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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
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Introduction and purpose of the research: In this research we fulfilled to identify the sense of public culture of citizenship in Iran and in the world and study of theoretical principles research and ideas and we expressed the points of view of the scientists of the different historical periods et the different doctrines.The method of the research: In order of execution of the research by using descriptive - survey research, four hypothesis are obtained by variable hypothesis based on public culture of citizenship from these indexes (culture of business interaction, traffic and coexistence) field methods and questionnaire technique with 44 questions by 5-choice A Likert type which is distributed among 384 persons in Tehran in municipality.Results: It seems that the range of culture of business interaction, traffic and coexistence among the citizens of the third district is upper intermediate. The information of two dimensional table shows that the men in the third district have the upper range of interaction and coexistence culture in compare with the women in the same district (74.7% interaction culture among the men against 69.6% of the women) (and also 95.1% coexisting culture of the men against 44.8% for the women). In contrast women in the third district have the upper range of traffic and business culture in compare with the men in the same district (81.3% business culture among the women against 84.5% of the women) (and also 88.9% traffic culture of the men against 92.1% for the men).Conclusion: Interaction culture, business, terrific and coexistence among the citizens of municipality, District 3, is in the high level. Men against women have the higher interaction and coexistence culture and the woman against the men has the higher traffic and business culture in the district 3.

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Research Objective: Citizen's satisfaction From Municipality Performance Is a major factor Continuous Improvement at process of works that takes place in order to increase efficiency and Improve of quality urban comprehensive management. One of most important elements of optimal performance municipalities are Supply Financial resources and income municipalities. In this regard, the purpose of this paper is Reviews of how the performance of yazd city municipalities and citizens satisfaction rate of their.Methodology: Research methods' is analytical- descriptive. The data collection tool studied is documents and questionnaires. The statistical population is 1200 people from citizens in three regions of Yazd city According to Cochran sampling with confidence level 95% and randomly assigned. Indicators Research is 33 urban life quality index. For communication between components Is used inferential statistics Such as regression coefficients and path analysis And Also For planning from SWOT Model.Finding: Studies financial resources Yazd municipalities Indicative Increase in sustainable incomes with growth equal to 17.98 percent, which is very impressive against Growth -35.2 percent From Unsustainable incomes. In this case, On the one hand, Decrease income instability coefficient from 24% to 15% Is Indicative upward trend. And On the other hand With this source sustainable income Answer has been given to 42% of Real needs city in development sector, construction and maintenance town. However Yet In turn have remained Construction priorities Such as improving urban streets, Street lighting And Quality of public health services, On the other hand, Instability 20.13% of total incomes obtained Has caused Until Possibility Planning There is About 46.32 % of incomes obtained. Conclusion: results of performance evaluation municipalities from perspective Citizens Indicates in 33 Criterion surveyed of Municipalities Have been region 1 have Best Performance and region 3 Municipal worst performances. Based on results of Path analysis Also Variables increase of sustainable incomes with amount 0.889 and participatory Investment With amount 0.846 have been greatest impact on Municipalities Favorable Functions in Yazd city. Finally Suggestions Is provided For Improved service delivery by municipalities Yazd city And Citizen satisfaction.

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Introduction and purpose of research: The most important factor involved in the local community and effective urban management is to achieve sustainable development. In the development, people must be seen; be given the opportunity to participate which could take the path of development. In the present study, Participation in the management of the neighborhood's residents Jamaran authors analyzed are And strategies to attract people's participation in community management are proposed.Methods: This descriptive-analytic study and application-development is the goal. Two methods of data collection and library survey questionnaire was conducted. The sample size was based on Cochran formula, 360 patients were selected.Findings: The rate of participation in the management of neighborhood resident’s Jamaran, at a low level; While Willingness to participate in a high level. Among those who contribute more than 50 percent of the Advisory Physical and economic participation and contributions are allocated to the lowest level. Between social variables and participation in neighborhood management, a significant positive correlation was obtained this means that the increase in social variables, turnout will increase.Conclusion: The development of community-based people's participation. Infrastructure necessary to participate in the management of neighborhood residents in the Jamaran to come, the residents who are interested in participating and that seems to be the obvious potential of local communities especially in terms of participation used. Guidelines in this regard should be provided That people have the ability to participate and neighborhood management in particular those not and all the people involved in neighborhood management.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Introduction and Objective: In this article, multiobjective location- allocation in GIS environment to optimizing the location and allocation of firestations in district 11 of Tehran city is important. Objectives of this article are: 1- minimize distance between firestations and demands 2- minimize arriving time to demands from firestations 3- maximize firestations covering.Methodology: Location-Allocation is a combinatorial optimization problem and because computing complexity those known as NP-hard. So, traditional exact method cannot solve complex Location-Allocation problem with multicriteria. To solve this Location-Allocation problem is used metaheuristic Similated Annealingalgorithm.Findings: This model find the optimal location of firestations such that this firestations meet the demands Excellency.Result: In this multiobjective genetic model, to assess the impact of each objective, first the model is implemented as single objective to each function. Second, the multiobjective model is used with priority weight vector. The results indicate the model can successfully provide optimum locations for firestations with capacity criteria. Then, this study use from dynamic weighting scheme. In this case a random weight vector is assing to each soloutionin each iteration and produce set of non-dominated soloutions. These soloutions act as a candidate pool which decision maker may choose soloutions according to their preferences or determinent criteria.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Undoubtedly, sense of belonging to a place where people live, is the important factor for the emergence of a sense of responsibility and as a result, by the people living in those neighborhoods will solve many problems. Unfortunately, with the expansion of cities in this sense, we become less apparent control an in this sense and an indifference to the neighborhood residents.The purpose of this study is identifying the characteristics of appropriate social spaces in creating a sense of belonging to the neighborhood. This study is a survey on the population at region 2 of Tehran municipality, based on multi-stage cluster sampling 411 people older than 18 years has been selected. The data collection gathered based on questionnaire. The analysis has been applied from Pearson Correlation and Multiple Regression in spss software.Based on the results, order, security, access ability, legibility, social relationship, informal social control have significant relationship with people's sense of belonging to the neighborhood. Regression analysis shows that the main variables explain 78% of variation of sense of belonging to the neighborhood.The overall Social interaction and legibility are the most important features of the social space to create a sense of belonging to the neighborhood which shows necessity of planning and management of neighborhood spaces along with its physical aspects.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Introduction: Brownfield refers to lands which are derelict and have contaminated the environmental. Redevelopment is viewed of the best ways to confronting the negative effects of such lands. On the one hand, redevelopment process of this land cannot be promoted without a scientific and accurate view and this creates necessity to define and identify a process based on the experiences of other countries. Goal of Study: Based on the said need, the goal of study is to develop a process comprising the main and subsidiary steps.Method: The method is descriptive-analytical and in this text, firstly the different proposed brownfields redevelopment process from leading countries, that are expert in brownfields, is identified and then evaluated with the "content analysis" method.Findings: Evaluation showed that the all proposed processes main common points, are "Beginning", "Cleaning up", "Designing and planning" and "Implementation". In a subset of each of these key stages, there are series of subsidiary stages with peculiar steps. This subsidiary stage according to each country, city and site specific situation, have special necessity and relevance; in other words are flexible in terms of performance.Conclusion: It is worthy that in our country, the main parts of brownfields redevelopment process, specially military brownfields, carried out with a glimpse at this process; meanwhile, the subsidiary steps should be implemented based on our country special social, economic and environmental conditions.

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Purpose and aim: The aim of this study was to assess the safety, occupational health and safety in the University Central Library is located in Tehran.Method: This study is a descriptive survey. The study included 18 central libraries and free public universities in Tehran using a researcher made questionnaire data were collected with 5 of safety and security library Narrative research with professors and professionals to investigate the validity and reliability coefficient Cronbach's alpha(0.963) was approved.The data obtained from the questionnaires using SPSS and Excel and descriptive statistics techniques such as frequency tables, draw, and circular histograms were analyzed. Components of Friedman test was used to rank.Finding: The results showed that the mean compliance of safety measures, 5% of the libraries in very bad condition, 14% in poor condition, 24 percent of the state average, 28% In good condition and 2% in very good condition is obtained in 27% of libraries improper safety measures.Ranking of factors indicate that the components of fire safety, building physics, the conservation of biological damage, ventilation, protection against physical damage sources have the highest rank.Conclusion: Measurement of immunity in university libraries in Tehran does not fully comply with the safety component is mainly in respect of each component did not succeed, and are not in good condition.

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Purpose and aim: In this article, the role of deploying electronic government in efficiency of insurance company is reviewed. The most important issue which is tracking is that whether or not the electronic government deployment has the role on insurance company; Is the electronic government deployment has a role in customer satisfaction, quick and accurate transforming information and reduction of cost in insurance company.The method of the research: For this research, one main assumption and three secondary assumption, using Field Method and survey techniques is being investigated. In this article, with using the components of strategic stakeholders in Organization efficiency model, proper indicator for evaluating the deployment of electronic organization in efficiency of insurance company is defined and depend of that two questioner is provided. The questioner is filled by managers and operational employees of Iran insurance company and their customers.Results: from customers overview, applying electronic government result in improvement of satisfaction level of customers. Furthermore, managers and employees of insurance company believe that electronic organization has a role in quick and accurate transforming information and reduction of insurance company cost.Conclusion: electronic government deployment results in improving traditional approach of transforming information, increasing the speed of service delivery, improving after sale services with low cost, improving insurance services informing, defining new services, increasing reliability level in reviewing requests and services presenting, facility in insurance services purchase, facility in communicating with customers and therefore increasing in market stock, increase in pure income of the insurance company, reduction of distribution cost and sales and marketing and other operational cost. Also, convenient inter organization communication, facility in earn and pay money in higher accuracy and speed, quick accessibility in statistics and precise reports.Finally, in this competitive environment and with increasing in insurance company, using and developing electronic organization services for insurance company is undeniable.

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