One of the important necessities for grazing systems is informed for favorability of rangelands to provide daily requirement of grazing animal. Therefore in this study, favorability of habitat rangelands of Taleghan; that is spread in 39o, 50’, 20” to 36º, 21’, 30” north latitude and 50o, 20’, 5” to 51o, 11’, 22” east length in 110 kilometer from west of north of Tehran; to provide daily requirement of grazing animal in different grazing season stages, is determined. For this purpose, if the amount of metabolism energy in weight unit of plant type, was more than 8 Mj/KgDM, the plant type is considered very desirable; but if it had less than 5 Mj/KgDM, it is undesirable and if metabolism energy in weight unit of plant type was between 5-8 Mj/KgDM, it is desirable. Also, if the amount of crude protein in weight unit of plant type, was more than 7%, the plant type is considered very desirable; but if it had less than 5%, it is undesirable and if metabolism energy in weight unit of plant type was between 5-7%, it is desirable. The results showed; with progress of phonological stages, favorability of habitat rangelands became less. But, none of the plant types to provide daily requirement of grazing animal in different grazing season stages, were undesirable. Also the results showed; favorability of habitat rangelands to provide crude protein requirement of grazing animal, in the end of grazing season, is less than the first and middle of grazing season. In the 44.98% of rangelands of Taleghan, the amount of crude protein in weight unit of plant type, in the end of grazing season was less than 5%. Therefore in this situation, these rangeland to provide crude protein requirement of grazing animal are undesirable and recommend that supplement alimentary used for protection of status of animal requirement. Therefore, the time of grazing is effective on daily requirement and it is necessity to determine animal requirement in each phenoligical stages. It is clear that forage quality is changed with variation of weather, but due to the expense of determination forage quality is very high, can use the results of this research for estimate of animal requirement in different years.