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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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The alcohol and water extract of four Plantagom species at the age of 2, 3 and 5 months, were analyzed on three bacterial and one fungal sooshes. None of the extracts were able to completely inhibit the microorganisms' growth, however at the 5 months stage and with a concentration of 1000 μg/ml, the alcohol extract for species such as P. major, P. Lanceolata and P.amplexicaulis had a mild inhibitory effect on the growth of st. aureus. In all three different age groups, P. major had a better inhibitory effect on C.albicans than the other species of Plantago.Also in all the three different age groups and 125-1000 μg/ml concentration, the water extracts of Plantago, had absolutely no effect on the three bacterial sooshes, and a very weak effect on C. albicans. In general the alcohol wxtracts demonstrated a better inhibitory result than the water extracts, and the three bacterial sooshes, and very weak effect on C. albicans. In general the alcohol extracts, and the 5 months old plants were better able to inhibit the growth of microorganisms than the 2 or 3 months old varieties. For none of the extracts an MIC or a minimum inhibitory concentration was completely achieved yet the extracts of some samples showed an 80% inhibitory concentration.

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Metallic soaps, are the salt of fatty acids, that have, widely industrial uses in cosmetic, pharmacy, rubber, polymer and petrochemistry and also, as a anti foamier and dam proof. One of the most important metallic soaps and useful in industries is metallic stearates. In this research, we have studied the kinetic of formation of Zinc Stearate ((C17H35COO) 2 Zn), from Zinc Hydroxide (Zn (OH) 2) and Zinc Oxide (ZnO) reagents, with stearic acid (C17H35COOH) in solid phase. The Solid phase reaction have been carried out in an electrical mixture as an agitating reactor, which in addition to milling the reagents, also, increase the interface between them. The optimum value of water in absence and presence of catalyst, and also, that of acidic catalyst have determined.Temperature changes have been measured as the more important environmental factor, in equal intervals respect to initial laboratory temperature. Finally, efficiency of reaction of zinc hydroxide with stearic acid in absence of catalyst and in best case has obtained 72.11%, which increased in presence of formic acid catalyst to 95.99%. For the reaction of zinc oxide with stearic acid, the efficiency in absence of catalyst and in best case has obtained 76.61%, which increased in presence of formic acid catalyst, to 91.98%.The efficiency of both reactions in presence of acetic acid catalyst, is approximately similar to formic acid catalyst but by considering the obtained results, formic acid is preferable one. The Changes of remained zinc value, reaction progress and changes of melting point draw for optimum conditions.For reliability of product formation, also, was have studied FT-IR spectra in the end of the reaction. Finally, for better understanding, we have described the mechanism of reaction of surfaces on basis of physicochemical aspects of them.

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View 1901

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This research project has been done for recognizing of geological and gemological properties of Miyaneh agates and estimate of their reserves for local, gem cutting industry. This research is include preparing 40 samples for thin section, cabochon and facet cutting, XRD and XRF analysis, recognizing of gemological parameters and thermal dyeing of agates.The main factor for agate mineralization is the wide acidic volcanism in late eocene and early oligocene. Agate mineralization has been caused inside the rhiolite, ignimbrite, trachyte and trachy andesite in open space filling form. Mineralization is observable in 6 areas, include: Mavi, Zirinjin, Vehil, Qezqalasi, Dash-qalasi and Valestan in banded form. Stelled, radiated, banded, fibrious circular and etc structures are visible in Miyaneh agates. Indigo, skyblue, red, orange, colorless, gray, green and black agates can be found in this area, that blue and light gray are more than other colors. The main factor that effected the colors of agates are copper for blue color, iron and manganese for black, red and smoky colors. All the agates have a good to excellent polishibility and they have not pleochroism and fluorescence. Their transparency is good to waxy, hardness between 6.7 to 7 and density of agates are from 2.63 to 2.66. Experimental research shows that the best temperature for thermal dyeing is 500ºC for red and orange agates and 550 ºC for light and dark blue.

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At first, zinc oxide nanoparticle was prepared in ammonium bicarbonate medium using chemical precipitation method. Then, the effect of different parameters including ammonium bicarbonate concentration, ammonia concentration and temperature of reaction was evaluated and the optimum conditions was determined. The prepared zinc oxide was studied by BET, X-ray-diffraction (XRD), transmission electron microscopy and ultra violet-visible spectroscopy methods. The results show that the particle size of prepared zinc oxide under optimum conditions is about 15 nm.

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Astragalus L. (Fabaceae) is generally considered the largest genus of vascular plants with the estimated 2500-3000 species and 250 sections. Among which Astragalus ssp. is used primarily for the production of economically important gum, traganth. The roots of several Astragalus spicies represent a very old and well-known drug in traditional medicine for its usage in treatment of nephritis, diabetes, leukemia, uterine cancer and as an antirespirant, diuretic and tonic.Mostly flavone and flavonol glycosides and their aglycones displaying different biological activities were isolated from Astragalus ssp. The most interesting properties of flavonoids are their antioxidative, vasodilatory antimicrobial traits. Flavonoids are members of a class of natural compounds occurrence in the plant kingdom. In regard to economic and medicinal importance of Astragalus genus, this survey carried out for determination and discrimination kinds and levels of intraspecific diversity in Astragalus gossypinus individuals from west of Iran. In this order leaves flavonoid components of different individuals of Astragalus gossypinus in 29 various stations from west of Iran extracted and analyzed by TLC (Thin Layer Chromatography) method. Obtained data from flavonoid surveys analyzes be SPSS and MVSP package with WARD and UPGMA methods. Finally, results from flavonoids studies showed intraspecific diversity. Accoarding to these results, different phenolic groups of Astragalus gossypinus obtained from west of Iran. These groups exist in different stations with various ecological conditions. Studied ecological factors contain: soil texture, pH, Ec, Slop direction, elevation and… Ecological factors analysis carried out by Anaphyto and MVSP software with C.H.E, F.C.A and C.C.A methods. Obtained results showed between studied ecological factors elevation has the most important role in creation intraspecific diversity between Astragalus gossypinus species in the west of Iran.

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The silisiclastic sediments of Neyzar Formation (lower Maestrichtian) are exposed in the eastern of Kopet-Dagh basin NE Iran. It is mainly composed of sandstone, siltstone and shale with a minor amount of sandy fossiliferous limestone. Sandstone is the most important lithofacies in this formation and is mainly composed of quartz and minor amounts of feldspar opaque and clay minerals, glaucony and biogenic debris. Based on characteristics of texture and sedimentary structures they may have been deposited in lagoon and shallow marine environmental conditions (foreshore-offshore). The most important diagenetic processes are cementation and replacement that have been well observed in petrography study. The texture and morphological characteristics of glaucony grains (absence of half-moon and sickle-shaped forms) indicate that they are not reworked and have formed as authigneic mineral. Potassium feldspars and opaque ferron oxid minerals may have been the source of Fe and K for glauconitization. This process has taken place in the suboxic to slightly anoxic environmental conditions.

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Beneficiation of ilmenite and preparation of synthetic routile from ilmenite concentrates was used in different countries. In this work we have used a hydrometallurgical method for preparation of synthetic routile from Kahnoj (Kerman, Iran) concentrate. For removal of FeO from ilmenite crystal network (FeO.TiO2), the HSAB (Hard and Soft Acid and Bases) principle was used. Thus, the leaching of ilmenite concentrate was done with mixture of mineral acids, such sulfuric and hydrochloric acids, and hydroxylic compounds, such as methanol, ethanol and ethylene glycol. The synthetic routile with 75%purity was a result of this work.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Electrically Conductive polymer Latex materials that possess good electricala and Latex properties are prepared in two steps: first, a concentrated emulsion is generated by dispersing with stirring a toluene solution of pyrrole (PY) and host polymer (isobutylated urea-formaldehyde resin) and emulsifier (Span-80 or poly (N-Vinyl pyrrolidon)). Secondly, the oxidative polymerization of monomer is carried out by introducing with stirring an aqueous solution of an oxidant [(NH4) 2 S2O8] and a dopant (Para-toluene Sulfonic acid).After polymerization, prepared latex have been extensively characterized using scanning electron microscopy (SEM), FT-IR spectroscopy, four point conductivity measurement and DSC.

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