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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
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The basic characteristic of urban planning in Iran from the start, to the contemporary meaning of it, is its Top-down approach. This approach is based on central government policies rather than focus on needs, goals, the wants of citizens and the city facilities. This planning is provided according to the statements of central government as an invariable document and is communicated to urban managers in order to be performed. In the current concept of global competition, a well planned city should have the best quality of life for people in addition to effective efficiency and function. So that the citizens can play the effective and active roles in forming urban environment. Urban planning managers have tried different ways to participate people in urban affairs, but these ways failed as a result of Top-down approach. In this paper, we have tried to follow the approaches by means of which it would be possible that participial planning to become instituted in urban planning of Iran. Therefore, the main purpose of the paper is paying attention to new approach (CDS) with Down-top and local characteristic, to encourage the public participation in urban planning of Iran.The research method is descriptive-analytical, in which the public participation, participial planning and the importance of it in urban planning have been discussed and through describing the CDS approach, the goals and the process of provision of it, the role in the performance of participial planning, have been studied.As the result of this study, the City Development Strategy (CDS) approach is a participial process (real participation) that involves all of urban users of the whole society classes. In fact, CDS is a participial decision making where main purpose is the provision of urban sustainable development by means of creating social capacities to fulfill the public participation.

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This study aimed to investigate of relationships between Astragulus and topographic elements such as aspects, slope and elevation classes in central Zagros. For this purpose, the study area was divided to three elevation classes and three classes of slopes and defined four aspects in it. Vegetation types were studied by physiognomic- floristic method in the field. The factors of vegetation (canopy cover and density of Astragulus) were measured by transect with systematic-randomized method. Data were analyzed through analysis of variance one way (ANOVA) and homogeneity Duncan test. Statistical analysis indicated that maximum and minimum canopy cover percentage of Astragulus respectively was related to eastern and western aspects. Maximum and minimum density of Astragulus respectively related to northern and southern aspects. The elevation class of 2300-2500m had the highest canopy cover and density of "A. parrowianus" and the minimum of these factors occurred in elevation class of 2500m<and slope class of 50-60%. We found that grazing intensity (excessive), intentional and prescribed fire, change of rangeland use to agriculture in low elevations, low soil depth, intensive winds all caused to canopy cover decrease and density of A. parrowianus.

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The important spaces among various destinations making instant attention for tourists are cities. Also population and historical cities are attractive many tourists. City spaces form attractive for spaces. Because cities Perform advanced and perfect human settlements and involve main central economic, science, recreational, medical, professional etc. for tourists. With special historical and cultural attractions they have many opportunities for tourists on the basis of inherited source and ancient monuments.The approach in this research is field based on studies, descriptive and on the basis of analytical study. Tourist spaces methods of historical-cultural city Tabriz of and potentials and limits that have effective role in planning and tourism management have been considered.Results of the research show that tourism space in Tabriz settle it as effective historical space especially in central part. Therefore this part of city with suitable local position and closeness to commercial, service and administrative sections. However, air pollution is outstanding and also transportation problems are very clear. We proposed to raise services standards of tourism; active renovation and rehabilitation of city transportation, presentation of financial exemption for private parts for investment in tourism are proposed. Creation to information and propaganda are central in suitable management of tourism planning in Tabriz city, which could assist with tourism development and suitable tourism space.

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This paper aims at analyzing regional inequalities in 2006 and forecast development priority in urban places of East Azerbaijan Province. The study area consists of urban places of East Azerbaijan Province in 2006. The method of study is descriptive-analytical. The study consists of thirty nine indices including health, cultural, economical, infrastructural, housing, physical education, and finally combination of these indices using factor analysis and HDI methods that examined the degree of development and ranking of the regions. By using cluster analysis method the urban places of East Azerbaijan were grouped in three levels as developed, developing and deprived. Finally, using the regression model the priority of the development in the urban places of East Azerbaijan was is determined. Regression model results shows that share of the indices of health, housing and infrastructural, physical education and economic estimation have greater degree of development and the decrease of regional inequalities. With respect to the regression model health and infrastructural and housing indices suggest priority for less developed, developing and developed regions respectively. The physical education and economic indices are two priorities that suggest less developed, developing and developed regions.

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The aim of the present research is the use of MFI (moisture fluctuation index) with the purpose of determining moisture fluctuation susceptibility and its comparison with the existing land uses in GIS environment (geographic information systems). By so doing the susceptible land uses for probable droughts in Sarab Plain could be specified. At first monthly precipitation records of the existing stations in Sarab plain were studied through SPI (as a standard index) for the statistical period, and the year 1379-80 was specified as the driest year while year 1383-84 as the wettest one. The data obtained were transferred into the GIS software and finally, we interpolated land cover susceptibility inside the GIS. Followed by this, the appraisal of susceptibility of ground surface versus the precipitation element fluctuations was modeled by mathematical models. With the utilization of satellite images of ETM+ (drought) and SPOT (wet years) the vegetation cover index of NDVI of the region was prepared for the years of study. With the provision of land use map of the area (dry farming, irrigation, urban points, rangelands, etc.) and the comparison of it with the zoned map the moisture fluctuation index of Sarab plain and the effectiveness pattern of the type of land use of the region from drought occurrence were determined in the course of spatial analyses in GIS. Based on the results acquired, agricultural productions of dry farming in west of Sarab were categorized in the first grade and the agricultural productions of irrigated lands in the middle and finally the horticultural products in the next stage were most affected by moisture fluctuations.

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In this article, first with definition of the deconstruction, tried try to examine its view to city and urban planning. Deconstruction is realized as text interpretational theory that is the purpose text analysis and is included out of reach of basic knowledge in of philosophy, linguistics, littoral theory and believes in urban planning to diversity of cities. Speaking about them according to personals and groups views in city and quality of city life circumstance, is a kind of deconstructed hierarchical relations between different land use activities and different land use careers in urban planning. It is attended to diversity in land there use patterns and there is not on offered or ordered method about it.

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Soil erosion is a complex and potentially dangerous geomorphic feature and its rate is a reflection of the type of land management and growth index in any country. For reaching a better and correct land management level it is necessary to recognize sensitive zones of erosion in catchments and their utilization to be based on their potentials and limitations afterwards.In this article we have applied Fuzzy theory operators to recognize the areas susceptible to erosion and their zoning according to the erosion potentiality. Results obtained are closer to the reality due to the lack of firmness and flexibility of classic methods in valuing the data. The total input data used in this study include: lithology, the present land uses and vegetation cover, topographic gradient, and the density of runoff drainages.Study of the nature and structure of Fuzzy logics and the accordance of output maps of Fuzzy operators with the erosion realities obtained from field works indicated that: In the zoning of lands susceptible to erosion, the Fuzzy deterministic operator has a higher utility sue to better specification of lands susceptible to erosion compared to Fuzzy multiplication operator. Therefore, we propose higher sensitivities on the issues such as land use, utilization management and water, soil, and plant conservation and the possible costs imposed to managers, and the method proposed is Fuzzy added up method for the recognition of erosion susceptible areas.

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Hail is one of the crucial climatic extremes in agriculture. The extent of damage caused by hail is different depending on the type of crops, hail size, its shower size and the phonologic stage of plants. Understanding the methods of managing this crisis depends on our knowledge about the frequency of hailing and its tempro-spatial distribution in important agricultural areas. This study aims to identify these factors in order to design a plan for reducing hail damages in the vulnerable areas of the East Azerbaijan Province. For this purpose, the daily minimum temperature data were collected from 6 stations in East Azerbaijan Province between 1987-2006 by the measures from April to September. The basis was seasonal calendar of crop production. Results revealed that the highest amount of hailing happened in the north east of the Province (Ahar district), while the least was in the North West (Jolfa district). April and September showed the highest and the least amount of hailing respectively.

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