Extreme cold and frost are considered to increasing damage to agricultural and installations. Synoptic analysis of these glaciers helps predict their occurrence. In this study, in order to study the coincidence of cold waves of the west of the country, the minimum daily temperature data of four Hamedan, Khorramabad, Sanandaj and Kermanshah stations during the statistical period of 1961-2010 for cold months of the year were prepared from the Meteorological Organization. Then, the numerical threshold of cold waves was obtained using mean and standard deviation of the minimum daily temperature, and as a result 56 days with cold waves were determined. The SLP data and HGT for 56 dayswere used to extract and analyze the patterns of surface pressure and the geopotential height, respectively using hierarchical cluster analysis based on Ward’ s method. The results showed that a cross-sectional pattern was identified as the main cause of cold weather in the studied cases. In this pattern on the surface of the sea, the central core has a central pressure of more than 1032 hp on the north-western and western of the country, which, due to the circling around the region, causes a high loss of high latitudes. Atthe level of 500hPa, deeptroughislocatedin the western partof the regionwhichIt causes the vertical flow of the western winds and the northern flow of streams and currents, as a result fall with in the northern cold air down through the long, important role in the occurrence of cold temperatures, resulting in the occurrence of cold waves in the area.