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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
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This is semi-test research with nonequivalent groups with control group, and pre-test and post-test was designed and conducted by generalization of surveying the effectiveness of group education of marital enrichment program (Olson Style) on improvement of married women's satisfaction whose husbands were not participating in marital relation improvement program. For this purpose, 40 women were selected by available sampling among statistical population of married women visiting one of Health Centers owned by Tehran District 6 municipality, having at least one child, not working as full-time and having no complaint or divorce request at time of research. These women were divided to test and control groups by non-random method. Test group attended in ten 90-minute sessions of marital relation improvement by Olson Method, while control group did not interfere as waiting list. In order to measure dependent variable, 40-question Enrich Scale Form (Bahmani & Asgari, 2006) was used. Data were analyzed through SPSS-16 for calculation of abundance, mean, variance analysis, Levin's statistical test, and covariance analysis. Results of multi-variable covariance analysis showed that total marital satisfaction mean for test group was more than control group and statistically differences were meaningful at level of 1% probability (p<%1). Therefore, it could be concluded that marital relation enrichment program by Olson style improves women's total marital satisfaction even their husbands do not attend in this educational program.

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The purpose of this research is determination of differences in marital conflict, marital satisfaction, and sexual satisfaction between women with relative marriage and non-relative marriage. For this, 191 married women among nurses (100 people with non-relative marriage and 91 persons with relative marriage) employed in Tehran hospitals were selected by cluster sampling and Enrich marital satisfaction, marital conflicts, and sexual satisfaction questionnaires were conducted. Results of single- and multi-variable variance analysis showed meaningful differences between two groups in marital satisfaction variables and their aspects (except sexual relation), marital conflicts and their aspects, and sexual satisfaction. Comparison of means indicated that women with non-relative marriage have higher marital and sexual satisfaction and lower marital conflicts than women with relative marriage. In general, the research results showed that women with non-relative marriage have more satisfying relation in comparison with the ones with relative marriage.

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The purpose of this study is determining the influence of life skills education on Semnan University students’ general health. In a test plan having pretest and posttest with control group, 54 students were selected and categorized in test and control groups. Participants completed general health questionnaires in two steps. Test group attended in ten sessions on life skills education which was held once per week. Covariance analysis indicated that life skills education has meaningfully improved test group students’ general health and has significantly reduced body symptoms, anxiety and insomnia, social performance disorder, and depression in test group in comparison with control group (P>0.05). As a result, it could be concluded that education of life skills is used as an effective strategy for improvement of students’ general health.

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This research was conducted for recognizing the relation between procrastination and high school students’ general health. Statistical population of the study was all students of girl high schools in Western Islam Abad. 116 students were selected through random cluster sampling. Research tools included Schmitz, Deihel, and Schwarzer procrastination questionnaire, and general health (GHQ-28). Pearson correlation coefficient, step-by-step regression, and single-way variance analysis were applied for data analysis. Analysis results showed that there is positive meaningful relation between general health and procrastination. It means that the more procrastination and delay is among students, the more general health problems they have. This relation was higher for sub-scales such as anxiety and depression but no meaningful correlation between other sub-scales and procrastination. Step-by-step  regression results indicated that among general health variables, anxiety and depression are predictors of procrastination and totally 0.13 of variance can determine procrastination. Other findings showed that there is no meaningful difference between girl students in different academic majors on general health and procrastination. Current research findings are compatible with previous researches based on existence of positive relation between mental problems and procrastination.

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The purpose of this research was surveying effectiveness of group therapy based on detached mindfulness meta-cognitive model on hypertension-suffering female patients’ hypertension and anxiety. For this, 30 women suffering hypertension were selected by simple random sampling and were categorized in two test group (15 persons) and control group (15 persons). The methodology of research was testing. The applied tools were Beck anxiety questionnaire and mercury manometer. Test group attended in 8-session group therapy based on detached mindfulness meta-cognitive model. The resulted data were analyzed by covariance analysis test. Findings showed that group therapy based on detached mindfulness meta-cognitive model could reduce female patients’ hypertension and anxiety.

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Purpose: there is idea in society that some people have more accidents because they are more accident vulnerable. Usually, characteristics related to accident vulnerability are surveyed in researches’ backgrounds. But at this research influence of a human factor, attention in occurrence of dangerous behaviors, is studied. Methods: statistical population was 140 drivers of a transportation company, selected based on large number of accidents. Participants attended in two steps of tests (providing matters unrelated to participant's ear and their repetition by him in the first step, and three-digit report by participant in the second step which at least one digit from unrelated message is included in it). Findings: research tools were 48 different pair messages including digits and words unrelated to each other, sent to both ears of participants simultaneously. Tools used from laboratory psychology for measurement of attention showed relation with accidents’ archived data (p<0.05). Relation rate for deletion error and interference error in the first step was respectively 0.31 and 0.34 and attention deviation error in the second step was 0.36 (p<0.01). Also, second step error could predict accident vulnerability. Conclusion: based on this research results, characteristics and attention have critical role in creation of accidents. Second, nature of errors in each steps of attention differs.

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The purpose of this study was testing of indirect effect of work-family conflict on life satisfaction of Shiraz hospitals nurses (340 persons) through testing of a multi-mediator model. Using a multi-mediator approach, indirect effect of work-family conflict on life satisfaction was simultaneously tested through two mediators of job satisfaction and family satisfaction. In this research it was tried to clarify two general perceptions: First, work-family conflict can indirectly influence general quality of individual's life. Second, general quality of individual's life satisfaction is depended on two main aspects of his life (job and family). Using Preacher and Hayes’ multi-mediator model, rate of direct and indirect effects of this model and their statistical meaningfulness was evaluated. Eventually, this research approved the two general perceptions. In addition, it determined special indirect effects of the mentioned mediator variables.

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Introduction: The purpose was determination of relation between sexual functionality and marital compatibility in married women. Having satisfactory sexual relation providing satisfaction for both sides of family, has an important role in feelings of prosperity and success, and durability of family life. Due to some cultural limitations and obstacles available in our society, in most cases, not only couples do not refer to consultation centers and experts, but also avoid discussion on it with each other and this avoidance sometimes cause deep family conflicts which leads to emotional separations or divorces while sexual satisfaction and marital satisfaction has significant effects on couple compatibility.Material and Methods: 200 married women referring to Tehran psychology and psychiatry institute with age range of 18-50 year were selected by available sampling method. The required data was obtained through Rosen Female sex functionality inventory (FSFI) (2000) and Spanier marital compatibility questionnaire (1976). The two mentioned tests have high validity and reliability. Obtained data were analyzed by step-by-step regression and correlation statistical tests.Findings: there was meaningful relation between sexual activity and marital compatibility in women. Sexual desire and sexual satisfaction determined 30% of marital compatibility variance.Conclusion: considering the results that show sexual functionality plays role in prediction of marital compatibility, it seems that attention to treatment of sexual disorders and obtain of correct information and education related to it leads to improvement of women's sexual satisfaction and finally continuance of family life and marital satisfaction.

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This study was conducted aimed at designing and testing causal model of relation between confronting styles and positive and negative affection and forgiveness in students of university. In this causal-correlation study, statistical population was all students of Chamran University which 351 students (208 girls and 143 boys) were selected as the sample by step random method. Respondents answered to Hartland forgiveness scale (HFS), confronting style questionnaire (CSQ), and positive and negative affection scale (PANAS). Evaluation of proposed models was done using structure equation modeling (SEM) based on AMOS-16. Structure equation modeling analysis showed that proposed antecedents model are not graceful to the data and needs some requirements. Therefore, by omission of non-meaningful routes, fitting of final antecedents model with data was approved 0.06 by RMSEA.Application of Chi square test confirmed final model improvement procedure. Based on findings, strategies of confronting, through adaptive positive affection, has indirect meaningful effect on forgiveness while among non-adaptive confronting strategies, emotional confronting had indirect meaningful effect on forgiveness by negative affection. But for avoidance confronting, such indirect meaningful relation with forgiveness was not observed through negative affection.

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It is recognized that day forms (morning, moderate, eventide) are related to many of meta-physiologic, cognitive and conductive variables and therefore there is need to Persian questionnaire for measurement of these body preferences. This research was done aimed at surveying psychometric features of morning-eventide questionnaire (Horne and Ostberg, 1976). This study was conducted on 270 students of Allame Tabatabaie University and Tehran University of Science and Researches and four questionnaires of morning-eventide, Beck depression, Oxford happiness, and general health were used for examination of structure validity (convergent, divergent, and factor structure). Considering the correlations achieved between morning-eventide questionnaire and other three questionnaires, and also main questionnaire factor analysis, structure validity of Persian version of this questionnaire was approved. In addition, appropriate Cronbach Alpha Coefficient (-0.79) was achieved. According to suitable statistical analyses and obtained results, it seems that Persian version of morning-eventide questionnaire has appropriate validity and reliability for measurement of day forms and could be effective tools for this.

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The purpose of this study is determination of factor structure and psychometric features "negative self-picture scale" (NSPS). So, after preparation of mentioned scale and implementation of basic steps as well as omission of possible problems, NSPS was done on 574 Shahed University bachelor students, selected by cluster sampling and factor structure of this tool was surveyed by heuristic confirmatory factor analysis. Results of these analyses represents NSPS 4-factor structure which respectively include: "concerns on appearance of physical defects", "concerns on of social competency defects (1)", "concerns on of social competency defects (2)" concerns on defects and disabilities related to anxiety symptoms control". In order to study NSPS validity and its factors, internal consistency coefficients and retesting coefficients were calculated. Results represent NSPS acceptable validity and its factors. Validity study of NSPS structure and its factors with 6 scales ( SIAS SPS, LSAS-SR,SPIN ,DASS-21, BDI-II) shows that Pearson correlation coefficients between NSPS and other scales is meaningful and only its correlations with LSAS-SR is at least and non-meaningful which will be explained. Generally, this study provides evidences for accuracy of factor structure NSPS acceptable validity.

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