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The aim of this study was to investigate the employment problems of agricultural graduates and foreseetrends in the future. A survey research methodology was conducted in this research. The Research instrument (questionnaire). face validity was confirmed by a panel of Tarbiat Modarres and Tehran Universitiesagricultural extension and education experts and its reliability was calculated (θ=0.85) using ordinal theta.The target population included administrators and faculty members at the research and educational institutions of Jehad-Keshavarzi in Tehran Province (N=327) from them 147 members were selected by usingrandom sampling method. The results indicate that Executive Administrators were summarized agriculturegraduates problems in four factors: Negative attitude to do private jobs, non- rational choice of major, negative social status and graduates employment problems. These four factors explained 69% of variablesvariance factors and present problems. Results showed that some of these problems, according to the neweducational and agricultural policies, have decreasing trend and at the same time improvement is expectedin resolving them by respondents such as in credentiality and desk mindset of graduates, lack of knowledge of agricultural fields before entering the university and the lack of self-employment intention amongthe graduates. The results showed that crises of agricultural education system in the future includes; lowemployment opportunity for agricultural graduates in public organizations, migration of rural graduates tourban areas, employment of graduates in unrelated jobs The wandering challenge however, is the unwillingness of agricultural to getting involved in graduates agriculture.

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Given the importance of entrepreneurship in providing new job opportunities and help to create sustainable jobs on the one hand, and considering the importance of entrepreneurial intention, as the mostimportant factor to predict entrepreneurial behaviors on the other hand, it seems inevitable to study factors affecting entrepreneurial intention. Accordingly, the main purpose of this research was to study theeffect of entrepreneurial intention on agricultural students’ entrepreneurial self-efficacy. The statisticalpopulation of the study contained of all M.Sc. students in agriculture faculty of Zanjan University in2014- 2015 academic year (N=469). According to Bartlett et al. (2001) table, a sample size of 285 wasselected using a stratified random sampling method (n=285). Data were collected using the standardquestionnaires of De Noble et al. (1999) and McGee et al. (2009) in order to measure of entrepreneurial intention and Linan and Chen (2009) and Lorz (2011) for measuring entrepreneurial self-efficacy.Content validity of the questionnaire was confirmed by a panel of experts. Construct validity and composite reliability of the research instrument were tested by estimating the measurement model and theywere satisfactory after making necessary corrections. The data were analyzed using Structural EquationModeling (SEM). The results indicated that entrepreneurial intention and entrepreneurial self-efficacyof majority of students were at low and medium levels for both variables. Also, the results showed thatentrepreneurial self-efficacy had a positive and significant effect on dependent variable of entrepreneurial intention explaining about 40 percent of its variances.

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Educational quality is the main concerns in higher education systems in most countries around theglobe. This study aimed to assess the quality of practical training in Ahvaz Vocational and TechnicalAgricultural College. This research is an applied cause-correlation study. All agricultural students inAhvaz Vocational and Technical Agricultural College considered as the statistical population (N=450).The sample size if 208 students based on Krejcie & Morgan tablewas taken randomly. After designingand validating the questionnaire, it was pilot-tested among 30 students and ordinal Theta coefficient wasdetermined (θ=0.83). Data processing and statistical analysis was performed using SPSS 19. To analysisdata, correlative coefficients and regression analysis were used. Based on the results, 54.3 percent ofrespondents estimated the practical training quality to be at moderate level. Based on the results of thecorrelative coefficients, there was significant coorelation between quality of facilities, infrastructureand supports, the quality of content and teaching methods, teaching quality of teachers, interest in thefield of education, income, tendency to education, and grade point average of student with quality ofpractical training in vocational and technical. Based on the ordinal regression, 65 percent of the variancein quality of practical training was indicated by the independent variables.

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One of agriculture extension goals is informal training of farmers to improve agricultural practices, meeting their needs and empower them through extension training classes. Indeed, these classes have an important role to achieve extension goals. Thus, this survey was designed to investigate factors affecting Aleshtar farmers satisfaction and loyalty towards extension training classes through survey in Khozestan. The statistical population comsisted of all Aleshtar farmers (N=650) who participated in extension training classes and simple random quota sampling through Krejcie and Morgan sampling table resulted to select 240 farmers. Data collection in this study was conducted using researcher-made questionnaire. After preparing the questionnaire and confirming its validity by experts, its reliability was confirmed through a pilot study by calculating theta reliability (q=%78- %95). Structural equation modeling was used to determine factors influencing farmers satisfaction through AMOS20. The results revealed that, perceived quality service variable had the highest direct impact on participants' satisfaction and satisfaction in tern had the highest direct impact on participants' loyalty toward extension training classes. Another way, variables of farmers expect of extension training classes and farmers and educators’ emotions toward extension classes had the highest indirect effect on individuals satisfaction and loyalty. In addition, the sums of the direct and indirect impacts of farmers’ and educators’ emotions toward extension training classes had the highest impact on farmers’ satisfaction of extension training classes and satisfaction had the highest impact on loyalty toward extension training classes.

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This study was conducted with the aim of investigating the students and graduates' viewpoints aboutagricultural majors' curriculum. A sample of 394 agricultural students (out of 1200 students) and 76agricultural graduates (out of 100 graduates) from Tehran, Taribiyat Modarres, and Zabol Universitieswere selected based on stratified and simple random sampling. Stufflebeam CIPP model along with aresearcher made questionnaire were applied to collection data in this research project. Viewpoints of thestudents regarding four criteria as objectives, content, method, and evaluation in agriculture education, along with graduates' opinion on the objectives, content, and level of their satisfaction from the majorwere investigated. The two groups provided information regarding weaknesses and strengths, threats, and opportunities in agriculture subfields. Content validity of the research tool was confirmed by a panelof experts in the field and its reliability was verified by Cronbach’s Alpha coefficient (α=0.87-0.90). Theresults indicated that students considered aforementioned criteria as relatively satisfactory and graduatesassessed objectives, content, and field of study satisfaction as moderate satisfactory. Based on the resultsof SWOT analysis, the participants considered gender inequality ratio of student admittance to the benefit of female students, insufficient number of practical courses and low level of students' practical skills, repetitive courses, no link between theoretical and practical sections of courses, and lack of educationaland research facilities as the main weaknesses.

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The aim of this study was to investigate factors affecting motivation of agricultural graduates to workin the rural areas. A survey was conducted among including 300 agricultural graduates from ShirazUniversity in 2013, who 80 people were selected using random sampling. Data were collected through asemi-structured questionnaire which its face validity was confirmed by experts. Also, the questionnaireswere subjected to reliability test. a=0.8 to 0.85 were the values found for the Cronbach Alpha’s coefficients. The results of Mann-Witney U- test revealed that there was a significant difference betweenmotivation of male and female to work in the rural areas. Moreover, the results of Kruskal-Wallis testshowed that there were significant differences between motivations of graduates from different fields ofagricultural study to work in the rural areas.

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هدف کلی این پژوهش بررسی چالش های پیش روی دانش آموختگان کشاورزی و اشتغال آنان و پیش بینی روند مشکل آفرینی آن در آینده است. روش تحقیق از لحاظ گردآوری اطلاعات به صورت پیمایشی و از نظر ماهیت از نوع کمی است. جامعه آماری تحقیق را مدیران و اعضای هیأت علمی موسسه ها و مراکز تحقیقاتی و آموزشی وابسته به وزرات جهاد کشاورزی واقع در استان تهران (327 تن) تشکیل دادند. حجم نمونه آماری بر پایه فرمول کوکران 135 تن برآورد شد که برای بالا بردن ضریب بازگشت پذیری پرسشنامه، 147 تن به صورت تصادفی به عنوان نمونه آماری گزینش شدند. ابزار تحقیق، پرسشنامه محقق ساخته ای بود که روایی و پایایی آن به ترتیب با نظر اعضای هیات علمی دانشکده های کشاورزی، دانشگاه تهران و دانشگاه تربیت مدرس و استفاده از یک بررسی راهنما و محاسبه تتای ترتیبی معادل 0.85 بررسی و تایید شد. نتیجه تحقیق نشان داد که از نظر مدیران اجرایی تنگناها و چالش های دانش آموختگان کشاورزی که می تواند در نهایت در دامن زدن به بیکاری آنان نقش بسزایی داشته باشد، به چهار عامل گرایش منفی به انجام کار خصوصی، نبود گزینش عقلایی، بار منفی جامعه در تعیین موقعیت های اجتماعی و تنگناهای جذب دانش آموختگان دسته بندی می شوند که در مجموع این چهار عامل 69 درصد از واریانس عامل ها و چالش های موجود را تبیین می کند. یافته ها گویای آن است که پاره ای از این چالش ها با عنایت به سیاست های جدید بخش آموزش و کشاورزی روندی کاهنده داشته و بهبودی آنها مورد انتظار پاسخگویان می باشد، مانند مدرک گرایی دانش آموختگان، روحیه پشت میز نشینی در میان آنان، نداشتن شناخت کافی از رشته های کشاورزی پیش از ورود به دانشگاه و نبود روحیه خود اشتغالی نزد دانش آموختگان. همچنین مشخص شد که بحران های نظام آموزش کشاورزی در آینده عبارتند از: جذب پایین دانش آموختگان کشاورزی در سازمان های دولتی، مهاجرت دانش آموختگان روستایی به مناطق شهری، اشتغال دانش آموختگان در مشاغل غیر مرتبط و نداشتن گرایش دانش آموختگان به انجام کارهای کشاورزی.

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Fresh water scarcity, increasing population, urbanization and the spread of industrial development, coupled with poor management of agricultural water use and changes in cropping patterns in order to earn more money, be constitute a serious threat to water resources investigation has shown. This study aimed to determine the educational needs of farmers and farmer’s issues related to water management and irrigation design. Study area, construction area of the city on the right bank Ramshir area is 5422 hectares. This research is quantitative in nature and the purpose of applied and control of non-experimental.All farmers in the project area (N=382), constitute the statistical population of which are based on a random sample of 124 farmers were selected as sample.The research findings showed that most of the educational needs include: Methods of control and spreading, Groundwater recharge methods, Familiarity with the use of climatology Tools and pressurized irrigation methods. The findings of this research also showed that attend agricultural education and extension has significant effect on the level of professional knowledge, these findings show that a professional knowledge of farmers has a direct relationship between age and work agricultural experience.

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Today improving attitudes towards environmental issues and considering it as one of the national capitals, leads to the use of biotechnology in order to achieve sustainable development goals. The purpose of this cause-correlation study was to analyze viewpoint of biotechnology specialists toward the role of education, extension and information in agricultural biotechnology development. The statistical population consisted of biotechnology specialists involved in academic and research institutes at Tehran Province (N=97) from 85 specialists were randomly selected based on Krejcie and Morgan sampling table. The instrument face and content validity was verified by a panel of agricultural extension and education and biotechnology specialists. A reliability analysis of questionnaire was determined through ordinal alpha coefficient (0.71-0.86). Descriptive results of the research showed that majority of specialists’ perception (57.6%) toward agricultural biotechnology development were at the moderate level (Mean: 3.60). Correlation analysis showed that there was a positive and significant correlation (p=.01) between variables include: education, information, agricultural extension and respondents’ viewpoint toward agricultural biotechnology development. Calculating ordinal regression indicated that variables such as education, agricultural extension and information could explain 32% the odds of respondents’ viewpoint variance toward agricultural biotechnology development.

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Each person has a different meaning for occupational success and when it obtained that One can use and exploit all abilities and possibilities to achieve goal of Job. The main aim of this research is to study of job occupation satisfaction of Fishery Graduates from Agricultural Applied Scientific Higher Education Institute of Jihad-E-Agriculture. This research is applied. The population consisted of all 2852 graduates of associate degree (2308 persons) and Master batch (544 persons) is the fishery from its inception until the end of 2009. Based on Cochran sampling formula, 850 persons were confirmed as sample. Data collection tool was a questionnaire that its validity by experts and its reliability by coefficient sequence α (alpha=.074 -0.85) Confirmed. Data analysis was carried out using SPSS software.The correlation tests, Chi-square and regression were used for data analysis. Findings showed that job success has a significant positive correlation with age, family size, average income, and average score of diploma. Satisfactions, loyalty to the institute, image of the training institute are the factors influencing occupational success.

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The purpose of this study was to analysis of effective components of educational evolution in agricultural higher education system in Iran. A mix- method paradigm was applied to this study. The statistical population included 361 faculty members (N=361), who teach in agricultural college at Tehran, Tarbiat Modares and Shiraz Universities.186 faculty members (n=186), were selected by using stratified random sampling method and finally 166 questionnaire returned and analyzed. Data collection was done in two general sections. First, qualitative Meta-synthesis method in which data were collected as objectives, methods of sampling, methodology, content analysis, and research results. The results of this analysis led to the identification of five main factors influencing the educational evaluation (learning, education and teaching, competence, quality of education, and leadership). Second, structural equation modeling to examine the modeling hypotheses. Results of this section showed that new learning models, leadership styles and educational competence had significant effects on educational evolution.

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