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Introduction and aim: Optimization of non-intervention in the historical contexts of aging in the home, and the body is in a historical context. Although the intervention than in the previous periods have been associated with peace and harmony, but the rate of degradation of the urban tissue is much greater than the predicted protective capacities. Therefore, the correct identification and prioritization of intervention zones between areas of critical need and the appropriate intervention methods to determine patterns and historical fabrics of the equilibrium cycle development and rehabilitation of the tissue.Method: Methodology of research is descriptive- analytical, Boolean logic and fuzzy logic grading criteria in the selection of techniques Spatial Statistic Data in GIS software has been used.Findings: The original and main output of this process is to reduce the number of variables used in the model and realistic results. Results for Shiraz historical fabric, three main intervention areas as zones shows that the spatial interference reveals priorities. Conclusions: The output of the model's central weave pattern for absolute protection, the outer margin of the protecting spirit of the historical context of the modernization paradigm, protection pattern transits active in the historical pattern of tissue destruction and renewal and regeneration zones have been proposed.

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Preface and aim of investigation: several changes have always been a city of history, and their destruction has led to the development of Tehran, capital of Iran, as it has not been exempted. Six Regional Municipality of Tehran, recognized as one of the most central areas of special importance in this connection is. Accumulation administrative centers, business and government, the number of floating population and the focus of political ties to the region's unique. Therefore, it is essential to know more. This study was conducted to investigate the cause’s physical changes in central Tehran and strategies for the mitigation of urban management (of the six) were performed.Methodology: The purpose of the study and application of methods for data collection is descriptive. Statics society: six area residents are based on a survey of farmers and Morgan method Metod: a sample of 386 individuals were randomly selected eighteen local and regional scale in the distribution of population and community and descriptive statistics- understanding and applying SPSS software and t-test.Findings: significant relationship between these factors and changes in body area and conclusions urban management has a significant role in the body in order to perform appropriate adjustment problems, including greater attention to social factors, cultural factors effective in the management of knowledge and knowing the cultural factors effective in the management and implementation of the new policy on economic and environmental issues is manifest.

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Introduction and aim: The ‘Temporary urban landscapes’, is ascribed to temporary usage of lands and useless spaces in the city which can be used as arena of cultural-social events and also as the occasion of emerging citizen’s behavior. These spaces that can play important role in enhancing the social correlations, improving the citizen’s behavior and the quality of their living environment. The 8th region of metropolis Mashhad, because of its neighborhood with Razavi Holy Shrine and being important center for holding rites, ethics and rituals at different situations and the move of religious groups (carnival) towards Holy Shrine and also numerous abandoned places have a big potential in planning for locating temporary urban landscapes. Hence this paper’s aim is locating temporary urban landscapes appropriately in 8th region of Mashhad by using AHP, which is based on four standards including, social-cultural, skeletal, performance and availability and 19 substandard.Method: The process of completing this study is done by identifying current situation, defining standards and substandard and using Analytical Hierarchy Process. The data in this research have been collected through using libraries and fieldwork (completing questionnaire by specialists and city experts).Findings: In this research final weight of locating’s standards, is retrieved from the specialists and city expert’s view point. They are obtained as performance standard (0.550), availability standards (0.314), skeletal standards (0.069) and social-cultural standards (0.066). Conclusions: The result showed that north region, include Bahar ST and from Imam Khomeini ST to Imam Khomeini SQ is in the first priority, Kouhsangi and Passenger Terminals is the second priority, Namjou ST and Sento Rd is in the third and finally the south part of region is in the last priority for locating temporary urban landscapes.

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Introduction and purpose: Urban agriculture development is important due to the increasing population people in the Earth. Urban agriculture development as an important issue need to planning. So, the purpose of this study is to formulate development strategies for urban agriculture.Method: The goal of this research is the applicability and method of data collection is survey and control of the experiment. The Study populations are municipality staff in Dogonbadan City of GACHSARAN that is 129 people. The city's geographical position 50o20' east longitude and 30 degrees 20 minutes north latitude, the average altitude is 709 meters above sea level. The method of data collection was done in two stages, the first stage semi-structured interview method use for identified strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats and second stage questionnaire were survey. The sample size was determined 97 by Morgan Table. Then, SWOT method use to analyze strengths and weaknesses and the opportunities and threats.Result: The result of this research showed in two table of internal and external factors and 36 strategies were presented that can help urban agriculture development.Conclusion: The results showed that the organization cannot responded to opportunities and threats, previous strategies is inappropriate for urban agriculture development. Then, Change in Strategy is necessary.

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Introduction and purpose of research: This research was performed with the total purpose of improving social safety in cities by using the design of the urban spatial structure and permeability which is one of the main components of urban designing. Specific goal of this research was determining the relationship between the "urban spatial structure and permeability" and the rate of the social safety. For this purpose, it is hypothesized that there is a relationship between this component and the rate of social safety.Method of research: Statistical population of this research are the residences of ten municipality regions of Karaj and the population size is 1732275 on the basis of the population and housing census which was held by Iran Statistics Center in 2006. The sampling method was stratified random sampling and the minimum size of the sample was 384 samples on the basis of the Krejcie-Morgan table. Eventually, data was collected by using library and field study methods, and was processed and analyzed by using SPSS statistical analysis software and the relationships between these data were tested. Findings: The results of the research show that there is a strong relationship between the indictors of “urban spatial structure and permeability” and social safety. Furthermore, improvement of the indictors of “urban spatial structure and permeability” results in the decrease of the fields of criminal actions in the society and consequently, increase of the rate social safety.Conclusion: Because the hypotheses of the research were verified, it seems that we can decrease the fields of criminal actions in the society and increase the rate of social safety by improving and re-designing the indictors of “urban spatial structure and permeability”.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Introduction and goal: Regional planning is one of the important issues and essential for the development of regions which has been considered by the researchers in recent decades. One of the methods for grading the areas for development is using social and economical indicators and applying in TOPSIS model. In this paper, with the use of the TOPSIS model to study and evaluation of the socio-economic development of North Khorasan’s provinces town, and through determining the levels of development of each town, the diagnosis of direction and type of development will be possible. The results of this research can be effective for the authorities’ decision-making, and finally, fulfill the social justice.Methodology: Research methods to explain the situation, reasoning and analysis using concepts is based on descriptive - analytical approach that is done in a logical whole and scientific process. in order to determine the development degree of the towns of province, according to the importance of indicators, at first, the socio-economic indicators that is relevant to subject of research, based on data extracted from the Statistical Yearbook 1390, was collected and then with TOPSIS model, the grade of towns were determined and the results were analyzed.Findings: The result of research findings indicate that in 1392, BOJNURD ranked the first in terms of development. This town because of the administerial-political center, as the Growth Pole, attract the facilities, services and skilled manpower from the areas surrounding and thus the superiorities in the spatial structure has been preserved. also Maneh and Samalqan ranked seventh among the seven towns that demonstrate the intensity of inequality and difference in the enjoyment of the blessings of development.Conclusion: This study concluded that the approach of the spatial structure of the north Khorasan province, is Centre-Periphery development pattern. Bojnoord has the greater volume in infrastructure and industrial investments as the center of province and slightly away from the frontier and border towns of province. Thus, pay attention to spatial planning for achieving balanced regional development is inevitable.

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Introduction and research purpose: the present research was drawn up in five chapters under title of “role of municipality in the promotion of citizenship morality”.The most important issues which should be followed is this question: the municipality plans including (training, services, advertising, information and management methods) and its execution in the various regions and Tehran districts to what extent are effective in promotion of the level of the citizens morality? The factor of citizenship morality is given from the various items including (civil laws, tradition and religious factors).For achieving these purposes and questions we fulfilled to identify the meaning of the citizenship morality in Iran and in the world and study of the theoretical principles research and we expressed ideas and the points of view of the scientists of the Different historical periods and the different doctrines.Method: In order to execution of the research it has considered four hypotheses by using of field methods and questionnaire technique with 45 questions which is distributed among 384 persons in Tehran in municipality of District 17.Results: More than half of the people, who were studied on them, mentioned their satisfaction from municipality plans. The range of satisfaction from municipality educational planning is 66.5% which has the most range of satisfaction among the others planning; service methods 66.3%; advertising methods and information 56.4%; management methods 59.9%.Conclusion: These municipality planning promote the functions and effectiveness of the municipality and citizenship morality. In municipality of District 17, in men’s opinion the educational, advertising and management planning is more effective in compare with women’s opinion and in contrast, in women’s opinion the service methods is more effective in compare with men’s opinion.Finally with the proposition of presentation of comprehensive prove for promotion of citizen morality and according to the various opinions and presented theories in the form of induction of citizenship morality a comprehensive plan shall be required.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Introduction and Objective: Citizenship education is the development of the capacity of individuals and groups to contribute to informed and responsible decision making and action in the social, political, economic and cultural life. This study aims to study the role of citizenship education on the social acceptance of cultural managers received training organization.Methods: This descriptive of the events. The population of the city of Karaj all cultural managers in training units and the number of 2498 people isolated through systematic random sample of 331 of the sample volume, was elected as the table to determine. Collected via an information, education, citizenship, and another questionnaire and Marlow Crowne Social acceptance testing was.Results: Results showed inter aspects of citizenship education, central intelligence, responsibility, patriotism, rule of law, participation, openness and acceptance of criticism, social criticism, cultural organizations, educational administrators Vmnadar there is a positive relationship.

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