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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

Medical Ethics

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In the 4th century A.H. many thinkers, philosophers, jurisprudents, poets and authors were present in different scientific, literary and health fields in ancient Iran and Islamic world that by their hard attempts the sciences and literature were safe from incidents and resulted in growth, development and innovation of Islamic sciences. Meanwhile Avicenna was superior to all others and the most famous scientist. He was a great human that by attempting hard, perseverance, stability, patience and believing in God could complete supreme scientific ranks and compiled encyclopedia of Canon of Medicine and besides gathering many written important issues that most of them were confiscated at libraries of kings. He added medical experiences of ancient Iran and especially Jondishapour University and his personal experiences and finally Canon of Medicine by benefiting from monotheistic style and science based on faith was written. He has written a book that is regarded as root and basics of modern medicine and by completing it some infrastructure health viewpoints and common medicine were created. It is a kind of book that in spite of scientific advances and production of modern research tools many of its contents are replaced with modern methods of medicine and health, but still many of its health basic messages, research orientation and monotheism with great dynamic mode is considerable at world’s medical references. The aim of this study is evaluate the political situation of Avicenna’s time and a review of his Godly writings. This is a library study by using of electronic version of Canon of Medicine and other related resources. Findings, Include writing style of monotheistic literature, and freeing from nihilism and affiliating diseases to Satan, jinn and such issues. It is necessary that our students within course of Iranian and Islamic culture and civilization to be more familiar with monotheistic thoughts and activities of scientists like Avicenna.

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Medical Ethics

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The innate dignity of human is a quality and it is only for human and to which he is described. The mentioned quality is human_ special and that is nothing to make it limited. There are many related and useful issues in Islam Can be explained Humans’ having gained a unique position as a result of God's revelation to human. Naturally, achieving this great place has had many results. Human innate dignity is of two dimensions i.e it is both right and protecting it is of the most important duties of Muslims and other people in the world. Human dignity is a general and innate rule and it is not limited by anything. The need to respect this right has been written in the Iranian constitution law. Universal Declaration of Human Rights, the Declaration on the human genome, the Helsinki Declaration, the UNESCO Declaration have discussed about them.

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Medical Ethics

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Background and aim: Human is attained self-cognation, objectivities and around value by philosophy and it reflects on privacy life decisions. Philosophy includes beliefs and values that determine individual behaviors and communication manner with others. Necessity of the philosophy discussion awareness and its dimensions in communication, behaviors and ethical decisions are emerge that in medical sciences physicians and nurses as a caregiver in their communication with human therefore right decisions, actions and appropriate behaviors is important versus clients as a man. This is a survey article that its aim is the role of philosophy in human communications (between caregivers and clients) relevant Pellegrino & Thomasmo ethical doctrines that formed on communication improve mental model. Method and Material: Medical Ethics philosophy got human Martin Buber’s philosophy then developeted by Pellegrino & Thomasmo ethical theory. This philosophy creates interactive habit between caregiver’s team and clients that involves physical and inside dimensions of two groups. The center of this philosophy and the original propose of health care is communications and communication improve men. The present article is assessing the Martin Buber’s communication philosophy and Pellegrino & Thomasmo ethical philosophy by showing the communication model between caregiver’s team and clients then offers the safe manner to create this communication. Results and Dissection: Today, progress of technology cause to clinical specialists focuses on medical instruments and facilities more than human communications. The suitable and interactive communications with person objectivity and reality is the most authentic way between physicians and nurses with clients. In the long term, Shallow communications motivate personnel burnout and client’s dissatisfaction.

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Medical Ethics

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Modern medical ethics is a multi-disciplinary knowledge and nowadays is one of the elements of medical schools curriculum. Identity of medical ethics curriculum forms the sub-structural contexts and belief and value essentials of the society and we can’t codify medical ethics curriculum separate of belief, cultural and value context and essentials of society. So, this study is done for deeper and real recognizing of existing ambiguities and challenges in the identity of medical ethics curriculum. This study is a qualitative research, which its data gathered by the semi-structural interview with 14 person of Tehran medical university’s medical ethics instructors in 1389, analyzing by the Mayring context analysis approach. Results of this study indicating the lack of identity in medical ethics curriculum. Contents which are explanatory of the lack of native and Islamic identity in medical ethics curriculum: 1.secular medical ethics 2.Islamic ethics system 3.medical ethics scope. In fact the missing ring of medical ethics curriculum is lacking of Islamic and native identity and because of this reason the medical ethics topics is placed in medical ethics curriculum sparsely and without any specific basis and teaching of medical ethics always is faced with confusion and being the promoter of secular culture.

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Medical Ethics

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Since in new medicine to determine the exact boundary between life and death has become a major challenge and seek the relevant humanitarian rights and law, constantly are discussed. Leading and scientific societies should set and promote standards to help the human community for maintain dignity people even in death condition. With the development of human thought, the definition of life and living, of the individual capacitance for resolve the basic and low level needs, has led to acceptable level of quality of life. So it seems it is necessary that be reviewed health and medical services definitions and not only vitalize task but also to respect a patient towards terminate of his life, as an important and valuable medical services should be attend. It is require in this regard that "Do not resuscitation" order should be reviewed as a medical service for patients to be considered.

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Medical Ethics

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Background: Ethical capacity building in health care system is improving by health services managers. Clients, health care providers and policy makers in health system need an ethical guideline in order to lead them in complex ethical situations. Ethical principles act as a barrier to challenge with providers’ medical malpractice and neglectance. In worldwide they continuously face ethical difficulties. Communication skills, in service training and ethics committee guidelines are effective approaches for solving these problems. Providers’ malpractices, errors and breaching of clients rights may produce serious physical, psychological and socio-economical consequences. The aim of this study was assessment of an effective observer system in SRH malpractice.Methods: This study was an exploratory study. Mixed method approach was selected based on the study’s purpose. Forty five expert persons accepted participating in the study and completed informed consent. They were obstetricians-gynecologists; SRH specialists, medical ethicist, general practitioners, midwives, family health providers, lawyers and clergymen. Purposeful sampling was applied to data collection and achievement to saturation. Data were gathered through semi-structural, open-ended questions by Email and responds were analyzed using content analysis. Consensus was obtained after Round 2 and Round 3 Delphi.Results: The study’s main results included respect of clients’ rights, respect of providers’ rights, justice-centered system, lawful-centered system, accountability, process of malpractice reporting and assessment.Conclusion: setting-up a network in order to improve Sexual and Reproductive Health services in Iran has created several new options in screening, diagnosis and treatment methods for women in reproductive age and as ethical issues. Providing an effective controlling system in order to assess and evaluate legal and ethical malpractice for respecting clients’ rights is a key element in SRH services.

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Medical Ethics

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The progress of organization structures and bureaucratic development of large organizations as well as the involvement of people in the necessary increase of this efficiency in organizations for the convenience of people in relation with environment and other people has been one of the most important issues in the field of management. Although human being is a recognized as the main element in relation to work relations and organizations organizational behavior this recognition and discussion about the relation of human with these organizations has been limited to the extent that in different disciplines of human sciences such as psychology sociology and law the most attention has been paid human being.Self-forgetting has not attracted attentions appropriately, and researched rarely. In this paper, self-forgetting has been studied using on mystical and culture approaches in addition to the analytical studies conducted based on the notions of some scholars. This paper aims to pave the way for broader researches on this valuable issue.Separation of humans from their human capital and avoiding his from own moral values management he has far from optimal effectiveness. Talk of improving the effectiveness of human capital has been studied from the perspective of moral values management.

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Medical Ethics

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Background: Fee splitting (FS) is return of a portion of treatment fees for referring patients to practitioners or healthcare centers and is a practice, which is seen, more or less in our medical profession. Although Fee splitting has been noticed and criticized in international publications and medical associations, it seems to be overlooked in our national society of medical practice.Method: Foreign medical literature and attitude of medical societies towards FS as well as legal aspects of this issue were studied. Then the analysis was presented through results and discussion.Results: Reliable medical literature and attitude of most of medical societies are not only in strong opposition to FS but also this issue is considered immoral and illegal in their view. In most of the countries some codified law has been formulated against FS. Some renowned authorities of medical profession have strongly opposed to FS. Also it has been remarkably emphasized that charging patients is permitted only for direct medical services. Although different types of FS are seen in our medical society, unfortunately or national medical societies have taken no practical action in this regard.Conclusion: FS is totally against patients ‘rights and medical profession and leads to destruction of ethical practice of medicine and prevention of scientific-ethical development of medical society. Therefore, medical societies are primarily responsible to take practical measures and provide educational services for medical students and residents.

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