This article is intended to re-read the rise of comparative literature and its development in the Islamic world in general and the Arab countries and Iran in particular, highlighting on the eastern islamic trend that have been marginalized by the western islamic trend on which the comparative studies in these countries have been centered, in order to gain access to a fuller and wider identity for comparative literature in the Muslim world, and in order to complement the picture of the reality of global comparative literature. The article try, also, to remove from the western islamic trend the virtue of temporal priority in using the term "comparative literature" and attributed it to the eastern islamic trend, in addition to trying to assign a part of the virtue of establishment of comparative literature in the Islamic world to the classical Arabic and Persian literatures. The article deals with the most important phases of comparative studies between the literatures of Muslim peoples, as well as the changes in comparative literature created by certain forums - as "Arab unity" and "Islamic unity"- for political and religious purposes, to make comparative literature consistent with the eastern and and Islamic societies. These things in comparative literature in the islamic world lead to focus on the "French School" in Comparative Literature, as well as the to the rise of the terms "Arab School" and "Islamic School" in the face of of other western and eastern trends in comparative literature, and led, on the level of time, to focus on the classical period, in which the islamic world had the ideal unity of all its aspects, and, finally, lead, on the geographical level, to the narrowing of the circle of comparative literature to the literatures of islamic peoples and delete the other western and eastern literatures from the circle of its interest, in order to go out of the margins of the western center, which does not see in the literatures of islamic peoples, in particular, any weight in the international comparative literature.