Using the cropping operations program can significantly save fuel consumption and energy efficiency.Prediction of the accurate amount of fuel requirements for tillage operation of the soil is difficult. Changes in humidity, soil type and tillage depth directly effects on the amount of fuel consumption. Bulk density of agricultural soils depends on tillage methods, the value of organic matter, tillage depth and implements.Therefore, in this study, the effects of four types of tillage implements including moldboard plow, heavy duty disk, chisel plow and combinated tillage machine (minimum tillage), on the amount of power required and fuel consumption and some soil physical properties including bulk density, penetration resistance and organic carbon contents in a randomized complete block design was studied. The results showed that minimum tillage with combinated machine, increased the amount of organic matter, reduced fuel consumption and needed less power.The highest fuel consumption of 58.03 liters per hectare and the lowest 8.64 liters per hectare, related to the moldboard plow and heavy disk, respectively. Mean values of soil organic carbon related to the moldboard plow, combinate, chisel plow and heavy disk were 0.31, 0.64, 0.50 and 0.55 percent, respectively. Differences in mean values of the soil organic carbon due to tillage with heavy duty disk and combinate compare to moldboard plow were significant and both were belonging to two separated groups.