Introduction: In the rapid change of health care atmosphere, many factors, including the rights of patients, are affected by health care practices. Patient rights have recently become the center of national attention in the practice of medicine. The main policy is the push for legislation of a patients' charter of rights to provide laws that would prevent health maintenance organizations (HMOs) and other managed health plans from refusing to pay for appropriate care practice. Often, people do not realize their specific rights at the time of their care because those rights are often not clearly defined.Right to having health indicators has been subject to debate. Indeed, inadequate monitoring or reporting by states, missing or contradicting data as well as a lack of consensus for developing indicators of health, have led to creation of personalized ideas in this field. Until now any sets of extensive applicable and beyond bias indicators in patient right have not been developedDiscussion: Implementation of many mentioned rights in the charter of patient rights including having right of high quality health care, right to information, right to informed consent and the right to complaining, will not be achieved without considering clinical governance principles. The clinical governance is one of the main tools and inalienable infrastructures for achieving the rights of patients and it moves through the four main pillars (consumer value, clinical audit, clinical risk management, management and professional development) toward the survey of patient satisfaction, complaints management, consumer involvement in health planning, monitoring and evaluation of evidence based clinical standards, reducing of clinical errors, recruitment of clinical staff and continuous professional development. Clinical governance is reliable and consistent in health services delivery and is recognized for its high standards and its commitment to continually reviewing and updating practice in the light of tested and evaluated evidence and providing high quality services. So people can be sure to receive high quality, modern, effective, and safe services in a good time that are the main rights of patients in the patient's rights charter.Conclusion: Clinical governance by creating the biggest change on behavior, thinking and function of people in organizations, health care can convert providers to learning organizations, where constructive criticism, cooperative development and inter-professional respect allow successes to be celebrated and mistakes are not considered but will be changed to development.In fact, clinical governance by recognition of the local and national infrastructure can act as a driving force for the development of high quality and safe health services that moves toward the revival of patient rights.