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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
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This study with the purpose of sociological explanation of factors affecting Social Solidarity in between Rurals is conducted in three cities of this province. Aimed to this, after reviewing research literature and different schools of thought in this field, a questionnaire was designed containing 44 questions and was distributed among 165 15-year-old-andabove men and women rural regions of Ilam, Chardavel and Evan, using survey method. After extracting and processing the data gathered and preparing appropriate statistical indicators for independent as well as dependent variables, three statistical tools including regression analysis, t-test and ANOVA were used. The results show that variables of nepotism and Fatalism have positive and significant impact on Social Solidarity while Number of Family has negative and significant impact. The significant difference was found between two married and single individuals groups and two groups of men and women with respect to The Social solidarity (as dependent variable).The significant difference was found between Ethnics groups and type of Cultivation with respect to The Social solidarity.

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the main parts of economical and socio-cultural and political development of each country depends on the level of scientific improvement. Moreover universities has critical role in this matter. but nowadays the role of universities for education of student is not very successful. therefore most of the experts are worry about the real aims of universities for training the students. nevertheless most of graduated student were employed and their works does not related to their university majors.In this research tries to find the relationships between azad university graduated out puts in the fields of management (PHD) and professional and economical outputs, with attention to some variables such as sex, educational level, entrance year, age ….The main question in this research was” have azad university trained professionals to do scientific works and research’s” if have not what are the reason? Inputs? outputs? or the process?

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the present article tries to identify the roll of skill worker immigrants on getting multiple spouse in mobarakeh.The present article is a kinds of descriptive, for the purpose of analyzing the mobarakeh peoples attitude towards getting multiple spouse we used survey methods and collected questionnaire from 382 people.The methods of analyzing the data was T.test, F.Test, crascal test and valis.In qualitative parts of research, some of the information was gathered via interview from 21 natives and immigrant.each of variables divided in sub subjects.Overall, we can concluded from the achievement in research that the movements of people toward the choosing spouse are from outside of their ethnics and families.

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In this survey the sample size was estimated by cocran equation as 189 and used clustered sampling.The variables were, age, sex, site of employee, degree of employee, spouse awareness, first child awareness, second and third friend awareness. family medium use of PC and internet, spouse attitude for efficacy of internet, spouse education, there were meaningful relation between the subject and awareness of second child and first friend and there was meaningful relation between acceptance of internet and educational degree of mother and father, and first and second friends. The results showed no relationships between independence variables marriage position, education, educational degree of family and awareness of third friend and child and acceptance of ICT.The strongest effective variables was mean weekly internet usage hours.

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the main purpose of this article is to evaluate the power structure between Shiraz province families. The present article is kinds of quantitative research and survey. Sample gathered in spring of 1388 through 400 teacher married women in Shiraz. In this research power structure in families based on two main methods: work division method and women and men decision making methods.Data analyzed by regression methods. in conclusion decision making methods in families depends on women’s salary and work experience of husband. Moreover work division methods depend on work experience of husband and salary of husband.In conclusion important variables have critical roles in formation of power structure in shiraz families such as: education, husband salary, women s birth place, husband literacy.

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Social properties is one of the main important variables in literature of this article tries to investigate on social properties theories and the effects of that on other properties, for example the effects of human properties on social and round in reverse, furthermore financial properties and the relationships of that with some variables such as to desire of life and GNP, number of journal, political right, political stability, roll of justice, the roll of government in scientific investigation.Research was from the kinds of field study and conducted in some countries like ITALY, BORKINAFASO, NORVEY, AMERICA and IRAN.In conclusion, cross study research shows there is positive relationships between social properties and promotion in prosperity and other development parameters like economical development.

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هدف پژوهش حاضر، بررسی رابطه بین دینداری و کارکرد خانواده می باشد. بدین منظور 400 دانشجو از بین دانشجویان دانشکده های دانشگاه آزاد اسلامی واحد تبریز به صورت تصادفی خوشه ای چندمرحله ای انتخاب شده و ابزارهای مربوطه را تکمیل نمودند. ابزارهای مورد استفاده عبارت بودند از پرسشنامه معبد و ابزار سنجش خانواده. تحلیل داده های به دست آمده نشان داد که از بین سه بعد نگرش دینی، دخالت دادن دین در انتخابها و تصمیم ها با همه ابعاد کارکرد خانواده به جز ارتباط همبستگی معناداری داشت، اما مولفه های عمل به واجبات و مستحبات، به ترتیب تنها با دو و یک بعد از کارکرد خانواده رابطه معنادار نشان داد. تحلیل رگرسیون چندگانه نشان داد که دخالت دادن دین در انتخابها و تصمیم ها به صورت معناداری مولفه های کارکرد کلی، نقشها، حل مساله، پاسخدهی عاطفی، آمیزش عاطفی و کل مقیاس کارکرد خانواده در دانشجویان را پیش بینی کرده است، در حالیکه عمل به مستحبات فقط در پیش بینی حل مساله سهم داشته است. نتایج به دست آمده حاکی از این هستند که دخالت دادن دین در تصمیم ها و انتخابها بیشتر از دیگر ابعاد دین در کارکرد خانواده تاثیر دارد. نتایج مطالعه حاضر به صورت تلویحی به این مساله اشاره دارد که دین اسلام هم دارای رهنمودهای فردی و هم اجتماعی است.

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Mass media, due to their nature and content, are almost related to all economic, social, cultural and political aspects of societies. Therefore, they are among the effective variables in contemporary societies. Regarding the rapid changes in media technology in the past decades, the impact of this significant growth can be seen in the cultural and religious configuration of the societies. Widespread expansion and availability of mass media have had various consequences in cultural, religious, and national areas of communities, among them linguistic and literary identity is much influenced. It might be said that the similar and identical messages from the media could bring about public disruption and the crisis of religious identity. The expression such as globalization, integration, cultural invasion, and Americanization of culture reveal the same threat from these media. This research tends to explore the impact of mass media on linguistic-literary identity. In other words, the major questions are: -Do the mass media affect the lingual-literary identity of the youth.-What are the mechanisms of this effectiveness?-Finally, from the viewpoint of mass media, do we encounter any problem in the realm of Persian language and literature?To answer these questions, after the review of literature, the causal model including the mechanism variables was sketched.The population includes all the high school students in the third grade in Shiraz. The size of the sample, based on the Coukran formula, contains four hundred students, two hundred boys and two hundred girls. After excluding the falsified questionnaires, 385 ones were analyzed. The method is filed study and survey technique is used for collecting data. The construct validity, face validity, and the Cronbach alpha have been used for evaluating the validity of reliability. The tests used are person correlation, variance analysis, multivariable regression, and path analyses. The consequences of correlation analysis showed that the rate of media usage has a negative significant relationship with the lingual-literary identity, which means by increasing the usage of mass media, the lingualliterary identity will decrease.

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The topic of this project is Aims:1.Epidemiology of students’ socio-behavioristic abnormality in Islamic Azad Universities (district 2).2.To identify students’ Socio-behavioristic abnormality in respect of educational grade, gender, educational field, being married or single and being employed or unemployed.3.To determine relation between university factors and abnormality appearance in students.4.To identify family effects on students’ Socio-behavioristic abnormality.To implement above- mentioned aims, 4 questions and 11 hypotheses were compiled. The setting of study was Islamic Azad University (district 2) and testees were students. To determine statistical sample, because of geographical largeness multiphase sampling method was chosen, and because of heterogeneity of testees, university, gender and educational fields, nonproportional method was used and the most number from every category, i.e 51 people was randomly chosen (Rafipoor: 1373, p.289).The research method was the applied descriptive reason finding, and necessary data was maintained through carrying out a questionnaire in Lickret scale for every testee group separately. Descriptive statistical methods such as frequency distribution table, diagram, mean, quarters, standard deviation, variance and correlation coefficient, and inferential statistical methods such as F test an X2 were used by means of Excel software. In this way questions were answered and hypotheses were tested.

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