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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
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Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Sheikh Abul-abbas Ghassab Amoli was one of the Greatest Sheikhs of the fourth century and he was a spirtual guid for Abu-sa'id Abul-Khair and Abul-Hassan Kharaghani and ect,…. He himself was Mohammad Ebn Abdullah Tabari's Murid(follower) and he was contemporary with Azad-od dowleh Deilami. Although Ghassab was illitrate, he could solve intellectual and mystical problem of the great men of his time.The author in this essay after introducing this personality, give an extensive account of Sheikh Abul-Abbas words following with the analysis of the Gnostic's opinion about him.

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By studying the Manzumeh Khosrow and Shirin from the view point of analytical psychology, we can understand that this Manzumeh is bivocal. It means that booming and suppressor voice of Nezami has been laid opposite to the voice of the female heroine and how surprising it is that this silent voice of Shirin defeats booming voice of Nezami. In fact the action as well as dignified and modest behavior of Shirin which is made by narrator, is the loudest voice through this Manzumeh, which continues till the moment of her quiet death. When we analyze the voice of Shirn which is arisen from unconscious of the poet, one realizesfrom a psychological view point, that the individual through inner self of the poet in paying attention to the personality of Shirin, has had a role more than theme of the story.

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Nietzsche is a life philosopher he says “yes” to the question of hardship and suffers of life. He believes human should live actively for destrowing the thought of fear death. He says that we should think about life rather than death and believes that select our death freely and consciously. But Kierkegaard is a sufistic thinker and says this is life that should be selected freely and counsiously. He knows life after death as everlasting happiness just like Christianity has promised it. This two philosophers move in two different ways but both are critics of common and customary Christianity and finally both of them reach to the same end that is individuality of human being.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

View 28337

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In late 12th century of Germany and France, in the field of the Cavalier Arthur’s Novels, the Holy Crown emerged in various ways in medieval century’s epic literature. The half Christian story and legend of the Holy Crown and search of the knights for that crown have come into writing in a leading method of thoughtful and literate master-piece. Believe and faith in a holy and mysterious object which holds unexplainable religious mysteries that have been established in an obvious way, are also introduced lively, in an evident loop of the literature. In this article the effort is to observe the structure and source of the emergence of the Holy Crown in the German literature which followed the French literature in that medieval period. In relation to this, the original German and French writers and initiator have also been criticized and observed, and the Parcifal piece was taken into consideration as the original source for research.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

View 2203

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Dream is one of the important subjects that were concerned by human being during the long history of humanity, therefore, literature, especially Persian poem, never forgets it. Mean while‚ the nature of epic poem because of its relationship to the myths take plentifully advantages from meanings ‚relations and symbolic language .Aside from characters ‚ethnicities ‚roots and its effects dream in Shah name is the center of gravity of many stories in Shah name that Ferdowsi because of awareness of the common aspects of myth and dream in literature area, specially in symbolic language takes properly advantages and make it more eternity. Although‚ abundance of dreams in Shah Name is high in quantity, but for shortening of article, authors pointed out only to some samples of Iranian dreams‚ for example: Sum‚ Keykhosrow‚ Siavash, and Anooshiravan’s dreams as well as Niranian’s dreams such as Zahhak‚ Afrasiyab, and Jarire. Any of these dreams has common sensible aspects like reflection of individual- unconscious mind. Also the common aspect of myth and dream is hidden in this subject ‚with this exception that the myths are due to cumulative-unconscious mind. In conclusion, In Shah Name, interpretation and obviousness of some Ferdowsi's thoughts require perfect understanding of dream.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Isfahan is a familiar name in the history and culture and Arabic Literature, because many noblemen and famous people that have writhen valuable books are attributed to this city.Arabic language and literature in Isfahan has come into being since fourth century A.H. and has flourished in fifth and sixth century in such a manner that Isfahan is nicknamed as, “second Baghdad” in 4th century A.H.Isfahan is the prosperous and fertile land of beautiful nature that God has endowed it with different natural blessings and because of this in the descriptive poems of this town's poets, nature has allocated a considerable part of the poetic contents to it. Form among all isfahani poets who were describers of the nature, we can name the following Abosaeed Rostami, mofazzal mafervekhi, Toghraee isfahani and Emadedin Isfahani.

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Known as one of the most famous contemporary philosopher, Jean-Paul Sartre (1905-1980) has provided the profound thought to introduce his concept of existentialism in his literary works. The cycle « Paths of freedom » which appears after the Second World War, is the sum of Sartre thoughts in this regard, which reveals the internal link of his thought and action. The writer can’t escape from the situations and that his engagement is a special case of this concept of liability based on freedom. So what we do, commands to choose. In fact, his hero « Mathieu Delarue » is presented as his imaginary brother and Sartre by confirming this theory that the human being is free for choosing a new way, challenge his character in his history. We will see in this trilogy how the hero goes farther than the author himself in his quest of freedom.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

View 2237

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People who work in different jobs of society have stress and pressure in their life and pressure is imposed upon them in different methods. Career developments such as organizational changes, salary changes, promotions, increase or decrease in human resources and social transformations are topics which impose pressure on people and make them anxious and confused. (Robinz, 1372). Considering that at least one third of our life is spent at work environment and on the other hand, many of our social relationships are formed during work hours, stress from work or job stress can be effective in health and human satisfaction In addition to effective performance. In general, people who are under high stress, have less health and pleasure. Horn and Kevick have shown that job stress can cause behavioral, medical and psychological disorders among people. Behavioral disorders such as increased smoking, drug abuse and ... cause occupational accidents and invasion and aggression which are the first and the most striking symptoms of stress. Psychological consequences of occupational stress occur in the forms of family problems, sleep disorders and depression. Medical problems caused by job stress lead to preparedness for different types of infection and more severity of physical symptoms of disease in these people. (44) Positive stress adds freshness of life. All people tolerate a certain amount of stress in their life. Reaching deadlines, competitions, conflicts and even the attitudes and concerns gives depth and richness to life. Our goal is not elimination of stress but to learn how to use it to help ourselves. Much less stress leads to apathy and make ourselves fatigue and apathy. On the other hand, excessive stress creates tension. What we need to know is the optimal and desirable level of stress that we exert, but we will not be drowning in.

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