In this paper, the mixed-Mode dynamic fracture analysis of a FGM plate is performed using MLPG method also the effect of changes in value and angle of material gradation on the dynamic Stress Intensity Fctor (SIF) of Mode I, II, and effective are investigated. To solve time dependent equations that discretized by MLPG method, the Central Difference Method (CDM) and the Newmark method are used. Although the J integral is one of the most common methods to calculate the SIF, but in general, it is not applicable for FGMs. So, in this paper the path independent integral, J*, which is formulated for the nonhomogeneous material is used to calculate stress intensity factor. Results show that the present method has good agreement with the exact and other existent solutions. Results also, show the maximum and minimum values of effective stress intensity factor for E2/E1>1 are occurred at material gradation angle equal to 0o and 90o respectively, and for E2/E1<1, vice versa.