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Boules joseph Salamah was a contemporary Lebanese christian literary man. He was a devotee of the Shiites, specially Imam Ali. One of his work in this field, is a epic poem named "Malhama of Ghadir feast" that has been comesed over 3000 verses about historical events related to a short while before Islam upto karballa event. It has a lot of traits of epic and it's one of the best works in contempory Arabic epical literature in which Imam Ali and Imam Hossein are heroes.In this article, traits of epic in Malhama of Ghadir feast will be examined and also, it will be proved to be a epical work.

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Human being is a social animal and from the very first days of his birth feels the necessity of communication in his life. Even crying, during his childhood can be interpreted as his first try in order to make connection with outer world but meanwhile something which has high priority is the ability of language usage. Our primary goal in this article is to investigate the position of language in Literature specially new age novel stream.In the late 20th century that human beings are faced with  no identity crisis, new age novel writers also influenced by social factors in their own novels, eliminating content, most efforts concentrate on the structure of their own works.Margurite Duras, by refering to human necessity of language communication of the same kind, tries to show evasion of the contemporary human from loneliness. Nathalie Sarraute investigates different layers of language and discusses about the conscious and the unconscious mind roles in speech revolutions. Alain Robbe-Grillet by mentioning the priority of objects to human beings tries to devote the main part of his novel to objects description. Claud Simon by destructing of language, time limitations asks for reader’s interference in progress of the story events and finaly Michel Butor by arranging both elements, time and places, tries to emphasize the role of language in creating personality revolutions.

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This article discusses two subjects: the first, common causes which effected on the literary renaissance, the second, the literary social common views which appearance in the modern poetry in Iran and in the Arad world.In the first subject, we find this common causes, political and social awakening, to disagree with their kings, learning the European literature, the establishment of the magazines and etc…. In the second subject, we have told about the new different subjects in the modern Arabic poetry and in the modern Persian poetry, for example: national poem, did active poem, and moral poem, social poem and public poem and etc….This research shows that there is the expanded common subject between Arabs and Persian nations in their literary renaissance.

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Spehri is naturalism,poet, painter, and affected by Qoran , Gospel , Buddha . he has mystical thoughts. Some are knowing his without mysticism and some others are saying his Islam mystic and some others  Buddhi mystic. Some are say a combination of this mysticisms. how is that Spehri affected by this characters and  mystical schools and important principles in his mysticism what are noteing in this article. Sepehri  has believes there is Pantheism that it is one of the  principles of  Islamic  mysticism. He is believe  that All humans have originated from of the Common source and they are Joining  him at last. He is believe to the Unity of  Religions and he tells all Religions have originated from of the Common principles and they are different in minutiae only.he is Biased nature and say it is Live and he is invited to return to it.

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بولس یوسف سلامه ادیب معاصر لبنانی با اینکه مسیحی است ارادت خاصی به شیعه و به خصوص حضرت علی (ع) دارد. از جمله آثار وی منظومه ای به نام «ملحمه عید الغدیر» است که در بیش از سه هزار بیت سروده شده و به ذکر وقایع تاریخی مقارن ظهور اسلام تا قیام کربلا پرداخته است. قهرمان اصلی این اثر امام علی و فرزندش امام حسین (ع) هستند. این منظومه تا حدود زیادی ویژگی های حماسه را در خود دارد و جزء یکی از بهترین آثار حماسی در ادبیات عربی در دوره معاصر محسوب می شود.

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The philosopher from different aspects have divided the human perceptions .one of them is the division of the perception into real and conventional perception. The conventional perceptions are the mental tools which human make them, up by them set their own behavior and to achieve their desired goals. Allame tabatabai divided the conventional perceptions into two categories: the perceptions before the community and the perceptions after the community. The conventional perceptions before the community include: Obligation, goodness and badness, lighter and easier choose, usage and society, following of a certain knowledge.

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Imam Amir-al-mu’minin pilgrimage in ghadir is one of the most important ones which had been commited by imam Hadi and a perfect period of believes are considered in it. One of the ways religion realitys express and Shiite school sciences, are prayer and ziyarat that established and teached by immaculates to shi’ayan.In this research to understand and use of these ziyarat concepts, the rejal books and chain of transmitters of these ziyarats are assessed.

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There are three viewpoints about the analysis of mythical or historical qualities in Shahname and the interpretation of the legend axis of its narrations: triple Berteles division, historical viewpoint and mythical viewpoint.In this paper, after discussion in some of these theories, and them, has been attempted to give a new interpretation in thise case, by descriptive criticism and has been divined the legend axis of narrations from Shahname in three paths:1-"Mythical history" (Kyumarth until Keikhosrow). 2-"The History of Religion Arise" (Lohrasp until Bahman).3- "Narrative History"(Bahman until end).

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In order to study the death in the France literature of 20th century, first of all we must consider the changes of the path and humankind’s prospects about the death and him/her facing with this phenomenon besides him/her believes about this everlasting fact. Because in any era the literature of any nation has been the manifestation of the individual and social’s believes and insights of the related age.The humankind of the 20thcentury, with the historical antecedent of wars and philosophical debates, confronting with disastrous world war and with the noticeable interruption in individual and socials’ point of views in his/her seclusion has another kind of relationship with death.All of the mentioned sayings have an outstanding reflection in the France literature of the 20th century. The author himself/herself is a part of this clause that exists out of the book and reveals himself / herself in the shape of words, figures, anxieties, yet she/he connects with the outside word.For this, reason their characters of the 20th century world are lonely persons who lack the ability of making relationship – captured with the inside vacuum and wondering in the outside wilderness. They proceed towards the unavoidable fate and either they will expire in their inside absolute loneliness or they will suicide.

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