The aim of this study was to estimate the validity and reliability of the multiple response-multiple choice academic achievement tests. The design of this study was psychometric. Population of study included all of the courses presented in the second semester of academic year 2015-2016 at Tabriz Islamic Azad University, for master's degree in educational science department, which were 65 courses and the sample was 4 courses which were randomly selected. Measuring devices, including researcher made academic achievement tests, which their content validity was confirmed by 5 professors and their internal consistency was calculated by Cronbach's Alpha coefficient. To investigate the validity of the test, the correlation between multiple response-multiple choice test and other types of tests was calculated by using Pearson correlation test. The results showed that, the designed multiple response-multiple choice tests were reliable and the correlation between the scores of multiple response-multiple choice tests and the scores of True-False tests, Short answer tests, Essay test and Matching tests were statistically significant and the correlation coefficients respectively were 0. 628, 0. 771, 0. 865, 0. 669. Therefore multiple responsemultiple choice tests, which were designed, were valid and also reliable by estimating its correlation with other types of tests.