The current research has been conducted to investigate the effects of different seed coating treatments on seed germination of canolaunder drought and salinity stresses. For so doing, it has conducted two factorial experiments, based on completely randomized designwith four replications in the central laboratory of Aburaihan Campus, University of Tehran. In both experiments, one of the factors hasincluded 10 different seed coating treatments (T1-T10), varying in terms of seed priming type, the kind of coat, and employedfungicide. The second factor has been different for both experiments. The first experiment investigates the levels of drought stress, viz. 0,-0. 8,-1, and-1. 2 MPa, while the second one deals with the levels of salinity stress, viz. 0, 7, 14, and 21 ds/m NaCl. Results indicatethat the lowest hydrotime constant (θ H) belongs to T9 (22. 627 MPa h), T3 (22. 538 MPa h), and T6 (22. 263 MPa h), with the lowestbase water potential (Ψ b (50)) observed in T4 (-1. 332 MPa) and T1 (-1. 324 MPa) and the maximum germination percentage undersalinity stress (Gmax) showing up in T2 (86. 75%). Furthermore, the highest threshold to salinity tolerance (Xo) belongs to T3 (16. 38ds/m) and the highest germination rate to T3 in all levels of salinity. Totally, seed coating treatments of T3, T6, and, T9 have been thebest treatments under drought stress with T3 being the best treatment under salinity stress. Also, investigation of relations among theparameters of hydrotime model and salinity model indicates that by decreasing the hydrotime constant, the threshold of salinitytolerance will be increased and more negative values of base water potentials result in higher values of maximum germination insalinity. What is more, seed priming with humic acid improves germination rate and can increase the threshold of salinity and droughttolerances. As a result, seed producers are recommended to use seed priming with humic acid prior to any seed coating treatment.