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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
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Introduction and purpose of research: Wanted or unwanted wares mixed with life and livelihood of the human kind and it seemed that is some case there is no way to escape it. During the war, Cities as centers of capital and human accumulation can be become a major goal for enemy thus attacked to them can be cause a lot of damage.So the discussion of passive defense can amount to considerably reduce the damage caused by the war. So one of the discussion of passive defense that can amount to considerably reduce the damage caused by the war is appropriate urban land use zoning. The purpose of the zoning is rational use of urban land in the long term future.Urban in Land Use zoning, observation of neighborhood and lack of risk in urban areas can reduce the effects of potential threats.Research method: in this Research land use zoning of the (11 district of Tehran) was investigated to provide general guidelines for reducing the vulnerability of the military attacks. Type of the study is descriptive study of practice and the method of the study is descriptive‐analytic method.Results: According to the conducted analysis, signified that urban and trans‐national performance caused to certain zoning. Mixed residential and transnational performance zone of this region can be cause of vulnerabilities of this area in military attack.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Introduction and purpose of research: In recent decades with occurrence Social, environmental and traffic problems in cities and increasing cultural and leisure needs of citizens, urban management have considered recovery of walk space for expansion system of pedestrian movement as of improvement and appropriate plans of walk axes. This study emphasis the role and importance of pedestrian passages and it analyzes challenges and problems of Vali Asr Ave from crossroad Vali Asr to Talqanee crossroad.Research method: the research method is Descriptive correlation and research tools are questionnaire of researcher that has been distributed between 200 persons.Results: the results show the lake of urban management, ambiguity and uncertainty of urban managers, poor information system and Inattention local participation are important challenge in this project. The problems of daily activities and the lake of committee for protection are important challenge at runtime and after that.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Introduction and purpose of research: In geographic studies of province cities due to variation of spatial phenomena and their various features (such as population, extent, geographical area) it is not possible to study separately, therefore the first step to study spatial phenomena of multiple characteristics is to classify them in homogeneous groups. Factor Analysis is one of the most complex and best methods for determining the most important factors which effects on the development.Research Method: In the present research the procedure is combination of correlation, documentation, analytical methods. in this study with using Amarnameh of year 1385 of Fars province, 43 indicators of 23 cities of Fars province are break into six departments of industry, agriculture, health, cultural‐religious and political administrative.And in analysis 3 statistical techniques of Z-score, Factor Analysis and Cluster are used. And eventually the results are city classification based on Cluster Analysis method and is presented in the form of map.Findings: Accordingly to the research, 43 chosen indicators were reduced to 6 factors that include 89.5 percent of variances. Among 6 factors social‐economic factor is recognized as the best one and covers 59.5% of the variance and is the influential factor in the study. Then with using a Cluster method, cities of Fars province is classified in four homogenous groups in terms of development levels. the city of Shiraz is in the first group (the most developed Fars province regions) and Farashband, Mrvdasht, Jahrom, Bavanat, Firooz abad, Ghir va karzin, Estahban, Khorambid, Arsanjan, Lamerd, Zarrindasht cities are in fourth group (the most deprived regions of Fars province).

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Introduction and purpose of research: Target all the planning, to achieve optimal development and balance, and the first step in any planning process, including the regional planning in particular, understand that this situation is identified, require separate study area to areas of planning and evaluation of each area by index development (economic, social, cultural, health and....) and analyze and ranking each area in terms of development is having. Process of development the Kurdistan and its infrastructures, the poor and concentration planning of the past, development balance in the level of rural areas is difficult. In order to solve problems caused by lack of balance, first step recognition and classification level of villages form part of the political divisions (in terms of having educational-cultural, infrastructure and communications, spatial- physical, health, economy and services...) and the next step is providing good policy, to establish balance.Research method: In the present study, a combination of the methods of procedure documentation, analytical. This study used 18 statistical indicators in 5 district‐cultural, infrastructure and communications, space- physical, health, economy and services active, especially in rural areas of Kurdistan 26 section, were studied. And analysis techniques of statistical Z-score and clustering analysis.Results: Based on research findings, the development level of Kurdistan sections, differences and inequality, there is, so that rural areas in seven sections (developed), seven section (partly developed), six sector-level (less developed) at the level of six section are excluded. Therefore is recommended to resolve imbalances, priority planning and investment sectors deprived rural areas (Alvt, Srshyv Marivan, Zyvyh, Nnvr, Nmh milk).

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Introduction and purpose: the changes have occurred due to the information and communication technology lead to depth evolution in the city and urban areas. This matter causes new needs for thinking and research. The cities consider as a place for new phenomena and advancement of technology and development. So the purpose of this article is to study the role of ICT in changes of urban areas.Methodology: this paper is based on documentary study and library research.Findings: the findings show that the information and communication technology based on theories of Castells, Glidden’s and Toffler influence on the urban areas like economic, cultural, social, political, technological and geographical. These changes reveal in the structure and context of cities and impact on business, urban behavior, norms, technological aspect and even the relationship between people and government.Results: the city represents the modern events and technology so ICT as general phenomena influences on the many human activities from personal usage till different urban areas. The ICT considers as the multiuser and flexible instrument that acts like suitable solution in the forms of personal and local uses for safeguarding of different needs. Also it leads to the new phase of urbanization which needs to achievement of technological skills.

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purpose: developing book –studying culture is one of the most important duties of public libraries which must be considered and tried to manipulate with advertising methods and also acts indirectly to promote and optimize its sources for this goal, therefore this research deals with the role and effect of public libraries affiliated to the cultural and artistic organization of Tehran Municipality on developing book –studying culture.Methodology: this research is an environmental survey method research that written by doing questionnaire among statistical society of those who use public libraries of cultural and artistic organization of Tehran Municipality. Based on Kogeran`s Table of identifying statistical sample 384 persons chosen for the purpose in which 422 questionnaires distributed among the persons in 38 libraries considering probable errors.Findings: findings of the research show that there is a relationship between the knowledge and experience of librarians with satisfying the clients, there is a relationship between the amount of informational sources of the libraries with attracting the clients, there is a relationship between librarians` attitude toward clients to attract them, there is a relationship between libraries` facilities with increasing motivation for studying, there is a relationship between using new audio‐visual sources and internet in the libraries with desirable interest to study and at last there is a relationship between office hours of the libraries with attracting de facto and potential clients to the libraries.Conclusion: dealing and analyzing the findings of the research show that the librarians must manage the affairs in libraries to promote studying culture and with the evaluation of applied society requested informational sources could achieved and each library must use brand new library communicational equipments and must be managed in multi job shifts to deal with clients better and better.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Introduction & Goal of Research: suggestion system has created suitable atmosphere for developing and using ideas and experience of organization, increasing range of attachment, improving service through creating free and healthy atmosphere for criticism of ideas and plans. Suggestions that are offered for improving quality of service or institute for fulfilling service results in improving respectful human communication among employees, decreasing work stress, creating open atmosphere to raised different thoughts, solving problems to evolve organization and continue creativity, innovation and offering idea.Research Methodology: research design is descriptive (non-empirical) with survey method. Research is descriptive since it offered image of current status and it is survey since it deals with collecting information through questionnaire from statistical society and by benefiting survey methods, the diversion of performance is measured. The present research with respect to its goal falls within applied research Findings: General conclusion of research indicates that suggestion system of Tehran municipality is effective on facilitating executive process of Tehran municipality. Upon studying subsidiary hypothesis it is indicated that suggestion system is effective on following items: partnership and cooperation, job satisfaction, organizational commitment, improving quality and quantity of performance, educating talent of employees, increasing flexibility of them against change, improving creativity and innovation at organization

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Introduction: In the present age, one of the requirements of the urban life is for the citizens to be interfered in the destiny of urban behavior. Planning and expanding necessary contexts for citizens’ participation in managing urban affairs is the movement from individual life toward collective citizenship life. Principally, it is an active attendance of citizens in managing domestic affairs and on the other hand, one of the components of development and stability in any human society relies on integration, oneness, cooperation, and principally participation in social life affairs.Objective: The goal of this study is to investigate social urban participation situation in areas analysis level and the development degree in the 5th district areas in Tehran.Method: This study has been done with predicative and surveying method. Statistical population is Tehran’s 5th district areas population which consists of over 20 year olds.A sample of 500 people in octad districts was selected by proportionate with size cluster sampling.Findings: The research findings showed that informal cooperative participation existed among the participation dimensions with the highest mean of 5.2 and formal participation with the lowest mean of 2 and also, religious informal participation with the mean of 4.8 and charitable informal participation with the mean of 4.74 was located in successive ranks.Conclusion: More developed areas had formal and informal assistance participation and significantly lower informal religious participation. Informal charity participation level was the same in all areas no significant difference was detected.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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