Introduction: Development of societies depend on the level of education and the quantitative andqualitative development of the educational system, in particular the higher education system. Considering theimportance of the problem-oriented model in increasing the effectiveness of education in, the purpose of thisstudy is to introduce an effective problem-oriented model to promote medical science education. Methods: This quasi experimental study was conducted on 43 students of the Faculty of Midwifery, Islamic Azad University-Larestan Branch in 2016. The sample was selected according to convenientsampling method. 23 students were enrolled in the experimental group and 20 in the control group. Theresearch instruments included two attitudes and satisfaction questionnaires as well as a graduation test. Thecontent validity was used as a validation tool. The reliability of the satisfaction and attitude questionnairewas 87% and 83%, respectively according to Cronbach's alpha and the reliability of the course test was 91%according to the Kurdr-Richardson method. Findings: The results of this study indicate a general improvement in midwifery education in three areasof attitude (p <0/000), satisfaction (p <0/000) and learning (p <0/000) of learners according to the initialprinciples of education from David Merrill. Conclusion: This model can be used in general medicine and midwifery education in particular.