This study was conducted with the aim of investigating the students and graduates' viewpoints aboutagricultural majors' curriculum. A sample of 394 agricultural students (out of 1200 students) and 76agricultural graduates (out of 100 graduates) from Tehran, Taribiyat Modarres, and Zabol Universitieswere selected based on stratified and simple random sampling. Stufflebeam CIPP model along with aresearcher made questionnaire were applied to collection data in this research project. Viewpoints of thestudents regarding four criteria as objectives, content, method, and evaluation in agriculture education, along with graduates' opinion on the objectives, content, and level of their satisfaction from the majorwere investigated. The two groups provided information regarding weaknesses and strengths, threats, and opportunities in agriculture subfields. Content validity of the research tool was confirmed by a panelof experts in the field and its reliability was verified by Cronbach’s Alpha coefficient (α=0.87-0.90). Theresults indicated that students considered aforementioned criteria as relatively satisfactory and graduatesassessed objectives, content, and field of study satisfaction as moderate satisfactory. Based on the resultsof SWOT analysis, the participants considered gender inequality ratio of student admittance to the benefit of female students, insufficient number of practical courses and low level of students' practical skills, repetitive courses, no link between theoretical and practical sections of courses, and lack of educationaland research facilities as the main weaknesses.