The experiences have shown that informing the patients and engaging them in the decision-making for treatment and respecting their rights will accelerate their improvement and diminish their period of stay at the hospitals. Evidences demonstrate that despite the efforts by the physicians and other staff of the health and treatment department and notwithstanding benefiting from the resources, the extent of patients’ discontent and complaints is increasing and one of its causes is the failure of physicians and nurses in establishing relations with the patients. This descriptive research was performed by a cross-sectional method in March 2011. In this study, 150 inpatients in gynecology and obstetrics, internal medicine I, internal medicine II, surgery and cancer departments of Shahid Sadoughi hospital of Yazd who had been hospitalized for more than one day were selected by the random sampling method. The results concerning the observation of each paragraph show that the personnel always observed paragraphs 1, 3 and 6 almost 50% respectively. It is interesting that paragraphs 2, 4 and 9 had not occurred for almost 60% of them and 46 patients (31.5%) reported that the paragraph 3 was rarely observed by the personnel. Generally, the most amplitude concerned the reception of honorable treatment. To sum up, considering performed explorations, the following solutions are recommended: informing the personnel of the importance of observing the patients’ rights, informing the patients of their rights through the personnel and the media, planning the hospital’s management in legal respect which is less observed, more cooperation of the personnel and the patients with each other, following up the breaches of patients’ rights and ratification of acts for ensuring the observance of patients’ rights and monitoring the enforcement of these rights to promote the patients’ consent from the health-treatment services and the increase of the medical staff’ s attention to the observation of patients’ rights.