In this research, the effect of important environmental variable on Artemisia sieberi species quantitative and qualitative were determined in Nodoushan region, Yazd province. In this purpose, forty-six various sites were studied. Forage yield, Canopy Cover and density over three line transects were measured in random plots 2 m2. Environmental data recorded were including the site location (longitude, latitude), altitude, aspect and slope. For each sampled site, four soil samples were collected from profiles of 0–40 cm depth. These four samples then were pooled together to form one composite sample, air-dried and thoroughly mixed. Measured soil properties were included: gravel, texture, calcium carbonate, gypsum, pH, EC, soluble ions (Na+, Mg+2 and Ca+2) and SAR. The matrix of environmental and species characteristics were prepared. The relationships between species characteristics and environmental variables were determined using of Redundancy Detrended Analysis (RDA) method. The results showed that the forage yield, canopy cover and density are related to both soil and topographical variables. Among the soil variables, saturation percentage (SP), Na+, Ca+2Mg+2 and soil texture have the most effect onA. sieberi forage yield, canopy cover and density. The A. sieberi species growing characteristics were also significantly correlated with the topographic variables, elevation and slope.