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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
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Technology-based methods of teaching and learning strategies along with cognitive and metacognitive are among active methods that affect academic achievement and self-efficacy. This experimental research was conducted to investigate this impact with pre-test, post-test design and control group. The course population was 110 agricultural students of Payame Noor University attending course research method in Agricultural Economics in the first semester of 2014-2015 academic year. The statistical samples were determined using the Cochran formula (n=60) and selected by simple random method and randomly assigned equally to three groups (two experimental group and one control group). All of them filled the teacher' s educational test for academic achievement and self-efficacy Sherer questionnaire (Sherer, et al.1982) at the pre-test, post-test and follow-up stage. The experimental groups individually trained 10 sessions of 80 minutes with educational technology and cognitive and metacognitive learning strategies, studying the methods of research in agricultural economics, course research methods in Agricultural Economics was randomly selected to study from the public courses held semi-face to face at Payame Noor University. Data were processed using SPSS version 19 software. Findings showed that there was a significant difference between the mean scores of post-test and follow-up of the experimental and control groups in both the academic achievement and self-efficacy variables. Both educational methods, in addition to improving academic achievement and self-efficacy of students, improved the students' ability to conduct research in practical terms, removed classrooms from the traditional way and in addition to theoretical learning of course research method, students familiarized with the practical and applied stages of research. Therefore, it is good that instructors use educational technology and cognitive and metacognitive learning strategies to improve academic achievement and self-efficacy of agricultural students.

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To learn and spread the agriculture concept, has significant role in realizing self-reliance in agricultural products and very unique role in the national development. This study aiming to determine the role of promoting and teaching the human source in improving the productivity and function of Thymus Vulgaris, an herbal medicine, in 2016 in west region of Iran. Regarding the objective this study is applied one and regarding the method is functional-descriptive. The sample population includes 136 persons of farmers and experts in this field. The number of samples is determined as 100 persons by using the Cochran method and sampling by the method of classified-accidental has been done as 40-60 for farmers and experts, respectively. To collect data regarding the effect of agriculture office extension courses in 2015 the Ghaedi standard questionnaire with the Likert spectrum 5-choice scale was used. To evaluate the validity of questionnaire, the ideas of Kermanshah agriculture office workers and also university lecturers were used and its reliability for the farmer’s questionnaire is 88.0 and for experts is 0.92 by using Cronbach alpha. The results of linear regression analysis in SPSS software shows that human resource learning components including the evaluation of awareness, assessment and performance and studying the market has the efficiency quotient of 91.0, 86.0 and 87.0 on the thymus and vulgaris thyme productivity and function, respectively. one can conclude that to enhance this herbal medicine productivity, it is vital to pay attention to human source teaching courses.

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Chickpea is one of the most important crops in the west of Iran, and its land under cultivation is the largest in Kermanshah Province. Since the damages of pests on chickpea losses performance of this crop, and using chemical pesticides does not guarantee pest control, therefore, utilization of non-chemical control methods, including biological control, looks more appropriate. The main purpose of this cause-correlational research was to determine socio-psychological factors influencing the adoption of biological control chickpea pod borer in Kermanshah. The statistical population consisted of all chickpea growers in Kermanshah Township (N=3000). Samples were selected using simple random sampling technique (n=341). The research instrument was a questionnaire, and data gathered was analyzed using SPSS 21. Based on the findings, there was a significant difference between adopters and non-adopters of biological control, based on family size, the land under cultivation, and agricultural experience of chickpea growers. Logistic regression showed that aattitude, subjective norms, and perceived behavioral control have a significant influence on adoption of chickpea pod borer biological control, and among them, attitude had the highest influence on the adoption.

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Considering the importance of SMEs in economic development many of developed and developing countries prioritize the establishment and supporting of them. For emerging entrepreneurial activities the related competencies are necessity. Purpose of this study is predicting variables affecting to students’ tendency to SMEs startup with focusing the required Competencies. Statistical population the study consisted of 198 Agricultural extension and education student at Bu Ali Sina University. According to the Patton’s table, a sample size of 164 was selected using a Quota sampling method. The questionnaires were used to collect the data. Questionnaire’s reliability was confirmed by calculating Cronbach’s alpha formula and its coefficient is (α=0.88).Data were analyzed by ordinal regression equation with SPSS software. Using logistic regression, it was found that 26% of changes in the tendency to launch small and medium businesses are the most important influential variable on the tendency of students to set up small and medium enterprises, are strategic competencies. Results of U test (Mann Whitney test) showed that there are significant differences between girls and boys students in opportunity, communicative and mental competenciesOnly 17 percent of high-end students are in the of attitude small businesses.

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One of the ways to empower Fruit Growers and promote the productivity of the horticulture sector is to design and implement the necessary training of Fruit Growers in this sector and this requires identifying their educational needs. The purpose of this cause- correlational study was to investigate effective factors on the educational needs of friute growers. The statistical population consists all 1575 fruit growers in Shazand Township as one of the poles of garden production in Markazi province in 1395, which 150 of them were selected based on Cochran sampling formula and applying randomized stratified sampling method. The research tool had several sections which its validity was confirmed by a panel of related experts. A pilot study was conducted and calculated ordinal coefficient thetas were at the appropriate level (θ=0.9). Data were analyzed with Spsswin21 by using descriptive and inferential statistics. The results revealed that educational needs of 86.7 percent of fruit growers were high and correct time for chemical control of pests and diseases, identification of suitable pesticides to control and combat pests and diseases and diagnosis of types of harmful and unharmful pests and insects to the garden were ranked first to third respectively in terms of their needs. There was a negative significant correlation between education level, number of participated classes, number of trees, social trust, social participation, social status, using extent of information resources, using extent of media with educational needs of fruit growers but the correlation for two variables of age and family size were positive. Ordinal regression analysis showed that three variables named as education level, using extent of information resources, using extent of media affect on the level of probability of the training needs of fruit growers.

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One of the most important social issues in developing countries, especially Iran, Unemployment University graduates in all academic disciplines, especially in agriculture there. Study aimed to identify factors affecting the students to self-employment is in the agricultural sector. The research was applied, and it was descriptive- correlation, in terms of controlling the variables, in which used a survey method.Study population was all undergraduate students of Khuzestan Ramin Agriculture and Natural Resources University (N=942). Statistical sample was 304 students that determined by Krejcie and Morgan table and a random sampling method was used to collect data from students using questionnaire. The face validity of the questionnaire was confirmed by a panel of agricultural extension and education experts.The reliability of the main scales of the questionnaires’ was examined by teta coefficients, which ranged from 0.70 to 0.90, indicating the tool of study is reliable. SPSS24 and AMOS22 software were used to analyze data. The results indicated that there was a significant positive correlation between Outcome Expectation, Self-efficacy, Perception of other behavior and Social structural factors (support and barriers) with intention towards self-employment in the agricultural sector. The results also showed that the variables of Outcome Expectation, Self-efficacy, Perception of other behavior and Social structural factors (support and barriers) has direct effects on the variable positive intention towards self-employment in the agricultural sector. Collectively, these variables are capable predict 85 percent of the variability intention towards self-employment in the agricultural sector.

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The current study is a qualitative research in which grounded theory approach was used. To collect data an interview tool through in-depth interviews was applied. A theoretical purposeful sampling method implemented to select samples during the snowball procedures. Data were, theoretically, saturated by interviewing with 21 agricultural graduates and 9 employers and agricultural faculty members. To select graduates to interview the most important criteria were their willingness to cooperate, having good experience , adequate information about the research objectives, two years unemployment status after the graduation, as well as their attempt to find a job. Data analyse's was performed the during open coding, axial coding and selective coding processes, Then to identify the, themes Strauss and Corbin (1998), paradigm used by establishing relationships between themes and casual conditions, contextual conditions, intervention/ intermediate conditions, strategies and consequences. Results showed that the most important barriers and problems faced to the agricultural graduates were; low quality and inappropriate syllabus in universities, lack of university teachers' skills, unawareness to entrepreneurship skills during education, lack of advisory services and supports for the graduates, no enough infrastructures, individual problems like low self-confidence, interest to work, and insufficient skills among the agricultural students and graduates, not enough financial and banking facilities, not strong linkage and coordination between organizations related to agriculture, no appropriate administrative regulations and laws, sociocultural problems, structural problems in the country's agricultural economy.

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Raising agricultural graduates' unemployment and their inability to startup business and entrepreneurship is a crucial problem in Iran. The purpose of this study was to analyzing factors affecting agricultural graduates' business startup competencies. The statistical population consisted of all agriculture and natural resources, graduats during 2013-2016 in Mazandaran Province (N=2550), among them 364 were randomaly selected based on Cochran Formula. The research instrument used was a questionnaire.Its validity was confirmed by a panel of experts and also its reliability was estimated to be θ=0.912 using ordinal theta coeficient. In order to analyze the data, SPSSwin20 was used. The correlation tests, mann-whitney U and ordinal regression were used for data analysis. The results showed that, approximately 59 as percont of respondents ranked their business startup competencies at high and very high level. Appliying ordinal regression showed that, three variables including gender, education and character can estimate 67 percent of possibility of changing the dependent variable.

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This research aimed to determine the improvement factors of short term in-service educational programs and motivational methods for employee’s participation development in these courses. The "Mix research methods" applied in this study. In qualify methods was used the In-depth interview and was used the survey methods in quantity sector. A research-made questionnaire was used as research instrument which its validity confirmed by a panel of experts and Average Variance Extracted (AVE) and reliability was evaluated by Cronbach’s Alpha and Composite Reliability (CR). Statistical population in qualify sector was included personnel education experts that were selected by snowball sampling.The 10 participants were selected. Statistical population in quantity sector were experts of ministry of agriculture jihad (N=280) and staff managers (N=1075). Sample size of experts and staff managers were determined by Cochran formula (n=160) and (n=162). The random sampling was used for sampling.The result showed that the effectiveness of staff training courses less than average in improving the effectiveness of job (12.64 from 20). The result of confirmatory analysis showed that in variables related to design factors, "Designation teachers Authorization in changing curriculum and course content", variable related to selection factor "using direct personals point of view", variables related to implementation, "implement forecasts made in the action plan" and in variables related to Monitoring, evaluation and modification factor, "monitoring technical and vocational teachers qualification" had the highest share in explaining the latent factors.

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SAFA L. | Azarnejad k.

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Given the vital importance of job performance and the key role of educators as one of the main foundations of education, recognizing the effective variables on improving the job performance of the educators is essential particularly professional competencies. Therefore, the main purpose of this research was to study the effect of professional competence components on agriculture high schools educators' job performance in the north west provincces. The statistical population consisted of all educators of agriculture high schools in the four provincces of Iran, including West Azerbaijan, East Azerbaijan, Ardebil and Zanjan (N=295), of which a sample size of 210 person was selected using stratified random sampling method. Data were collected using the research-made questionnaire. Content validity of the questionnaire was confirmed by a panel of experts. Furthermore, based on the values of Average Variance Extracted (0.525<AVE<0.807) and Composite Reliability (0.802<CR<0.948), the questionnaire had appropriate convergent validity and reliability. Similarly, Considering being greater the AVE values than Average Shared Squared Variance and Maximum Shared Squared Variance, the questionnaire had suitable divergent validity. The Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) multivariate technique (Partial Least Squares) was used to analyze data and for this purpose, Smart PLS software was applied. The results showed that three main components of professional competency namely basic competencies (b =0.208, r=0.01), personal competencies (b=0.297, r= 0.01) and educational competencies (b =0.434, r=0.01) had a positive and significant effect on agriculture high schools educators' job performance, explaining about 53 percent of its variances. In total, it can be concluded that the improvement and development of educators’ professional competencies in agriculture high schools can directly increase the level of their job performance.

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