The present study was conducted with propose of Confirmatory modeling of The Iranian Elite Sport Coach Evaluation Scale. This study was performed todescriptive survey way. Fordesigning a scale fore valuating the performance ofthenationalcoachesin theFederations ofranking1 and 2, a list of effective variables on Coaches performance have been provide and aconfirmatory study have been conduct. For this purpose, a Questionnaire consists of 35 components & its reliabilitycoefficient that was determined by themethod of Cronbach's alpha, was equivalent 0.974 (0.01>P). For collecting the data, were asked 450 people as Elite Athletes, Elite Coaches, and Managers with high Experience in Athletics Sport, Experts and Professors. Due to this, 407 questionnaires were completed. After analyzing the data, Confirmatory Model & Scale of Iranian Elite Sport Coach Evaluation have been made.Results showed that due to this model, there are 5 factors that have the most important at the Iranian Elite Sport Coach Evaluation Criteria. In this confirmatory model the variables & loading of each to introduce each factor have been identified. Goodness's of Fitness of the model have been accepted & then the model has accepted. Thestructureof exploratoryfactor analysis was confirmed. The 5 factors & variables have been identified to present for managers. In this model, 3 factors of Technical Skills, Leadership Skills, and Special Skills which appearedasindependent variables have affected coaches' Communications Skills & finally affect coaches' Practical Skills. The equationof the Communications Skills is composed of Technical Skills, Leadership Skills, and Special Skills which Specialskillsarea negativefactor. In theequation of Operationalskills, communication skills are the only importantfactor. In thestructuralequation, the negative role of specialskills indicates the poor performance of coaches.Theproposedscalecanbe usedto evaluatethe performance ofthe national coaches. But should attention to the factor load to each variable and there lationship between the agentsin side model. The role of Communication skills as the center of gravity of the model, is particularly desirable. It is useful for manager to held Refresher courses for coaches to improve their leadership skills & s pecial skill. Also the negative role of specialskills indicates the poor performance of coaches inthis area thatneed tobe consideredin selecting coaches.