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Background and Objectives: In addition to the genetic effects on the morphological characteristics and quality of the medicinal plants, environmental factors have an important role on the plant growth and their quality. Soil properties have effect on the characteristics of medicinal plants. Unfortunately, investigation of the effect of soil properties and manure application on the morphological characteristics of medicinal plants is rarely considered. Therefore, the main objective of the present study was to find out the effect of the different soil properties and manure application on the morphological characteristics and quality of peppermint (Mentha piperita L. ). Materials and Methods: The pot experiment was performed as a factorial in a randomized complete block design (RCBD) with three replications. Factors were consisting of three soils series (Chaharmahal, Boldaji and Sefid-dasht) of Shahrekord plain in Chaharmahal-Va-Bakhtiari province and two levels of control (no application of animal manure) and application of animal manure (147 g per pot equal to 30 ton/ha). Firstly, the soil physicochemical properties were determined and after the cultivation period, the vegetative characteristics, plant yield, essential oil content and yield were measured. Results: The results showed that the effect of soil, animal manure and their interaction on leaf length and width, number of leaf per stem, stem height, leaf fresh and dry weight, stem dry weight, biological yield and essential oil yield were significant at 1% probability level in both cutting. Also, means comparison showed significant differences between different soils. The sefid-dasht soil with more phosphorous, soluble magnesium and K and less calcium carbonate equivalent caused increase in growth, biological yield and essential oil yield in both cuttings. Moreover, fertilization had a positive and significant effect on the leaf length and width, leaf number per stem, leaf fresh and dry weight, biological yield and essential oil percentage and yield. Means comparison of interaction showed that the most biological yield and essential oil yield were obtained in sefid-dasht soil and usage of manure in both cuttings. Conclusion: The results showed that morphological characteristics and quality of peppermint (Mentha piperita L. ) were statistically different at the studied soil series. Also, results demonstrated that the Sefid-dasht and Boldaji soil series have the highest and lowest potential for peppermint (Mentha piperita L. ) production, respectively. Moreover, fertilization had a positive and significant effect on the leaf length and width, leaf number per stem, leaf fresh and dry weight, biological yield and essential oil percentage and yield.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Background and Objectives: Intercropping defined as growing two or more crops simultaneously in the same field, considering for its more sustainability and higher yields compared to sole-cropping. More developed and distributed root systems besides efficient architecture may enhance uptake and efficiency of nutrients. Application of organic fertilizers, on the other hand reduces environmental pollution and lead to longer nutrients recycling in agricultural systems. Considering these issues, this study aimed to evaluate nutrient efficiency of dragonhead-soybean intercropping nourished with organic manure and chemical fertilizer. Materials and Methods: A RCBD factorial experiment with three replications was conducted at Shahrekord University research farm in 2016. Five sowing patterns include: Sole-cropping of soybean (S), sole cropping of dragonhead (D) and three intercropping ratios of them (S: D 2: 1, 1: 1 and 1: 2) as first factor were evaluated at two fertilization sources (chemical fertilizer and broiler litter) as second factor. Dragonhead and soybean were harvested at flowering and maturity stages, respectively. Concentration of nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, copper, iron, zinc and manganese were determined for each plot. Finally, uptake of nutrients was calculated by multiplying the concentration by yield. The relative crop yield and relative nutrients yield in intercropping were calculated. The analysis of variance for the obtained data was done by statistical analysis system (SAS V. 9) software. The mean comparison was done using the least significant difference (LSD) test at the 5% probability level. Results: The result showed that the maximum uptake of nitrogen (10. 59 g. m-2) and phosphorus (1. 79 g. m-2) were obtained in sole cropped soybean and dragonhead treated with organic manure, did not show significant difference with intercropped ratio of soybean: dragonhead (1: 1) under the usage of organic manure. The highest uptake of potassium (14 g. m-2), iron (0. 253 g. m-2), zinc (0. 065 g. m-2) and manganese (0. 080 g. m-2) were achieved in sole cropped dragonhead treated with organic manure too. While for copper the highest ones (0. 0135 g. m-2) were obtained in sole cropped dragonhead under the application of organic manure, showing no significant difference with sole cropped dragonhead treated with chemical fertilizer and soybean: dragonhead (1: 2) ratio under the application of organic manure. The highest relative yield of nitrogen (1. 04), phosphorus (1. 09) and iron (1. 03) was obtained in soybean: dragonhead (1: 1) under the application of organic manure. The greatest relative yield of potassium (1. 07), copper (1. 32) and manganese (1. 03) was observed in soybean: dragonhead (1: 2) under the usage of organic manure. In this study, organic manure showed significant gains in terms of nutrient uptake compared to chemical fertilizer. In addition to, uptake efficiency of nutrient was higher compared with sole cropping. Conclusion: Intercropped patterns especially for organic manure application enhances nutrient efficiency. So, enhancement of uptake efficiency reduces the need for fertilizers in farm, in addition to lower environmental hazards contributes to increasing economic efficiency.

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Background and Objectives: Salinity, especially NaCl, is one of the most important abiotic stresses which limits crop productivity in dry regions like Iran. Also, soil and water heavy metal pollution is increasing in developing countries, which may suppress crop yield. The adverse effect of salinity on crop growth may be affected by soil cadmium content and vice versa. Purslane is one of the oldest and the most salt tolerant plant species having medicinal and edible uses in arid climates. Little is known about growth response of purslane to combined effect of NaCl and cadmium in soils. The aim of this study is to investigate the interaction of NaCl and cadmium on vegetative and physiological characteristics, sodium (Na) and cadmium (Cd) uptake and accumulation in roots and shoots of purslane. Materials and Methods: This experiment was arranged as factorial based on complete randomized design with four replications and conducted in growth chamber with 25/18 ° C temperatures. Factors included growth medium NaCl concentration at four levels (0, 23. 1, 57. 4 and 100. 2 mM) and cadmium at five levels (0, 0. 5, 1, 2 and 4 mg/l). Seeds of purslane (local ecotype of Jiroft) were sown in 1-litre plastic pots filled with coco peat-perlite (2: 1) and were watered until full emergence and establishment. Then, seedlings were treated with Hoagland solution containing calculated amounts of NaCl and cadmium until 87 days afterward. Results: Significant decrease in shoot biomass started from 23. 1 mM NaCl and 2 mg/l cadmium. Also, leaf greenness index (SPAD value) decreased with increase in salinity in each cadmium level; however, when no cadmium was applied, SPAD did not significantly decrease up to 57. 4 mM NaCl. Similarly, salinity had no significant effect on leaf relative water content (RWC), but in each salinity level, RWC decreased with increased cadmium level. On the other hand, tissue electrolyte leakage significantly increased with NaCl concentration, however, increase in Cd concentration had no substantial effect on it. Shoot and root Na content linearly increased with salinity, but in each salinity and Cd level, contents of Na in roots were significantly higher than those of shoot. Same results were observed for shoot and root Cd content. Shoot Na content was not significantly affected by Cd concentration in growth medium until 2 mg/l Cd and only 4 mg/l Cd significantly increased it. Conclusion: Although sodium chloride and Cd contamination decreased purslane growth, but our results suggest that considerable accumulation of Na and Cd in roots of purslane inhibits excess translocation of Na and Cd to shoot tissues and further growth inhibition.

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Background and Objectives: Heavy metals are the pollutants that became a global problem because of their stability in environment. Each year on a global scale thousands of tons of heavy metals are release into the soil system. The most important pathway of exposure to human is daily intake of food. Accumulation of heavy metals in soil and cross the critical limit, make unsafe food which is menacing human health. The human body is adopted with essential elements such as iron, copper, manganese and zinc in special dose but high concentration of iron and manganese cause Parkinson's disease. High concentration of copper causes damage to the liver and high concentration of zinc causes malfunctioning of copper which has effect on immune system. Other metals such as lead and cadmium at any concentrations induced renal tumors, reduced growth and increased blood pressure, therefore, the risk of cardiovascular diseases for adults can be increased. This experiment was conducted to evaluate the non-carcinogenic risk assessment of heavy metals in spinach and coriander grown on metal contaminated soils which were collected from vicinity of Khuzestan Steel Company. Materials and Methods: For this purpose, topsoil samples (0-15 cm) were collected from around of Khuzestan Steel Company according to prevailing wind direction (east-west). Exact sampling location was determined using GPS. Total metal content was determined using aqua-regia solution digestion method. EDTA and DTPA extractable metal also measured with standard methods. The experiment was laid out in factorial completely randomize designs with three treatments consist of distance (100, 1000 and 10000 meters), vermicompost (0, 3% w/w) and peat in (0, 3% w/w) with three replications. Seeds of spinach and coriander were sown in pots and harvested after 8 weeks. Total metal content in plants analyzed after digestion with di-acid mixture. According to toxic level of Zn, Cu, Cd, Pb and Ni hazard quotient was calculated. Results: The results showed that organic manures stabilize metals and reduce the risk of their release into the environment. The effect of Peat on adsorption and reducing heavy metals transfer to plant was higher than vermicompost, whiles vermicompost was more effective in increasing fresh and dry weight of both of plants. By and large, heavy metals were reduced in soils as distance from factory increased. This is indicating the role of the factory to contaminate the surrounding land. Hazard quotient value in case of lead and cadmium were more than permissible limit but about others were acceptable which may be related to soil properties which are preventing heavy metals solution. Conclusion: According to nutrition aspects of vegetables and importance of providing high quality food, application of organic manure in soil can be effective not only in increasing quantity of production but also in quality of them especially in case of polluted area.

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Background and Objectives: The effect of plant growth promoting bacteria on increasing wheat yield has been demonstrated. Nevertheless, the effect of these bacteria on soil biological quality particularly in the stress conditions such as soil salinity was seldom studied. Therefore, the aim of this study was to investigate the effect of growth enhancer bacteria on growth parameters of Wheat and biological indices of soil under cultivation of this plant and salinity condition. Materials and Methods: In order to investigate the effect of inoculation with plant growth promoting bacteria (PGPB) on some soil biological indices and wheat growth parameters under salinity stress, a factorial experiment was conducted based on completely randomized design with three replications. The factors were salinity at four levels, control, 6, 8 and 10 dS. m-1, inoculation with plant growth promoting bacteria at three level, no-inoculation and inoculation with Pseudomonas putida and inoculation with Pseudomonas fluoresces. After the growth period, the plants were harvested and some yield parameters (such as parameters such as the root volume, root and shoot fresh and dry weight) and Biological indicators of soil (like Microbial Respiration and Microbial Biomass Carbon) were measured. Results: The results showed that the soil biological indices and plant growth parameters significantly decreased as the soil salinity increased; however inoculation with the bacteria significantly increased plant growth parameters. The inoculation with P. fluorescens and P. putida compared to the control (without inoculation) increased root volume by 83% and 25%, root dry weight by 38% and 7% and root fresh weight by 52% and 50%, in the salinity level of 6 dS. m-1 respectively. The highest microbial biomass carbon (1997 mg Cmic. Kg-1 dry soil) was observed in inoculation with P. putida. Inoculation with P. fluorescens could also increase soil microbial biomass carbon in the control from 987 to 1765 mg Cmic. Kg-1 dry soil. Compared to no-inoculation, inoculation with both bacteria in all salinity levels increased soil basal respiration and substrate-induced respiration. Conclusion: It could be concluded that the presence of plant growth promoting bacteria not only increased plant growth parameters under salinity stress, but also they improved soil biological indices such as soil microbial biomass carbon, basal respiration and substrate-induced respiration and thereby indirectly enhanced plant growth conditions and increased plant yield quantity and quality.

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Background and Objectives: One of the most important reasons for the decrease of yield in salt affected soils is ion toxicity, poor chemical and physical properties of soils, can have profound effects on crop ecosystems. In order to increase the plant production in saline soils, considering salinity and weather conditions, methods such as soil leaching, compatible plant cultivation, the use of suitable cultivars, agronomy operations and the use of plant growth regulating agents have been proposed. The aim of this study was to investigate the effect of humic acid compounds application on plant growth and yield and chemical characteristics of a saline-sodic soil. Materials and Methods: In order to study the effect of humic acid on soil chemical characteristics, wheat growth and yield of Arg cultivar, an experiment was conducted in a randomized complete block design with 4 replications. a split split plot experiment carried out as a randomized complete block design with 4 replicates in which there were 2 levels of irrigation salinity (2 and 10 dS/m) as the main plots, 4 levels of Humasterfood application in different stages of growth (without application, application in March or April and in both months) as the sub plots and also application of Parshumic in 3 levels (0, 75 and 150 Kg/ha) randomly in every sub plot. Before planting and after harvesting, soil samples were taken from the soil and the amount of sodium ions, the sum of calcium and magnesium, electrical conductivity of saturated extract, sodium ratio, pH and organic matter percentage were measured. At the end of the plant growth period, height, shoot yield, grain number per spike, 1000 seed weight and grain yield were measured and harvest index was calculated. Results: The analysis of variance of the data obtained from the experiment showed that the interaction between Humasterfood and Parshumic and the interaction effects of salinity, Humasterfood and Parshumic on shoot dry weight were significant at P<0. 05. The effect of treatments on soil specific properties also showed that the interactions between salinity levels and Humasterfood and Parshumic on sodium adsorption ratio (SAR) was significant at P<0. 01. Means comparison showed that the application of Humasterfood in March and April, decreased the concentration of sodium and calcium+magnesium and SAR as amount as 37. 3, 30. 1 and 28. 4%, respectively. Also, this fertilizer increased the shoot dry weight as 8. 5% compared to control. Conclusion: The ability of humic acid in humic acid containing fertilizers to modify the concentration of single and bivalent soil cations and changes in SAR, permeability and, finally, increased soil leaching are desirable and suggested their application in areas where soils are to be drainage constraints due to high SAR.

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Background and Objectives: Bioavailability and phosphorus mobility are lower in most soils than other essential nutrients. Although phosphorus is abundant in soils in both organic and inorganic forms, it is frequently a major or even the prime limiting factor for plants growth. Phosphate solubilizing bacteria (PSB) has ability to convert insoluble form of phosphorous to an available form. Applications of PSB as inoculants increase the phosphorus uptake by plant. Therefore, the purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of phosphorus solubilizing bacteria on phosphorus uptake and some characteristics of wheat. Materials and Methods: A factorial experiment was conducted in a completely randomized design with three replications in greenhouse conditions. Treatments consisted of four levels of bacteria (without inoculation (control), inoculation with Enterobacter cloacae R33, inoculation with Pseudomonas sp R9, inoculation with both Enterobacter cloacae R33 and Pseudomonas sp R9) and three levels of CaH4(Po4)2. H2O (0%, 50% and 100% of phosphorus requirement). During the experiment, characteristics such as plant height and chlorophyll index were measured. At the end of cultivation period, dry weight of root and aerial part and also phosphorus concentration in root, aerial part and grain was determined using spectrophotometry at 470 nm, the yellow method after dry digestion. The amount of phosphorus uptake in root, aerial part and grain was also determined. Also the amount of available phosphorus in the soil was measured after extraction with NaHCO3. Results: Results showed a significant effect of bacteria and fertilizer interaction on the soil pH and exchangeable phosphorus (P<0. 01). The lowest amount of pH and the highest amount of soil exchangeable phosphorus were observed in the treatment containing consortium of bacteria and application of 100 percent of plant phosphorus requirement. The interaction effect of bacteria and fertilizer were significant on chlorophyll index, dry weight aerial part and phosphorus concentration and uptake in root, aerial part and grain (P<0. 01). The main effect of bacteria were significant on plant height, dry weight root and grain yield, (P<0. 01). The highest grain yield was observed in the presence of simultaneous application of two bacteria, Enterobacter cloacae R33 and Pseudomonas sp R9 with 12. 7%, 7. 30% and 7. 30%, respectively. The highest concentration of phosphorus in root and aerial part was observed in the bacteria consortium and 50 percent of plant phosphorus requirement. Also, the maximum phosphorus concentration and its uptake of grain were obtained in the treatment of simultaneous application of two bacteria and 50% phosphorous fertilizer requirement with 31. 4% and 58. 4%, respectively, compared to the control (50% fertilizer requirement and no-inoculation). Conclusion: The results showed that microbial treatments increased the bioavailability of phosphorus in soil to absorb wheat. The highest amount of characteristics measured in the wheat plant was observed in the bacteria consortium and 50 percent of plant phosphorus requirement. Therefore, the use of microbial microorganisms capable of dissolving phosphorus can partially eliminate the fertilizer requirement and reduce the amount of phosphate fertilizer.

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Background and Objectives: Salinity is one of obstacles of planting and developing in arid and semiarid regions in the world. Nowadays, one of the major problems in agriculture is the lack of access to fresh water with suitable quality for irrigation. Generally, plants can feel a wide range of environmental stresses which eventually lead to oxidative stress in plant. Mechanism of resistance to some of the stresses is as the internal connection and is the result of a coordinated and complex planning. Contribution of arbuscular mycorrhizal symbiosis can lead to the improvement of growth and resistance to stress. Considering the development of the culture of using medicinal plants, as well as the expansion of salty soils, studying the effects of salinity on peppermint and mechanism of its resistance to salinity is necessary. Materials and Methods: To explore the effect of symbiosis of different types of mycorrhizal inoculation on yield, physiological characteristics and essential oil of peppermint medicinal plant under salt stress, an experiment was conducted in factorial based on completely randomized design with three replications in greenhouse. The salinity levels were 0, 2, 4, 6 and 8 dS/m and types of mycorrhizal included Glomus mosseae, G. intraradices, G. versiform and non-mycorrhizal. The traits measured were yield per plant, total phenol, antioxidant activity and concentration of nutrient. Results: Results showed that all the characteristics studied were significantly affected by the main and interaction effects of mycorrhizal and salinity stress. Furthermore, the results showed that the highest and lowest amounts of yield per plant, nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium were observed in the treatment of inoculation with R. irregularis under non-stress conditions and the lowest amounts of the characteristics measured were observed in non-mycorrhizal treatment under stress conditions. The highest amount of essential oil was observed in the treatment of inoculation with R. irregularis under 6 and 8 dS/m salinity stress conditions (4. 18 and 4. 42 percent) and inoculation with G. versiform under 8 dS/m salinity stress condition (4. 22 percent), and the lowest amount of essential oil was observed in non-mycorrhizal treatment under non-stress condition (0. 29 percent). Treatments of inoculation with F. mosseae and G. versiform were superior to control conditions, but their effects were lower in comparison with the treatment of inoculation with G. intraradices. The concentration of nutrients in mycorrhizal plants was higher, causing an improvement in yield per plant. Conclusion: Mycorrhizal fungus can decrease the effect of salinity stress through an increase in phosphorus uptake in plants. The results also showed that concentrations of potassium in mycorrhizal plants were higher than in non-mycorrhizal plants. Thus, with increase in the ratio of potassium to sodium, mycorrhizal symbiosis can protect plants against negative effects of sodium. Results showed that use of bio-fertilizers can improve quantitative and qualitative yield in peppermint, and it seems that bio-fertilizers are a suitable alternative for chemical fertilizers for sustainability of the production and protection of the environment. Mycorrhizal symbiosis in salty soils caused an increase in plant resistance to salinity and improved growth and yield per plant under stress conditions.

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Background and Objectives: The use of nitrogen fertilizers to increase crop yield is unavoidable. However, they application have so much environmental problems such as nitrate leaching to underground water and nitrous oxide emission to atmosphere. One of suitable solvent for these problems is the slowing release of urea to soil by compositing it with plant polyphenols. There are several documents that shows plant polyphenols can slow release nitrogen from urea and therefore can diminish N loss to underground water and atmosphere. In addition, they have positive effect on availability of necessary nutrient elements. Materials and Methods: To study the effect of composite of pomegranate fruit powder rich of polyphenol (PFP)-urea on yield of corn (single cross 704) and P and Fe uptake, a randomized completely block design with 7 treatments and 3 replications was conducted in University of Tehran, college of Aburaihan on 1393. Treatment were included: control (without fertilizer), 180 PFP (kg/ha), 180 urea (kg/ha), 180 PFP + 180 urea (micro-composite by mechanical method or M-PFP/Ur-1) (kg/ha), 180 PFP + 180 urea (micro-composite by chemical method or M-PFP/Ur-2) (kg/ha), 180 PFP + 180 urea (nano-composite by mechanical method or N-PFP/Ur-1) (kg/ha) and 180 PFP + 180 urea (nano-composite by mechanical-chemical or extruder or N-PFP/Ur-1) (kg/ha). Grain yield, P and Fe uptake by leaf and grain was also determined at maturity. Results: The results showed that the urea alone hadn’ t significant effect on grain yield but the PFP/Ur composites increased corn yield, Fe uptake by leaf and P concentration in grain compared to control, significantly. The maximum Fe uptake by leaf in amount of 54 mg/m2, occurred in 180 PFP+180 urea treatment (nano-composite by mechanical-chemical or extruder) which had significant difference with control. It seems that use of urea alone could not increase grain yield (according to Liebig rule), but use of polyphenol-rich plant powder could compensate this deficiency, enhanced leaf Fe uptake and therefore, has increased grain yield. Conclusion: The results of this study showed that the soil of experiment had so much Fe deficiency that did not response to urea fertilizer alone. But the PFP alone or in the form of PFP/Ur composites via increasing the Fe uptake by leaf and the grain Fe concentration not the grain P uptake, increase grain yield of corn.

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Background and Objectives: Cyanide is one of the most important contamination in the soil and environment. In recent years, researchers have studied the decline in cyanide levels by physical, chemical and biological methods. The phytoremediation is one of the new methods for reducing and refining soil and water contaminants. The main objective of this research is to investigate the Phytoremediation of cyanide with vetiver plant. Materials and Methods: A greenhouse experiment was conducted in a greenhouse experiment in a randomized design with three same samples in a research greenhouse in 1396 to evaluate the effectiveness of vetiver plant in different concentrations of cyanide. After providing the vetiver seedlings (Vetiveria zizanioides), they were grown in pots containing different concentrations of cyanide. Seven treatments of different concentrations were used in this experiment (mean cyanide content in soil G, 14. 37 mg/kg, F soil, 13. 77 mg/kg, E soil, 8. 09 mg/kg, D soil, 7. 53 mg/kg, soil C, 3. 23 mg/kg, soil B, 2. 52 mg/kg and soil A without cyanide (as control)). In two periods of two and four months, the amount of cyanide of the whole soil and plant was measured by distillation machine. The length of plant, leaf and roots were also evaluated and the results were analyzed by SPSS15 software and Paired Samples T test was evaluated. Results: The results indicated that the increase in cyanide content had a significant effect on vegetative characteristics of the plant and the highest leaf, root and plant length were in treatment A and the lowest in treatment of G and the amount of cyanide in the leaves and roots of the plant had been increased. However, by comparing the amount of cyanide in two months and four months, cyanide amounts decreased over time in the plant and the level of cyanide in the soil of different treatments was significantly lower in terms of cyanide content. Conclusion: In general, the results indicate that increasing cyanide content in the soil leads to changes in the morphological characteristics of the plant and vetiver plant has a very high resistance to soil cyanide and over time, the amount of cyanide in the soil decreases and the amount of cyanide in the plant has been reduced.

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