Background and aim: According to reports of the international institutions on corruption assessment such as the United Nations, the World Bank, and Transparency International, all countries around the world, more or less, suffer from the phenomenon of corruption. According to various annually published reports by international organizations, different sectors of a society including industry, commerce, culture, government, education, health, etc. could be involved in the phenomenon of corruption. Although the level of corruption is different by sector and country, some of special reports determine healthcare system currently involved and potentially vulnerable to corruption. The healthcare system of the Islamic Republic of Iran has not been immune from this problem as well. So corruption bottleneck needs to be studied deeply and removed. The goal of study is to define a comprehensive and meaningful model for assessing the corruption in Iran’s Health care system.Method: This study is performed in two parts as a mixed research method (qualitative and quantitative). Accordingly, in the first part, using Sandelowski and Barroso qualitative meta-synthesis research methods, and in the second part, using the survey method and by utilizing from content validity evaluation (CVR and CVI), explanation of the corruption measurement model was performed. Then for applicability and modelevaluation, 110 questionnaires were distributed among staffs (employees and managers) of the Healthcare system who are selected via stratified sampling.Then the analysis was performed using the exploratory factor analysis of the structural equations modeling.Finding: 6 dimensions were identified as main dimension of assessing model with especial indexes from document review and field studies. These dimensions are included Financial Corruption, relation and cooperation Corruption, Procedures and document corruption, misuse of position and poor quality of human resource education, controlling organs and department, organization and working culture etc.Conclusion: Finally, the research model obtained based on impacts of both independent and dependent variables, showed a significant positive correlation between components of each variables.