisfaction of male and female participants (p>. 05). Conclusions: It seems that group training based on choice theory, can help improve marital adjustment and sexual satisfaction of couples by informing couples of basic needs, external control psychology, and the use of seven loving habits instead of destructive habits.

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Aim and Background: Grief and bereavement causes to be compromised the health of people in various aspects. Many of bereaved persons are compromised depression symptoms and increasing the probability of death. The aim of this research was to study of effectiveness of time perspective therapy on depression and social well-being of bereaved women. Methods and Materials: The research method was experimental by design of pretest, posttest, and follow-up with un-equivalent control group. The statistical population of the research includes all bereaved women who passing at least 12 months from their grief, still having symptoms of depression and grief and reffered to psychological center in Babol. Among them 30 subjects through convenience sampling were selected. To collect the data Beck’ s Depression and Keez’ s Social Well-being Scales were used. The data were analyzed using repeated measure analysis of variance. Findings: The obtained results showed that the time perspective therapy on decreasing of depression and increasing social well-being was effective. The results of the follow-up scores showed that the efficacy of that was constant, as well. Conclusions: Considering the findings it concluded that the time perspective therapy is an effective therapy on reducing depression and increasing social well-being of bereaved women.

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Aim and Background: Intolerance and hurry of couples in making decision of divorce and remarriage has been weakened foundation of family. Therefore, the aim of this research was to comparison of dyadic satisfaction, dyadic cohesion, affectional expression, dyadic consensus, and marital adjustment among spouses with first marriage and remarriage. Methods and Materials: The population of the research includes all families with first marriage and remarriage in Mazandaran province. The sample of this study was 1127 subjects of (251 subjects with remarriage and 313 subjects with first marriage) which were selected through convenience sampling. Participants completed Dyadic Adjustment Scale (DAS). The data were analyzed by descriptive statistics and U Man-Whitney Test. Findings: Results showed that mean score of dyadic satisfaction, dyadic cohesion, affectional expression, dyadic consensus, and totally marital adjustment are in families with remarriage are more than families with first marriage (p<. 05). Conclusions: Findings showed that couple should not avoid of problems and they do not make decision about divorce rapidly and they do not remarriage after divorce immediately. These issues should consider in divorce counseling and couple counseling before making decision for divorce by psychologist and family therapist. Also, couples should be prevented hurry in divorce decision and remarriage.

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Aim and Background: Breast cancer, one of the most important cancers, creates many challenges for women who are suffering from it. The aim of present study the study of the efficacy of Comparison of The effectiveness of cognitive-behavioral group therapy and acceptance and commitment group therapy on Self-efficacy in breast cancer patients. Methods and Materials: In a semi experimental study, pre-test, post-test and follow-up with the control group, 60 subjects who were admitted to the study were selected by available sampling method. The subjects were matched on demographic factors and divided in 3 groups of 20 persons. For the group based on acceptance and commitment, 8 training sessions were held and 10 training sessions were held for the group based on cognitive-behavioral therapy, while no intervention was provided for the control group. At the end of the training sessions, The self-efficacy scale (post-test) was performed in each of the 3 groups. Also, 2 months after treatment, 3 groups completed again The self-efficacy scale in the follow up phase. Data analysis was performed using the Repeated Measurement Test and Multivariate Covariance Analysis. Findings: The results demonstrated that both group therapies Improve self-efficacy among patients (P>0. 001). Also, the results showed that there is no significant difference between two methods in Improve self-efficacy in patients with breast cancer (P>. 05). Conclusions: Acceptance and commitment therapy and cognitive-behavioral therapy are effective in Improve self-efficacy in patients with breast cancer.

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Aim and Background: Somatic symptoms make a significant part of admittances to health centers. Since clinical observations have linked these symptoms with emotions, the present study was conducted to investigate the effectiveness of emotional schema therapy on decreasing negative emotional schemas, Alexithymia And Signs of Patients with somatic Symptoms. Methods and Materials: The present study was a type of semi-experimental research with pre-test post-test design with control group. The population of this study was all female patients with somatic symptoms of Isfahan province and sample included 30 referents from counseling centers of Isfahan and Khomeini shahr with somatic symptoms that were selected based on Judgment sampling and with psychiatrist's and psychologist's discriminant and divided into two experimental (15) and control (15) groups. The experimental group received 12 sessions of emotional schema therapy approach. The Leahy Emotional Schematic Scale (LESS), Toronto Alexithymia Scale (TAS_20), and the B-Score Somatic Symptom Inventory (SSD-12) were used for participants. Data were analyzed using descriptive statistics and multivariate analysis of covariance in SPSS 24. Findings: After the implementation of emotional schema therapy, there was a significant difference in the negative emotional schemas (F: 8. 24, P<0. 008), alexithymia (F: 250. 89, P<0. 001) and somatic symptoms (F: 374. 59, P<0. 001) in the experimental group compared to the control group and the mean scores of the experimental group were significantly lower than the control group. Conclusions: The results of this study showed The Emotional Schema Therapy Model, based on the existence of a relationship between negative emotional schemas and alexithymia with somatic symptoms, by modifying the underlying emotional processes and improving the maladaptive strategies of individuals toward emotions, reduced the negative emotional schema and alexithymia and somatic Symptoms.

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Aim and Background: Anxiety can lead to heart disease in a 10-year interval, and heart disease, in turn, leads to anxiety; death anxiety. The purpose of this study was to determine the effectiveness of group schema therapy on reducing the death anxiety in cardiovascular patients. Methods and Materials: The statistical population included all patients with cardiovascular disease referred to Tehran heart center. The sampling method was of convenience and the research design was semi-experimental with the experimental and control groups including pre-test and post-test. Initially, the data from the Templer death anxiety scale were collected from 113 individuals and after a primary evaluation 30 individuals (18 women and 12 men) from the participants who had the highest marks in the test were involved in the research and assigned randomly to two experimental and control groups. It was previously considered that the participants did not suffer from a nervous condition disturbing consciousness, such as head injury and dementia. Then, the members of the experimental group were intervened for 12 sessions of 90 minutes by group schema therapy and after that, they were evaluated again in terms of the degree of death anxiety. Data were analyzed by SPSS version 23. Findings: The results showed that after the implementation of the schema therapy, the death anxiety level of the experimental group significantly decreased (p< 0. 05, F= 147. 4). Therefore, the hypothesis of the research on the effectiveness of group schema therapy on reducing death anxiety is confirmed. Conclusions: This finding may contribute to the current research vacuum regarding death anxiety in cardiovascular patients as well as to clinical applications in the face of this phenomenon.

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Aim and Background: Emotional divorce is one of the phenomena that women experience more because of the cultural context in our country. The purpose of this study was to investigate the effectiveness of dialectical behavioral therapy on the conflict and interpersonal processing of married women with emotional divorce in Tehran. Methods and Materials: The research is a semi-experimental design with pretest-posttest design with control group, and follow-up (two months). The statistical population consisted of all women referred to two counseling centers in Tehran in 2018. For this purpose, 40 women with emotional divorce were selected using convenience sampling method and were randomly assigned to experimental and control groups. The experimental group received a program of dialectic behavioral therapy. To collect the data Marital Conflict – Revised questionnaire, Interpersonal Processing Scale & Emotional Divorce Questionnaire were used. Data were analyzed by SPSS software and repeated measure analysis of variance. Findings: Results of repeated measure analysis showed that the experimental group compared with the control group in the post-test and follow-up, reduced the conflict (F= 49. 67, P<. 01) and increased interpersonal processing (F=16. 71, p<. 01). Conclusions: According to the results it can be deduced that, the therapeutic dialectical behavior approach reduces the negative emotions that lead to conflict by increasing awareness, and emotional regulation, which increases the effective relationships.

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Aim and Background: One of the most important specifications of marital relationships in cycles and communicational patterns, which emerge among them anf may be fixing by repetition. Aim of this research was to comparison the effectiveness of Emotionally focused approach, Gottman’ s relationship Enrichment on woman’ s Communication patterns. Methods and Materials: This research was a quasi-experimental field research with pre-posttest and control group with three-months follow up. The statistical population of the study consisted of women in Khomein city who referred to Faraz Counseling Center in 2017 due to communication problems with their spouses. 36 of them were selected by available sampling method and randomly assigned to two experimental and one control group. To collect the data, Communication Patterns Questionnaire (Christensen & Salvey, 1984) was used. To analyze the data, Ancova and Bonferroni analysis were used. Findings: The findings showed that there was a significant difference in the communication patterns between the test and control groups in the post-test and follow up stages, so that the emotionally focused approach and enrichment of the relationship were able to significantly decrease the communication patterns Avoidance, Demand Withdraw and enhancement of mutual constructive communication model in both post-test and follow-up phases. Also, the results of the Bonferroni test showed that the difference between the group of emotionally focused approach and the Gottman enrichment group in women's communication patterns was meaningful; hence, the Gottman enrichment approach was more effective than the emotionally focused approach on communication patterns. Conclusions: Therefore, it is possible to use both approaches, especially the Gottman's enrichment approach to improve couples' communication patterns and ultimately increase the quality of marital life.

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Aim and Background: The occurrence of sexual behavior by young people with intellectual disability can create many problems for families and teachers. Therefore, the purpose of this study was to identify the sexual behaviors of adolescents with intellectual disability from the viewpoint of parents and teachers. Methods and Materials: This research was a comparative causative method and the community studied was all teachers and parents of intellectual disable adolescent students in Tehran, 50 parents and 50 teachers were selected by available sampling method and they were evaluated by a researcher-made questionnaire. Data were analyzed by independent T-test by using SPSS software. Findings: There was a significant difference between the reports of parents and teachers (P>. 001). Parents report that 30 percent of their children touch their personal body in a public place and 32 percent of this behavior was toward someone else. Teachers have also reported that students tend to touch their own body in a 38 percent in public place and touch 44 percent toward someone else. Conclusions: The occurrence of sexual behaviors in young people with intellectual disability was very diverse due to the lack of information resources, cognitive limitations and cultural and social values of the family. And from the perspective of parents and teachers, they show inappropriate behaviors. Parents' denial was also reported.

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Aim and Background: Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) is a functional gastrointestinal disorder with chronic abdominal pain, bowel habit variations, and lack of structural causes. Symptom intensity has a statistical relation with patients' quality of life (QOL) and mental health. The first objective of the present study was to develop and provide a therapeutic plan based on cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) for IBS that was operated for the very first time in Iran, as well as, compilation a therapeutic plan based on cultural and spiritual components. The second objective was to determine the effectiveness and comparison of those treatments on IBS symptoms intensity, Irritable Bowel Syndrome-Quality of Life Questionnaire (IBS-QOL) among patients with IBS. Methods and Materials: The participants were 23 women with IBS that put in two groups randomly. The participants were diagnosed on the basis of Rome-III diagnosis criteria. One group received cognitive-behavioral therapy and the other group received spiritual therapy for 12 sessions. The data collection tools consisted of IBS Symptom Severity Scale (IBS-SSS), the Irritable Bowel Syndrome Quality of Life (IBS-QOL) questionnaire. Data were collected during the weeks of 1, 4, 12, and 24, during the treatment process. Data was analyzed statistically via repeated measures MANOVA in SPSS software. Findings: Both CBT and Spiritual therapy have a significant effect on IBS symptoms reduction and QOL improvement in patients. The effect of two therapeutic plans persisted until the follow-up stage. Conclusions: According to the results, applied CBT and spiritual therapy can be implemented as effective treatments for IBS. Therefore, considering with condition and acceptance of patient, the use of each of them as complementary treatment is advised.

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Aim and Background: The Fisher Recovery Rebuilding is one of the applications for increasing the adjustment and reducing negative emotions such as depression and anxiety. The purpose of this study is to investigate the effect of Fisher's divorce Rebuilding model on anxiety and depression in divorced women in Neyshabur city. Methods and Materials: The present study was a pre-test, post-test and follow-up with the experimental and control group. The sample consisted of 24 divorced women in the city of Neyshabur that were randomly selected assigned into two experimental (12 people) and control groups (12 people). The experimental group received the Fisher's Divorce Rebuilding Model in 8 sessions. The control group was on the waiting list. The control group was on the waiting list. The research questionnaires were Beck Depression Inventory and Beck Anxiety Inventory. Findings: The analysis of ANCOVA showed that the mean scores of depression and anxiety symptoms were significantly different between two groups (p <0. 01) after the pre-test adjustment. The experimental group after receiving the Rebuilding of divorce model shows lower depression and anxiety symptoms. Conclusions: Regarding the findings, it can be said that Fisher’ s Rebuilding Model of Divorce reduces negative emotions such as depression and anxiety in divorced women by performing activities such as outbreaks and mourning, and prepare them to continue their life.

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Aim and Background: Divorce as a social injury has increased in recent years in Iran and worldwide. Researchers have cited a variety of causes, including: severe belief differences, different upbringings, maladaptive personality traits, etc. which lead to conflict and eventually divorce. The purpose of this study was to explore the factors that influence divorce in early marriages. Methods and Materials: In this research, Grand Theory method, one of the qualitative research methods, was used. For this purpose, 20 samples were selected by purposive method. Depth and open interviews were used to collect data. The transcripts were transcribed and then analyzed using the open, fundamental, and selective coding method introduced by Corbin in his book. Evaluators' judgment was also used to increase the validity of the data. Findings: From the findings of this study, four main concepts were identified that illustrated the structure of conflict. These included: social, family, economic, personality. The results of the study, characterized by open, fundamental, and selective coding, showed that factors such as inappropriate age, forced marriage, lack of understanding of the role of men and women, personality and cultural differences, inadequate social and communication skills, economic issues, Interference, lack of support network, unrealistic expectations of spouse, unmet needs, identity confusion, negative emotions and lack of emotion, negative parental communication pattern, family turmoil, gross differences between couples (school, appearance, family, personality) Insecure attachment and psychological inflexibility accelerate conflict and divorce. Conclusions: It seems that couples' enjoyment of pre-marriage counseling and awareness and understanding of themselves and the opposite sex and responsible and mature decision-making can play an important role in success of marriage.

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Aim and Background: One of the main concerns of health psychology is the follow-up of patients of treatment adherence. Lifestyle self-efficacy related to weight and psychological distress, are the factors that play important roles in explaining the rate of treatment adherence in obesity surgery. The purpose of this study was to determine the mediation role of treatment adherence in the relationship between weight-related lifestyle self-efficacy, psychological distress and weight loss in obese patients undergoing sleeve gastrectomy surgery method. Methods and Materials: The research method was descriptive correlational and the statistical population included all obesity patients who had undergone sleeve gastrectomy surgery at the Endocrine and Metabolism Research Center and 200 of them were selected by available sampling method. Research instruments included Body Mass Index, Weight Efficacy Lifestyle Questionnaire, Depression, Anxiety, Stress Scale-short form, and General Adherence Scale. Data were analyzed using structural equation modeling method. Findings: The results of this study showed that direct effect of self-efficacy on weight loss (p<0. 01, β =. 169) and indirect effect treatment adherence (P<0. 01, β =0. 77) were significant. The direct effect of psychological distress on weight loss (p<. 05, β =-. 186) and indirect effect of psychosocial distress were significant (p<. 05, β =. 069). Conclusions: It seems that self-efficacy reduces psychological distress by influencing the person and improving her resilience, leading to increased follow-up and weight loss.

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Aim and Background: Marital infidelity is one of the factors interfering with family health and the most important factor threatening the performance, stability and continuity of marital relationships. The study aimed to investigate the process of infidelity of men. Methods and Materials: The present study was conducted with a qualitative approach-theoretical survey. The study population consisted of all women who experienced infidelity and referred to the socio-psychiatric clinic of the Noor Hospital. The study sample included eight female victims of marital infidelity who were purposefully selected. The main data collection method in this research was semi-organized or non-organized interview. Findings: The results of the interviews were summarized in four categories of underlying factors of infidelity, deterrents and inhibitors, reactions and consequences. The underlying factors included individual, interpersonal and economic factors, deterrents included individual and interpersonal factors. Inhibitors included maternal affection, unilateral responsibility and paternity of wife, loving children by the man, and the attachment of the man to religious obligations. Reactions included reveal of the infidelity by the wife, the wife’ s ignorance, the attempt to discover the truth, vigilance, grief, denial, and consequences included the attempts for revenge, silence, and attempts to rebuild the relationshi. Conclusions: According to the findings of the research, consideration of the underlying factors of infidelity and the individual characteristics of the couple has a significant role in the stability or instability of marital relationship. Consideration of these factors by advisers and couple therapists can be effective in improving the marital stability.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic ResourcesDownload 0 مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic ResourcesCitation 0 مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic ResourcesRefrence 0
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