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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
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Introduction and Objective: Tehran, as it is a developing metropolis, is not an exception. With regards to the increase in population, new problems and issues are imposed upon the city and the citizens for which the only solution is social and cultural practices of urban management and using citizens’ capacities for solving these problems. In recent years, having a perception for the necessity of these changes in urban management approaches, Tehran’s municipality has considered socio-cultural issues more seriously. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to identify the current situation of the municipality of Tehran, determine the desired status of the municipality of Tehran as a social institute and finally provide managerial strategies to enhance the status of the municipality to a social institute.Methods: The applied method in this study is a qualitative and a semi-Delphi method and the information gathering was done through both library and archival research and interview. Documents and research results in this field and interviews with managers and experts in the field of social and cultural studies are used in order to understand the current situation of the municipality of Tehran, draw the best situation of the municipality as a social institute and have a clear understanding about the strategies for the enhancement. Also to prioritize the strategies in terms of importance, a questionnaire of the strategies was prepared through which the managers and experts in this field were asked about their opinion.Results: The findings of this study show that macro strategies including "increase in citizens trust, promotion of citizen participation, improvement in the quality of urban life, decentralization of activities, development of urban integrated management, informing and educating citizens, improvement of human resources and promotion of interactions with institutions, civil societies, universities and research centers, creation and improvement of an electronic city, improvement in financial situation, privatization and outsourcing activities" should be considered. Among the mentioned activities, increase in citizens trust, promotion of citizen participation and decentralization of activities are the most significant.Conclusions: According to the findings of this research, the urban management of Tehran should take the following into consideration in order to convert into a socio-cultural institute; increase in citizens trust, promotion of citizen participation, decentralization of activities, development of urban integrated management, informing and educating citizens.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Introduction and Objective: The purpose of this study is to identify the role of neighborhoo d management in the social participation of citizens. Our study’s population included all residents of Tehran district 3 and among them, 400 people were selected through random sampling method. In order to identify the role of neighborhood management in the social participation of citizens, we used questionnaire as a research tool. A questionnaire of 47 questions is designed as a package, and each of the five-choice questions were scored by Likert scales. Before distributing the questionnaire and in order to assess the validity of questions, the questionnaire was experimentally distributed among 30 people of the population.Methods: In this study, Cronbach's alpha was used to assess the reliability of the test. Out of a total of 453 distributed questionnaires in the Community, 400 questionnaires were returned. The data extracted were analyzed using SPSS software. The results showed a significant positive relationship between the management of neighborhood and social participation of citizens.Findings: The results also suggested that there is a relationship between all elements of citizens’ participation and neighborhood management. When this relationship lies between developmental, social welfare and surveillance categories and safety programs, it is meaningful at the alpha level of less than 0.01. But when it lies between environmental categories and neighborhood management, at the alpha level of less than 0.05 that relationship is meaningful. Regression results showed that neighborhood management has an impact on social participation of citizens and on all aspects of social participation of citizens, and also that neighborhood management is a predictor of citizens’ social participation.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Introduction and Objective: The present study mainly in tendes to identify the effective factors influencing satisfaction of learners with citizenship trainings carried out in locality centers (Sarahaye Mahaleh) in Tehran City.Methods: Methodology of the study was of applied type in terms of goal and it was descriptive in terms of data collection and controlling of variables and it was a survey by considering its method of implementation. Statistical population of the given study included all learners in training classes held in locality centers throughout Tehran City. Among which 450 respondents were chosen by means of multi-stage randomized cluster sampling as statistical sample group via Kukran Formula Data were collected by means of aquestionnaire. The questionnaire’s validity was examined by views taken from experts and teachers in this field so the required adjustments were made. Reliability of the instrument was also measured by means of Cronbach Alpha Coefficient as (0.92). Learners’ satisfaction with training services were thay summarized and it was Categorized in six factors by adopting factor analysis technique and then by means of Tukey Test. A significant difference was observed in variable of learners’ satisfaction among various locality centers in different areas and factors eventually were ranked based on Friedman test.Findings: Findings stated that environmental (situational) factor was the foremost factor in this survey and then educational, communicative, administrative, socio-cultural, and technological factors were respectively ranked after this factor.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Introduction and Objective: Spatial structure is the product process (evolutions and formations) of spatial organization that in these process spatial systems of resident and activities in the surface or urban areas is organized and have relative sustainability. The municipality in its governance form has lack of systematic pattern in relation with people that this problem is in conflict with urban structure. The challenge between non participation essence of urban management and urban participation structure is a problem that Babol city is encounter with them. in this paper is attempted to investigate the spatial confusion of Babol city and also the role of the municipality and its impact on urban spatial structure.Methods: This paper uses analytical-descriptive method and describe municipality role as a main base of urban management and its effect on spatial structure of Babol city which is used SWOT technique.Results: The result shows that municipality as the most important side of urban management has significant role in Babol spatial structure and identifies the exact opportunities and weaknesses for providing suitable solution and uses efficient management decision and controls the changing the image of Babol city and leads it in a way that it prevents the distortion of the image city from physical, economical, social and environmental aspects until the special structure of city in relation both with past and its components is preserved.Conclusion: Frequent change of officers with management responsibilities and thus poor performance and also multiplicity of decision-making authority in matters of urban management and obstacles facing the municipality in performing their duties has caused outcrop physical excrescence in the structure of Babol city.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Introduction and Objective: Training programs can only be reliable and valid evidence to justify their value in improving the effectiveness of training on participant behavior and thus the interest of people and the area. It would not be possible without the provision of a comprehensive and effective training that they should all adverse factors affecting the greater effectiveness of this training consider. In this context, this study aims to determine the factors that affect the effectiveness of face to face training courses Tehran Municipality of urban waste management issues surrounding the citizen' s behavior has been developed.Methods: The study of research methods and the nature of relationship (first part) and a causal-comparative (second part) on the issue of measuring the impact of training on the face are considered citizens. However, the first section reviews the factors influencing their effectiveness in terms of research training, surveys and the target is applied. The first section reviews the factors influencing their effectiveness in terms of research training, surveys and the target application is placed on the agenda and measure the impact of education on the part of the citizens of the three levels of knowledge, vision and action in the next five Dimensions of citizens behavior. The data are housewives in their family. A total of 384 people have been calculated according to Cochran's formula but based on the response received letters that have the ability to take advantage of the 341 patients are being employed. To collect the data needed to achieve the research objectives, a variety of methods such as observation, interviews with experts and education experts, archival and library research, Internet search and the questionnaire (research tool) based on Likert was used. This information is analyzed in two steps. First, descriptive statistics such as percentage, mean, variance, frequency tables and the data are described, then the inferential statistics such as correlation, regression analysis and test research hypotheses and inferences are in.Findings: 29.6% of the population in terms of ageless than 30 years old and 52.8 percent were between 30 and 50 years of age. Education level of the subjects showed that among 341 cases studied, the most frequent is the diploma level. Ethnic status check shows 34.9% of the study population are Turks, 10.3% Lors, 10% Kords, 12.6% Gilak & the rest is Fars. Data analysis shows that the vast population of religious people (fine or too high).Conclusions: The results from the study indicate that factors such as time courses, spiritual motivation, quality of courses, ethnicity, religion, education, age, explained the objectives of the course, according to the victims' attitudes and ability to teach learners with effective training in the face to face of citizens ' behavior regarding waste management issues will make a meaning. But assumptions related aids, instill and motivate enforcement training material on conceptual model shave been rejected.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Research Objective: Nowadays, population growth, industrial development, increasing demand for water and sanitation, reducing water resources caused excessive consumption of water and environmental protection of water demand management has greater sensitivity. Therefore, the aim of this paper is to provide to help water demand management process of planning, organizing, directing and controlling water consumption to identify current practices and use of existing tools to improve efficiency levels and patterns of water.Method: This study is analytical-review and based It on water demand management, a combination of corrective measures for achieving appropriate utilization of production capacities and the real value of it is that the consumer is acting.Findings: The findings of this study indicate that in addition to applying demand management strategies to protect water resources and reduce environmental pollution causing reduce costs, increase value added and ultimately improve the quality of service to subscribers in improving urban management.Conclusions: The study some of the successful patterns of water demand in European countries such as Germany, Netherlands and Belgium are the most successful countries in the management of demand shows that countries with abundant water resources have been able to moderate their consumption 120 liters for every person per day reduction.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Introduction and Objective: Rapid and uncontrolled growth of population in major cities, and consequently the needs to large-scale housing, on the one hand and preventing the spread of the cities horizontal landscape, on the other hand, made the high-rise building construction as an essential solution to the land problem. Hence understanding the available opportunities in the construction industry, particularly in high-rise building construction could cause identifying favorable opportunities to develop entrepreneurial in upstream and downstream industries of high-rise building construction. This study seeks to answer the question of what entrepreneurial opportunities are in high-rise building construction industry, in the city of Tehran.Methods: This study used research methods of combination techniques and Morrison recitatif analysis. In the qualitative part, 20 experts were interviewed and focus group meetings were held. In the quantitative part, inorder to identify entrepreneurial opportunities in the the high-rise building construction industry in the city of Tehran, a questionnaire based on Ulwick model with two measures of "satisfaction" and "significance" was designed. After approval of relevant experts in the field, the questionnaires were distributed among industry participants and then collected.Findings: After approval of relevant experts in the field, the questionnaires were distributed among industry participants and then collected. the end, the results shows that entrepreneurial opportunities lies in "providing technical trainings for technicians and workers", "providing professional trainings for senior-level project management and construction", "Identifying and recommending the intelligent building management systems to industry participants", "providing professional training for the operation and management of buildings", and "Development of business-oriented research and development (R & Ds) and introducing new specific technologies and equipments to high-rise building construction industry.Conclusions: The results show an increase in demand in the construction industry in today's society and the tendency of consumers to use the service, one of the sources of entrepreneurial opportunities are identified and Service. Each of these opportunities can lead to the development of many businesses. This employment staffing specialists, technicians, workers have contributed and ultimately will lead to economic growth.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Introduction and the purpose: Pattern of population distribution in under development countries indicates an unbalance in population establishment network and productivity in the use of regional capabilities and resources. In recent decades this unbalance has increased. Depending on its political, social and economic condition and situations each country in a way has tried to alleviate this problem. But most of these programs in this regard have failed. In recent years we see that the distribution of population in residency areas is both unbalanced and unorganized.Fars regional province is also one of those that is dealing with this main urban problem. Since all ease facilities and high level services and social and economic services have gathered in Shiraz city its population is increasing every day. On the other hand the population of smaller and intermediate cities is decreasing. Therefore it is imperative that plans to be made so that these smaller cities get more help and attention. These plans would prevent the occurrence of the main urban problem. It is believed that intermediate cities would transfer population and improve urban development. The aim of this research is studying the role of intermediate cities in north of Fars regional state in creating regional population balance in that provincial state. It also analyzed the strong and the weak properties of these cities in this regard. It studied how it is possible to develop such points so that the main urban problem would be prevented there.Method: it is a descriptive-analytical method used in this research. It has studied the role the cities in north of Fars regional province in developing and balancing that regional population using Social Network Analysis method. It has studied the role of these intermediate cites: Abadeh, Eghlid, Kazeroon, Marvdasht, Bavanat, Estahbanat, Neyriz, Noor Abad, Sepidan in creating this so-called balance. These mentioned cities have more than forty five thousand people resident in each.Conclusion: the result of this research using Social Network Analysis after careful studying and analyzing the mentioned intermediate cities showed the amount of share of urban services that each of these cites use. It showed how to improve these regional cities in case there are some shortage of services there. This way each of these cities can keep their amount of population at the same number preventing population migration to the main city of Shiraz. So a balance of population takes place in that region.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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