Aging is a critical period in human life. Considering the specific needs of this period, it is highly important to pay attention to The Religious Orientation and its influencing factors in the elderly. Given the importance of this issue in maintaining and improving people’s health, the present study aims to investigate the relationship between Religious Orientation and irrational beliefs in the elderly. The statistical population included all the elders of Kahrizak sanitarium in 2014, among women and men individuals were selected using simple random sampling. Then the selected samples individually answered the Religious Orientation and irrational beliefs questionnaires. The results showed that the exogenous variables Irrational Beliefs Religious orientation, variable helplessness in the face of change (P<0.05, r=-0.26) and irresponsibility emotional variables (P<0.05, r=-0.33) relation there was a significant positive. Results of regression analysis showed that the extrinsic religious orientation 0.62 explain irrational beliefs. The variable Irrational Beliefs, Internal religious orientation, helpless in the face of changing variables (P<0.001, r=-0.68), variable demand for approval of others (p<0.001, r=-0.40), identical avoid the problem (p<0.00, r=-0.56) variable emotional irresponsibility (p<0.001, r=-0.57) have a significant negative correlation. The results of regression analysis showed that intrinsic religious orientation 0.42 explain irrational beliefs. It can be said that irrational beliefs are one of the factors affecting the elderly’s Religious Orientation.