Balanced Score Card is a managerial mechanism which is established based on measurement, and considered to be prerequisite of strategic management. This research aims at evaluation of city bank performance so that the bank could find its right position and make strategic decisions in order to reach its main goal. The research is considered to be an applied one in terms of the goal type, and a descriptive survey one in terms of gathering data.There are three questionnaires used in this existing research. Questionnaire of pairs comparisons, questionnaire of staff's satisfaction, and questionnaire of customer's satisfaction are distributed in the research, among which questionnaire of pairs comparisons(experts' questionnaire) was handed out to five experts in order to answer, while the questionnaire of staff's satisfaction was distributed among all staff to fill in; and in order to fill in the questionnaire of customer's satisfaction the staff were asked to hand out the relevant questionnaires among the customers so that the staff could then analyze the answers.The results of AHP pairs comparisons proved that customer perspective among the four perspectives of Balanced Score Card takes high importance, and the financial perspective proved to be important after that, and the other two perspectives, i.e. internal processes, and learning & growth take the same importance.In this research, attempts are made to present and then examine the most important indexes. The result of evaluation by TOPSIS model showed that the area 8 has achieved the first position in rank order of the evaluation, since the most important perspective, i.e. customer perspective is mostly highlighted in the area 8; therefore it is reasonable to claim that success owes to taking the priorities into high consideration.