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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
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Introduction and Goals: The organization of urban parks and green space is one of the municipal's organizations which has important role in studying, designing, operation and protection of urban green spaces. But it seems to obtain these goals the management of urban won't be able to success by the common and traditional methods that why it needs to use powerful planning for answer the requests. The scientists believe that powerful planning is participation and in addition they will be ensuring of project successfulness by citizen participation on conceptions.Methods: In this research the approaches of participation by reputation criteria were used and then tried to made policy for parks and urban green space organization.Results: Residents of neighborhoods Encouragement to formation of people who interested on landscape (green helpers), and interaction with urban landscape organization Representatives, To turn matters relating to green space and using residential participator for: investment, Execution and maintenance of these area scan be planned and proposed solutions to improve the quality of their landscape.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Introduction and research Aim: Start to improve of status of spatial - physical status - in cities through different is studies and Procurement of urban development plans. Respect for the principles, values and standards of this designs such as Give identity to the soul of every city manifests itself. Now over the decades since the formulation and implementation of urban development projects Elapsed in Iran. Passed the years means that many of these projects, time period anticipated and even beyond have behind.research method: this research with the method Analytical method and relying on documentary and library to study and analyze the factors contributing to the inefficiency of urban development plans of Iran with emphasis on fields of participation, financial resources, Pays to the Procurement, approval and execution.findings and results: Although all the measures taken place in the titles of designs and their contents, these initiatives have failed to achieve their goals. the results of this research show that the structural weakness of urban management, lack of hierarchy in decision-decisions and performing, Underrate the people's participation in national and regional planning, the lack of fiscal implementation of plans, financial barriers and lack of attention to features and reliability needed for implementing the projects and inadequate attention to facts, in the Procurement of plans is a reciprocal relationship with its ineffectiveness.

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Abstract: Enjoying a healthy, productive and a high level of quality life is a public right in which its liability and production is on the government and to fulfill this goal, providing proper equipments and facilities for supplying physical, spiritual, social and moral health is one of the natural rights and essential needs. The benefits of biking as a system of public transportation is an issue which has challenged the city's directors and politicians. Finding some strategies was necessary to gain the most welcoming and satisfaction of the citizens of this plan. This research was started with the aim of assessing utility and effectiveness of the biking plan of the region 8 citizens. The method of this research is exploratory. The researcher maker questionnaires was provided as a research tool in 3 different parts specially for bicycles' container in charge persons and those people who are not willing to use bicycle as a research device. The statistic society of this project has been selected through a simple random method and in 3 groups including 30 members of the bicycles' container in charge persons, 50 members of users and 50 members from those who are not willing for biking either as a sample. Initially, a collection of information regarding size and geographical information related to the region 8, its total population, information regarding the containers consist of the number of bicycles, the internal expense of each container during each month, the number of those bicycles which need to be repaired, the number of stolen bicycles, accidents and incidents which probably happen to some of the users and finally the other basic information with the plan of collecting patrols and gained results of the planned questionnaires by the researcher through using the SPSS computer packages were analyzed as following: after analyzing the in charge persons' responses, it was specified that in their opinion, the most important strength point is related to decreasing the air pollution and urban traffic and the most important weak point is due to women biking unauthorization and their suggestion is due to allocating some parts of the streets to biking route. In users' opinion, the most important reason of using bicycles is to help to reduce the air pollution and the most important strength point of this plan is that it’s free of charge and the most important weak point is lack of having appropriate facilities including horn, basket or reflective paints and specifically the bicycle's lock. Making LBT for biking in the streets is one of the most important issues which has to be done to make the conditions more convenient in using the bicycles for citizens. After analyzing the responses of those people who don't like to use bicycle, it got clear that the reason for not using the bicycles was the lack of possibility iv city's any areas and the most important weak point of this plan is the lack of security for bicycle users and the solution for using the bicycles is making LBT in the streets.

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Introduction: Today, citizen's satisfaction is one of the main tools to Measuring the Municipalities Performance. In this paper we try to measure Ilamʹ municipality performance with use citizen's satisfaction. This enables us by identifying the strengths and weaknesses of municipal performance, Offer the Strategies to improve the performance of this organization and Increase citizen satisfaction.Method: Research Methods in this study is Descriptive – analytical and for sampling is used Classified Probable method. The study population is consisted all residents of Ilam. And sample size has been obtained using Cochran formula. In this study, firstly, Research indexes were determined. Then, According to the expert's opinions and with use TOPSIS model, were determined indexes importance and weight. Then, obtained Weights Were combined with Questionnaire results and final satisfaction of citizens were determined.Results: The results show, citizen's satisfaction from Ilam municipality performance is undesirable. On the other side, the satisfaction rate is different in various parts of the city. Such that, 1-1 zone has highest satisfaction and 2-2 has lowest rate. Also, the satisfaction rate is different in Various Fields. The maximum satisfaction be seen in urban services field and minimum in Monitoring.Conclusion: The analysis shows that the distribution of facilities in urban areas of Ilam is not justly. This has led to the dissatisfaction from the provision of services by Municipality in Residents of the Marginal areas. In analyzing the views of citizens was determined, the residents of City Center that has most Concentration and access to facilities and services, has more satisfied. On the other, side the Satisfaction in residents of Marginal areas that it has fewer services, is lower. This reflects the fact should be considered spatial equity in the distribution of facilities by urban managers.

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Introduction and Objective: Social capital is a concept that in recent years has entered the field of social sciences and urban management. Social capital is rooted in social interactions and when the level of interaction in society increases, increase the level of social capital. in the meantime one of the factors that may increase the level of interaction, moving pedestrian in urban space. this study, social interactions as a common point urban design, pedestrian way, and social capital with an emphasis on introduced and reviews.research method: Analytical-descriptive, correlation research method used in this study can be applied, by field and using questionnaires, for non-quota hundred people, regardless of age and sex as the sample size has been explored. For evaluation and data processing descriptive and inferential statistics Methods were used in the form of SPSS software.Findings: The Obtained show that there is no significant relationship between social trust with social networks and between social trust with social interaction. But the relationship between social interaction and social networks, according to the correlation coefficient 0.593 there is a significant relationship. Investigate the relationship between Social capital indicators and quality of pedestrian way Show that no significant relationship between the two variables.Conclusion: Thus, although reject the hypothesis of the research, can not be conclusively stated that can improve the quality of urban pedestrian way was to reinforce and enhance social capital, but due to a significant or nearly significant some component of the social capital can be said that attention to concept of social capital undeniable condition for the realization of the visual concept of walk and enhancing the quality is to promote social interaction.

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Introduction and Objective: Evaluation of ecological capacity, is assessment of land inventory and potentials of land with clear and pre-planned criteria. These studies are used as a basis for decision-making and planning of land all over the world. Evaluation of the environment ecological capacity, is an intermediate step in land surveying process, in fact, land evaluation, provides fundamental information for the second phase, which includes selecting the most appropriate land use and land use management system. Since the purpose of land surveying is to determine the results of the physical, biological and socioeconomic for most appropriate and most likely land use choice in the planning area. The purpose of this study is evaluation of ecological capacity in villages of Lavasan City for different uses to determine which village is more suitable for which plan, and to save costs and resources in this area.Method: This paper has tried to review the role of each village and set priorities to be addressed in these roles through the selection of indicators that are common among all ecological constructions. In the next step with considering the villages with ecotourism priority, review of various types of outdoor recreation and sightseeing was performed, and its role in economical development of village is studied. Finally solutions that will enhance economic development in these villages are investigated and provided.Findings: According to the Studies and reviews on ecological capabilities of villages in Lavasan city and determination of their roles, the results confirm that the three villages of Afjeh, Barg-e-Jahan and Kond-e-Olia are categorized in Tourism Ecological Model. In this stage, each and every residential areas are evaluated according to the application models. An assessed residential area might be capable of being used for multiple land uses while in most cases it is not possible to implement more than one land use on that area. With this situation we have to prioritize various land uses and during this step, chose the best possible option for each residential area and organize its relevant applications.Conclusion: According to the result of this study, there is potential for development of echo-tourism activities in Lavasan and few nearby rural areas. The researches show that among the 10 studied villages – whose ecological capacities were assessed – the three villages of Afjeh, Barg-e-Jahan and Kond-e-Olia are categorized in Tourism Ecological Model.In this regard, with considering the natural and climatic features of Lavasan area – in comparison with other locations in region – it has more potential for special investments for creating new economical hubs.

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The main objective of this research is to illustrate the alignment of the city’s construction projects with the citizens’ need in order to provide feedback about municipality’s performance in securing the welfare of the citizens and improving the quality of urban life.In this research, based on a survey study, the participation and satisfaction of the citizens from construction projects performed by the municipality have been studied by a questionnaire.During this research, 127 citizens representing 46940 families residing in district 3, region 5 of Tehran municipality, were randomly selected by the use of Cochran’s sampling formula.According to the results, the amount of citizens’ awareness about the construction projects is at a high level. Also the significance of construction projects such as “surface runoff drainage”, “street construction", "construction of a sport complex” and so on in responders’ view is more than dealing with projects such as “construction of a retaining wall in the region’s passages” and “construction of quarters' center”. However, the citizens’ satisfaction about the performance of the municipality in implementing the construction projects is at a high level.Also from the citizens’ point of view, the mass media is a good vehicle for notification about the municipality construction projects. And the quarters' center plays a minor role in this context.In this regard, enhancing the tools of the communicating systems 137 and 1888 by the municipality is of high significance.In sum, based on these results, the amount of satisfaction, awareness and partnership of the citizens in municipality construction activities is at a high level and it can be concluded that the municipality construction projects are highly in alignment with citizens’ need.

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