Water, as one of the most essencial element in universe, has always had a wealthy and high status, and its role establishing different human civilizations is absolutely clear for every one. Status and presence of this unique element during all history of human has been so exelent that even in some periods of history it has been worshiped. Water, for most ancient people, has been considered as a holly, pure, spiritual, heavenly element and a god-given gift. This kind of consideration has given a chance to water to gradually enter in mystical and religious culture of human in form of symbol, allogery and allusion, there fore human applys, the most and Persian mystical and quick interpretations about this substance. A sufian and Persian Gnostic–Arefs- that somehow has founded two major religious and mental streams, that is islam and some believes of zartosht–and based-on this fact that in two major religions water has special holliness and spirituality- have taken an important rol in creating and improving these quick and sweet interpretations. Am Iranian sufi and Persian-speaker always presented water as a symbol, of any pure, creating and valuable thing in from of symbol, allusian and metaphor. This paper seeks to investigate importance, concept, value and function of water, based on some mystical and sufian works.