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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
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The objective of this research was to investigate the effect of parental skills training on decreasing maternal stress. So, 250 individuals were selected randomly among mothers whom their children were studying in an elementary school. They completed the parenting stress Index (PSI, Abidin, 1990), then 80 over stressed mother's were selected among them and ultimately 38 mothers assigned randomly in two groups as experimental and control groups. After sessions training, pre-mentioned test were applied on Mothers in both group. Using depended T test to compare two groups, revealed that parental skills training can decrease maternal stress significantly (P<%5).

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This research has been conducted to evaluate the effectiveness of group therapy on solving parent-adolescent conflicts and reduction of aggression in young adult children. Research method was chosen to be semi-experimental with pre-test, post-test, witness-group and repeated measurement. Research society consisted of 25 young adult girl between 14 and 15 years of age and their parents which were chosen voluntarily among people who came to psychological clinics of regions 4 and 5 of ministry of education in Mashhad. To obtain preliminary data, to measure the severity of conflicts PCRS was utilized and to measure aggressive behavior of children Aggression Questionnaire of Boss and Perry was used. Analysis of variance with repeated measurement and LSD follow up test was used to compare mean values. Results show that the success of group therapy with multiple families involved, in solving conflicts (P<0.05). Results also indicated that group therapy has meaningfully increased positive feelings and dialogue between adolescents and their parents in comparison with two other control groups. However the hypothesis of reduction of aggression was not supported statistically.

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This study compares the effectiveness of two Behavioral Approach (BA) and Adler-Dreikurs parent training approach on improving family environment components. For this purpose, Barkley program (BA) and STEP (Adler-Dreikurs approach) were utilized. Five schools were selected randomly from region 7 in Tehran and 60 parents whose 7-11 years old boys had received the highest scores on Child Symptom Inventory (CSI-4) were randomly assigned into Behavioral, Adlerian and control groups. For data collection, in addition to CSI-4, the Family Environment Scale (FES. In order to analyze the data, Analysis of Covariance test, two-way ANOVA and Tukey and Bonferroni Correction follow up tests were used. Analysis of research findings showed in Adlerian group, control and conflict components of family environment reduced, and intellectual-cultural orientation and moral-religious emphasis increased. But in Behavioral group just conflict reduced. Considering the role of family environment on the formation of conduct disorder in children, indicating the effectiveness of Adler most important way in adopting this method, therapeutic strategies are appropriate for conduct disorder. However, further research in this field considering the essential role of effective variables seems.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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This survey was done to study the effectiveness of communication skills on mental health of freshmen of science, at Kerman university. The method of the research is experimental, pre–test and post–test. Includes 180 people, from which 30 were chosen, using random sampling. Students were divided into two groups of control and experiment. The questionnaire of (Gold berry and Heelers) mental health was applied twice, pre and post tests. The T–rest results revealed a meaning full difference between control group and experiment groups means of mental health, and disorder in their physical and social performance. There is not a meaning ful difference between the group's mean of sleep disorders, and stress and depression grades in post–test. In other words, teaching communication skills did not have meaning full effect on student's communications skills did not have meaningful effect on student's sleep disorders and stress and depression. Generally, statistical analysis showed an increase in people's mental health, after the increase of teaching communications skills (p<0.03).

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The aim of this study was to investigate the structure and definition of romantic missing from prototype perspective. In the first Study, Iranian young participants (age 18 to 33) generate features of missing a partner. In the second Study, another group of participants (age 18 to 33) rated the centrality of features gathered in the first Study. In the third Study, the most 20 central features generating the prototype of romantic missing was given to tow groups of participant (age 18 to 33), couples in long distance relationship (LDR) and couples in close relationship (CR). Results of exploratory factor analysis on the third study data supported three factors for the romantic missing prototype which are: desire for communicating and being together, imagining and thinking and feeling sad and separated. Two groups of LDR and CR were compared by the use of independent T-test and differences in total missing score and also each three factors score were significant for these two groups. A prototype measure of "romantic missing" offered to assess the extent to which partners experience romantic missing during interpersonal separation (N=20, a=0.921, M=102.65, SD=22.82).

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Executive functions describe as higher level processes that controlling and monitoring elementary (object) mental operations Neuroimaging studies have identified some of cortical areas involved in executive functions, frontal and prefrontal mostly. Because of these processing occur in a proportional second, those couldn't be tested by traditional paper-pencil tools exactly. With introducing computers as a valuable tool for psychological and neuropsychological assessment, developing computerized version of tests to be extensive. Since according to researches, the Wisconsin card sorting test is one of the most distinctive test for frontal and prefrontal executive functions, in present study, we effort to design and developing Wisconsin computerized version based on a standard version. For differential validity, according to scores of Revised Eysenck Personality Questionnaire (EPQ-R), 2 groups including high anxiety (Anx+) and low anxiety (Anx-) were selected and performed computerized version of Wisconsin. The results indicated that means of outputs differ in 2 groups. Also, cronbach's alpha and split-half coefficients of computerized version showed that it has suitable reliability in Iranian subjects.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Gratitude is a contruct that attracts much attention in recent decades. Also gratitude used to correlational, comparative and interventional studies. This study is examination of effect of training strategies for gratitude increase (based on the Emmons & Seligman pattern) on the expansion of positive affectivity, happiness and optimism. Subjects were 91 student of three Iranian University in Iran, they were selected by cluster sampling and complete satisfaction form for this study. Then, 72 subject's remaind until the end of interventions. Finally, they were assigned into to 4 groups (Emmons, Seligman, Verbal-Action & Control) randomly. They completed PANAS Scale and Axford Questionnaire. The results showed significant increase in positive affects by Emmons, Seligman and V-A interventions, and increase in happiness by Seligman and V-A interventions. The results also indicated that three training strategies for gratitude increase positive affectivity and happiness.

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